4k ultra hd blu-ray recorder

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#1 erstellt: 22. Feb 2017, 15:26

does anyone know if there are 4k ultra hd blu-ray recorders on the market or when they will come ? the new panasonic 4k recorder seems only to be able to record on the hdd and not copy it on a blu-ray disc because it seems not to have a 4k blu-ray burner aboard.
kind regards,

frans callebaut
#2 erstellt: 08. Mrz 2017, 17:55
The panasonic-recorders are able to store native 4k-pictures und 4k-videos on the build-in-hdd or play from SD-card, a nativ-4k-camera provided. Playing/buffering/recording 4k-Disk-data is impossible.
General the recoders are "only" able to upscale a full-hd-signal from fhd-disk or hdd to a 4k panel. But that is rather unnecessary because in many cases a 4k TV-panel realizes a better result in case of upsacling to 4k.

There's no nativ 4k recorder on market yet.
#3 erstellt: 08. Mrz 2017, 19:57
4k/UHD can not be written to BD as there is no such thing like a "UHD Recording Standard" for consumer recorders yet and probably will never be.
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