Philips LED-LCD´s!

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#1 erstellt: 24. Mai 2007, 11:09

Has it really been 10 years since the first Ambilight television? Does anyone care? After all, the press release was issued back in January at CES and missed by nearly everyone, including us. Well, Philips certainly cares and aims to celebrate by dishing out a triplet of Ambilight LCDs ranging size from 42-, 47-, and 52-inches. As you'd expect, they've got all the sweetest buzzwords covered: 1080p, 120Hz, LED backlighting. They also feature Philips' Perfect Pixel HD processing engine, plenty of HDMI inputs (3x on the 52-incher) and of course, Philips' Ambilight glow for a more immersive experience with reduced eye strain -- or so says Philips. Priced at $2,999 for the Ambilight Full Surround (independent lighting on all four sides) 42-inch 42PFL9832D (pictured) or $2,799 for the 47-inch 47PFL9732D and $3,599 for the big 52-inch 52PFL7432D with Ambilight 2 for that left and right glow. All are expected to roll Stateside as early as June.

Ob endlich 1:1 Pixelmapping, 1080p24 integriert ist und "Local Dimming" für die LED´s?
Einfache LED-LCD´s sind ja nix besonderes mehr.

Noch ein Link:


[Beitrag von celle am 24. Mai 2007, 11:10 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 25. Mai 2007, 19:21
das frage ich mich auch
für den Preis 42 zoll Ambilight Full Surround finde ich nicht schlecht !!
Optik sehr schön....

bin sehr gespannt im Juni,was sich ergibt....:prost
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