ZAPCO Digital Ref. DSP-Amp 4x50W

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#1 erstellt: 13. Nov 2006, 17:05

I will bring the amp back this week to my handler because it makes no sense to use this amp just for my rear fill and thought somebody else might want it. Right now the Zapco amps are hard to get and if you order them it takes for ever to get them. On mine I waited over 3 months and got lucky. I paid 525 and want 525 if any body is interested let me know. The guarantee has 22 months or 23 months left. the amp has never been installed. the 2nd reason I am bringing it back is to use the money more wisely in my car.
Like i said this will go back to the handler this saturday

Rgds Brian
#2 erstellt: 16. Nov 2006, 12:32
nobody intirested?

laterz brian
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