Neu vorgestellt: Dirac Opteo for Headphone Audio

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#1 erstellt: 06. Jan 2022, 19:23
Dirac (für die reinen Kopfhörerhörer unter euch: das ist quasi der Mercedes der Raumkorrektursysteme) hat auf der CES 2022 ein neues Korrektursystem vorgestellt, das unter anderem auch den Klang von Kopfhörern verbessern soll:

Dirac Opteo for Headphone Audio
Dirac Opteo digitally optimizes headphone sound to overcome hardware limitations in an existing design and lets the headphones perform at their full potential, be it in-ears, on-ears, or over-ears. Dirac Opteo is easily embedded in headphones with market-leading Bluetooth chipsets, or, in smartphones for enhancing connected headphones.

Key features

  • Speaker optimization:
    Semi-automatic measurement-based filter design that removes unintended resonances and colorations to reach a crisp and clean sound canvas. By leveraging technology and insights from our mixed-phase room correction solution, Dirac Live, the high-resolution filters in Dirac Opteo achieve a superior sound performance associated with more expensive hardware.
  • Customizable target curve:
    Use the Dirac Opteo headphone music target or customize it with high precision and accuracy to reflect your own brand’s signature sound. Either way, Dirac Opteo helps you deliver a consistent sound across ANC modes and across all form factors in your product line, or even to adjust the sound target to different use cases.
  • Ready for embedding:
    Dirac Opteo is conveniently available on several leading headphone Bluetooth SoCs with easy deployment directly from the Dirac sound tuning process, allowing you to be in control by validating the final sound embedded in the product itself.

Man darf gespannt sein, was es bringt, was es kostet und wie und wo es "embedded" wird.
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