HD-DVD/Bluray Dual-Mode-Player kommt

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#1 erstellt: 04. Jan 2007, 11:37
Na endlich. Andere Hersteller dürften dann bald zum Nachziehen gezwungen sein ...


LG Electronics develops world's first dual-mode DVD player

SEOUL, Jan. 4 (Yonhap) -- LG Electronics Inc., South Korea's electronics giant, said Thursday that it has developed the world's first DVD player that supports two competing disc formats -- Blu-ray and HD DVD.

The dual-mode player will be launched next week at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the company said in a statement.

Global companies remain divided over which disc format they should choose for next-generation DVD players.

Created by Japan's Sony, the Blu-ray format is supported by Samsung Electronics, Hitachi, JVC and Toshiba, while the HD DVD, invented by Toshiba, is backed by Microsoft, Intel and NEC.

Discs based on the two formats can store much more data than ordinary DVDs, allowing for seamless and vivid video images.

LG Electronics said that its dual-mode players will ease confusion among consumers planning to buy new DVD players.

The new model will hit the U.S. market during the first quarter of the year, the company said, adding the exact timeframe and prices will be announced at the exhibition.
#2 erstellt: 04. Jan 2007, 14:09
Da war schon einer schneller
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