Software Loewe Connect

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#1 erstellt: 29. Jun 2008, 07:43
(sorry to do this in English - I can read German but not write it too well. Please answer in German if you prefer)

Does anyone know if there are also software updates for the MediaNetwork Player of the Connect? What is the most recent version?

I have some problems with playing HD content (MPEG4, MOV, WMV). If I select play, it briefly starts with a black screen but then it stops and goes back to the menu again without an error message. SD content (DIVX etc). play well. The HD content does play well through my Xbox360 so it is certainly caused by the Connect).

Does anyone else also experience this?

#2 erstellt: 29. Jun 2008, 08:12
Hey pjannssen,

the newest Version of the Connect Software is "08020500"

see this Thread -> here

But this version still has problems with the network connectivity - especially with EyeConnect. Hopefully Loewe will do an upgrade soon, because i am preferring EyeConnect instead of TwonkyVision for streaming my Media Content from the iMac to the Connect...

Greetings from Germany
#3 erstellt: 29. Jun 2008, 08:19
Hi raviolidose

Thanks for the quick reply. I have this version installed so I guess then I have the most recent one!

You do not experience any problems with HD content?

I also stream to the Connect with Twonky (on a QNAP server). I think it is a very nice mediaserver!

Greetings from the Netherlands!

(Good luck with the finals this evening, I hope you will win!!!)
#4 erstellt: 29. Jun 2008, 18:53
Hey pjansssen,

I played some Trailers (WMV-files in Full-HD) and they worked fine. MP4 with H264-compression didn't work. The other videos are in DVD-Quality and with them the mediaplayer worked also fine. Which Qnap do you have? I plan to buy a NAS (QNAP or Synology). Do you have any advices for that? Greetings to the Netherlands...

die raviolidose

Germany - España 3:1 (let's hope the best....)
#5 erstellt: 30. Jun 2008, 10:56
Hi raviolidose

Sorry about the match...

I have a QNAP 109. It is a fantastic device but has some issues with going into standby. So if you find this very important I do not recommend buying it. But besides this, it is quiet, reliable, userfriendly and fast.

It appears the problem with playing HD content on the Connect is related to filesize. Small filesized HD content also plays well on mine.
Ist häufiger hier
#6 erstellt: 30. Jun 2008, 21:38
Hi all,

I'm runnig a QNNAP as well and I still have the standby-issue also, but with the latest firmware upgrade (download from this should be fixed. I do not have exeperience about so far, because I haven't upgraded to this version yet. Former upgrades run smoothly without problems.


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