(T/V) Sony CDX-C910RDS + Audiocontrol EQX

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#1 erstellt: 02. Jan 2007, 09:48
I've got:


From the good old days from the ES line, 20 bits dac, copper chassis. Same as the C90R only no sub out. With Box, manual.

Headunit has played about 30 Hours, in superb condition

Audiocontrol EQX concert series 2

- EQ
- 2 way crossover
- 10 v maximum lindriver

In good condition with box and copied manual

Link to some sony info with picture, adn picture audiocontrol:
http://images.google...challiol.com/propert y/cars/Camry/cdxc910lg.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.schalliol.com/property /cars/Camry/cdxc910.html&h=85&w=234&sz=10&hl=nl&start=11&tbnid=gh9W7z uxr7FD8M:&tbnh=40&tbnw=109&prev=/images%3Fq%3DSony%2BCDX-C910%26svnum% 3D10%26hl%3Dnl%26lr%3D

I'm searching for a good headunit(alpine, clarion, or) with 3-way crossover and prefferably Time-alignment. Tausch with money possible.

When someone want's to buy:

Sony 175 euro
EQX 90 euro
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