HELP !!!! 46pfl6605d Ambilight problem in SAM mode

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 03. Okt 2016, 12:56
ea74121387788722 Sorry guys , I can't speak Deutsch . So please read English below.
8c58d1ec56e1d22d daface1660a25b24 a82b1b69db5a3626 de8b691b1b039d2c c7b89640168832d4
The model is 46pfl6605d/93
It is in the SAM mode ,Alignments , Ambilight option.

I turned the "module 01" brightness down under 100 by mistake, but can't go back getting over 100.Now the light comes from the left side is darker than before. you can see the brightness is 212, which is over 100 in "module 02" and this is the original value.

Is there some way like adding some code to the "FacAligns.txt" then send it back to the TV? And , what code should be added?

I'll be more than grateful if you help me with this!!!

[Beitrag von zjxgjp am 03. Okt 2016, 13:23 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 03. Okt 2016, 12:58
And this is how my FacAilgns.txt looks like
#3 erstellt: 03. Okt 2016, 13:08
I saw this post on the Philips support fourm, and it shows that Ambilight options can be set through coding the FacAligns.txt . But in my FacAligns.txt , there is nothing about the Ambilight. I think it just hidden and it will active when you add some code in it. But I don't know what should be added. Could you tell me ? Thanks a lot!!

[Beitrag von zjxgjp am 03. Okt 2016, 13:15 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 04. Okt 2016, 08:13
Anybody here?
#5 erstellt: 05. Okt 2016, 12:41
Please see here.

The later firmware have solved the problem. As you can see , the highest value of Ambilight brightness in SAM mode is 255, not 100 . It just firmware writer's fault to make the highest value 100 and this is really a child's play.
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