+A -A
#1 erstellt: 14. Jan 2016, 18:40
Preis (Pflichtangabe!): 600€

Standort: 97638 Mellrichstadt

Zustand: Sehr gut


Verkaufe hier meine Emotiva XPA 2

Number of channels: 2 (stereo mode), 1 (monoblock mode)
Topology: fully discrete, highly optimized dual differential, high current, short signal path Class A/B with premium components throughout
Power output (all channels driven):
1000 watts RMS @ 8 ohm (Mono-Block mode)
500 watts RMS per channel @ 4 ohm (0.12% THD)
300 watts RMS per channel @ 8 ohm (0.07% THD)
Rated power bandwidth: 20 Hz to 20 kHz +/- 0.07dB
Broadband frequency response: : 5Hz to 100kHz, +0 -3dB
Amplifier gain: 29 dB
Signal to Noise Ratio:
1 watt: > 97 dB
Full power: > 121 dB
Input impedance:
unbalanced: 23.5kohms
balanced: 33 kohms
Power supply: 1,200VA toroidal transformer with 45,000uF low ESR storage capacitance
unboxed: 17” wide x 7 3/4” high x 19” deep
boxed: 23 1/2" wide x 12" high x 24 3/4" deep
Weight: 72.6 lbs (83.5 lbs boxed)

Kein Trafobrummen!

OVP vorhanden.

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