philips 58puk6809 get precise pixel

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#1 erstellt: 04. Feb 2015, 19:22
Hallo. Ich bin poosedor einem 58puk 6809 UHD. Ich frage mich, ob ich von Pixel zu Pixel gehen und wie die Serie 2011 und 2012 erforderlich.

Sorry für mein schlechtes Deutsch. Ich bin ein Spanier

Vielen Dank im Voraus.

Grüße aus Barcelona
#2 erstellt: 11. Feb 2015, 19:08
Niemand kann mir helfen?

Niemand hat eine philips 2014 und wollen versuchen, ihre Qualität zu verbessern?
Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 12. Feb 2015, 14:12
hey finitol, können wir es in Englisch versuchen?
#4 erstellt: 12. Feb 2015, 20:03
Hi Lennard!!

I'm interesting to know if is possible to get better color process on philips 6809.

My TV, 58puk6809, has a natural digital motion and pixel plus HD as color and sharpess function....but

last year people who had mid class models of 2013, as 6008 and 7008 series, TV's got better color process like precise pixel HD and plus HD motion...just changing own option codes by other than 8008 and 9008 series,,,,

I wonder if this is possible on 2014 series...

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance
Ist häufiger hier
#5 erstellt: 13. Feb 2015, 08:49
Hi finitol,

I think I get what you mean. You're asking whether its possible to change some internal parameters / so called "option codes" to increase the picture processing or whatever. To be honest I did not heard something like that and I think you will not find many informations regarding this topic. In the years 2012 / 2013 Philips sold a lot of TVs of the 6000 and 7000 series so that you've found a lot of user experience reports online then but the 58PUK6809 is not such a popular TV. I think you have to life with the options you have in the menu
#6 erstellt: 13. Feb 2015, 18:48
Uhhhhhmmmm, Ok.I get it!!

So, it's a pity to have better performance but 'hidden' by fabricant.

Although if you get some news about this stuff, make me know please.

Thanks a lot!!
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