Philips CD 713 fernbedienbar?

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#1 erstellt: 06. Okt 2009, 19:02
Hallo zusammen,
weiß jemand zufällig, ob der kleine Bruder des CD 723, der ohne Fernbedienung ausgeliefert wurde, trotzdem fernbedienbar ist? Der Empfänger ist unter dem Displayglas zu erkennen, aber wenn man ihm unter die Haube guckt, kann man leider nichts weiter erkennen...
Viele Grüße
#2 erstellt: 09. Okt 2009, 17:56
The easiest way to find out is to try with a RC5-code remote.
The service-manual doesn't say if the IR-receiver is mounted or not.
However, you may be able to decide yourself when you know what to look for.
The IR-receiver has position-no.:7810
When you look at the back-side (copper-side) of the front-PCB the IR-receiver is positioned to the near-left of the microprocessor position-no.:7800
It has 3-pins only, indicated by numbers 1 & 3 (2 is not shown but is obviously between 1 & 3 )
IF the receiver is NOT mounted it will be very easy to insert one. It's just a standard 3-pin module that could be taken from any scrapped Video (Philips preferred, biggest chance of getting it to work)
Pin 1 = Output IR-signal to Microprocessor
Pin 2 = +5V (actually around 4,8V)
Pin 3 (and MAYBE pin 4) = Ground
Pin-4 on the schematic diagram probably refers to a shielding of the IR-module. Yours may have it or not.
You also need to make sure the electrolytic capacitor position-no.:2807 (100uF/10V) and resistor position-no.:3808 (47-Ohm/0,25W) are both in place. If not, just mount them and you'll be ready for remote-controlling the 713-CD. (Negative pin of electrolytic cap. 2807 goes to Pin-3 of the IR-module if you are in doubt on how the position it)



Ups, just noticed that wire-bridge position-no.:9804 HAS to be mounted for the IR-receiver to work. It makes the Ground-connection to the receiver. It's to the near-left of 3808 with just a couple of resistors between.

[Beitrag von tri-comp am 09. Okt 2009, 18:03 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 10. Okt 2009, 13:56
Hi Comp,
thanks for your help. I don´t know much about RC5 remotes. Do you mean I can test every RC5 capable remote control without entering a specific code first?
I have two Philips remotes here, one from a TV and one from a DVD Player. Both don´t work with the CD Player. Now I guess either they are to new and only support RC6, or the IR Receiver is not ready.
#4 erstellt: 10. Okt 2009, 15:41
I would contact the Philips Customer Support and ask them.
#5 erstellt: 11. Okt 2009, 23:42
You will just need an AUDIO-Remote with dedicated buttons for a CD-player. Any Philips remote with these buttons will do.


#6 erstellt: 11. Okt 2009, 23:51

Die Codes für TV oder DVD differieren gegenüber dem CD.

Den Job sollte jede Universal-FB unter 10 Euro erledigen können.

[Beitrag von _ES_ am 11. Okt 2009, 23:52 bearbeitet]
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