Pioneer BDP-320 SD mit found

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#1 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2016, 12:07
Hallo zusammen.
Ich habe oben genannten Blu Ray player mit folgendem Fehler.
"SD mit found"
Da keine Garantie mehr drauf ist öffnete ich das Gerät. Die SD Karte getauscht, darauf befindlichen Daten auf ne neue kopiert, brachte nix. Desertieren habe ich mit dem Pioneer Kundenservice Kontakt aufgenommen. Antwort war, bitte einsenden Fehler ist ihnen nicht bekannt.
Hat noch jemand das gleiche Problem?
Was könnte ich tun?
Gruß nic
#2 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2016, 20:25
Probier mal das:

My unit has developed an error message when you turn the power on that reads "SD Not Found". It flashes and you can't shut it off, you have to unplug the power cord to reset it and hope that it turns on again. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. This problem seems to be common but no one has answers to it. Pioneer never heard of it, and they want me to ship the unit to California at my expense. FIX: Use the remote to turn the power on; works every time. It must be the power button itself that has the problem. Unit still plays fine and gives outstanding picture, I didn't expect it to malfunction this soon.
#3 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2016, 05:58

LJSilver (Beitrag #2) schrieb:
Probier mal das:

My unit has developed an error message when you turn the power on that reads "SD Not Found". It flashes and you can't shut it off, you have to unplug the power cord to reset it and hope that it turns on again. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. This problem seems to be common but no one has answers to it. Pioneer never heard of it, and they want me to ship the unit to California at my expense. FIX: Use the remote to turn the power on; works every time. It must be the power button itself that has the problem. Unit still plays fine and gives outstanding picture, I didn't expect it to malfunction this soon.


Danke für den Tip. Funktioniert aber leider auch nicht.
Gruß Nic
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