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Wiederveröffentlichungen, Deluxe- und Boxsets

+A -A
#351 erstellt: 21. Okt 2015, 16:17
In Zeiten von Facebook und Co wo Bands (bzw eher deren Managment) den Fan direkt über deren VÖs informieren ist es natürlich eine Frage ob man sowas überhaupt postet
Auf der anderen Seite: Ein Forum lebt von aktiven Usern und von deren postings

Was soll dieses "Meinungen, Erwartungen, Hintergrundinfos" nun genau bedeuten ?
Hintergrundinfos geben die Promotexte (fieses Wort) imo genug ab.
Die Erwartung ist doch idR das man ein hochwertiges Produkt für sein Geld bekommt.
Und Meinung ? Sorry, aber das hat imo in so einem thread eher weniger was zu suchen. Soll man bei Rammstein schreiben das man die Band blöd findet und das ganze Geldmacherei ist ? Oder bei der Miles Davis das man Jazz doof findet ? Das Porcupine Tree die genialste Band auf dem Planeten ist ? Ist nicht wirklich Zielführend und bringt nur böses Blut.Ein thread wie dieser lebt von seiner Sachlichen Info.

Der Hinweis auf die amazon Produktseiten ist imo auch etwas zu kurz gedacht. Nicht jeder schaut da täglich rein, genausogut könnte man da sämtliche Schnäppchenthreads in Frage stellen weil "man kann ja da selber schauen". Ich sehe mich hier als Trüffelschwein der die feinsten Fundstücke in Sachen Musik in die Auslage bringt - ob man sich die Auslage anschaut bleibt jedem selber überlassen
#352 erstellt: 21. Okt 2015, 16:39
Vielen Dank Marc, dass Du immer so viel Arbeit hier reinsteckst. Sehr informativ. Prima..
#353 erstellt: 21. Okt 2015, 16:48

gelini71 (Beitrag #351) schrieb:

Die Erwartung ist doch idR das man ein hochwertiges Produkt für sein Geld bekommt.

Hahahahaha, in welcher Welt lebst du?

gelini71 (Beitrag #351) schrieb:

Und Meinung ? Sorry, aber das hat imo in so einem thread eher weniger was zu suchen.

Genau das wäre das interessante. Das Werbe-Geschwurbel können wir überall lesen...

Na gut, just my 2cents... Keep on going....

[Beitrag von chriss71 am 21. Okt 2015, 16:54 bearbeitet]
#354 erstellt: 21. Okt 2015, 17:22

Also ich finde nicht, dass es dir zusteht, dich über gelini lustig zu machen.

Deine "Beiträge" sind einfach nur überflüssig.

Schreib doch selbst deine Meinung über die diversen Produkte und trage somit konstruktiv etwas bei.
Keep on going....

Gelini, ich finde deine Vorstellungen nützlich
#355 erstellt: 21. Okt 2015, 17:25

schlawutzi (Beitrag #354) schrieb:
Also ich finde nicht, dass es dir zusteht, dich über gelini lustig zu machen.

Sollte ich das gemacht haben, entschuldige ich mich natürlich... Die Frage ist nur, wo?

#356 erstellt: 21. Okt 2015, 17:42

chriss71 (Beitrag #353) schrieb:

gelini71 (Beitrag #351) schrieb:

Die Erwartung ist doch idR das man ein hochwertiges Produkt für sein Geld bekommt.

Hahahahaha, in welcher Welt lebst du?

Das hier...

Wie auch immer, lass ihn halt seine Beiträge liefern und schreibe selbst, was du von anderen erwartest...
#357 erstellt: 21. Okt 2015, 17:55

schlawutzi (Beitrag #356) schrieb:
Das hier...

Tja, wenn Blauäugigkeit auch schon eine Beleidigung ist, entschuldige ich mich... (Du darfst gerne den "Moderation benachrichtigen Button tippen" und meinen Beitrag löschen lassen. Mal schauen ob das funktioniert.)
Ich denke ich habe genug Beiträge geschrieben, die Inhalt liefern...

[Beitrag von chriss71 am 21. Okt 2015, 17:55 bearbeitet]
#358 erstellt: 21. Okt 2015, 18:41
Ich lese hier ebenfalls gern auch wenn ich mehr Fokus auf den japanischen CD Auswurf habe.

== Music News ==================
Bruce Springsteen The River Ultimate Box Out on DEC 16

Bruce Springsteen brings a box set version of his masterpiece, "The River," under the title of "The Ties That Bind: The River Collection."
Its due out on December 16, 2015. There are two sets available and varies depending on additional disc format (Blu-ray or DVD), but included contents are the same.

The CDs consist of an original album with digital remastering, an unreleased album "The Ties That Bind," and two discs with unreleased tracks. The Blu-rays/DVDs feature making-of, documentary, and more. Each comes with lyrics and a description. Furthermore, both sets come with a deluxe packaging and include a Japanese edition booklet.

Bitte wieder etwas entspannter agieren und nicht alles mit diesen dämlichen Prost-Smilies zukleistern.

[Beitrag von Ozone am 21. Okt 2015, 18:42 bearbeitet]
#359 erstellt: 21. Okt 2015, 18:44

Ozone (Beitrag #358) schrieb:
Bitte wieder etwas entspannter agieren und nicht alles mit diesen dämlichen Prost-Smilies zukleistern.

Ich habe mir als versöhnlichen Abschluss jedes Posts dieses Zeichen angewöhnt... Seit knapp 4000 Posts von mir ist das mein Abschluß. Ich belasse das so (ob es dir jetzt passt oder nicht, hoffentlich ist das auch nicht gegen die Regeln hier im Board )

[Beitrag von chriss71 am 21. Okt 2015, 18:45 bearbeitet]
#360 erstellt: 21. Okt 2015, 18:53
Es sei Dir überlassen wie Du die Posts gestaltest. Wenn ich mit jemandem Zoff habe, möchte ich nicht noch darauf anstoßen. Das ist meine Meinung. Jeder Jeck ist eben anders, in diesem Sinne passt es dann schon.

Nun aber bitte wieder zurück zu den Beiträgen die ich hier lieber lesen möchte. Ich finde die Posts informativ da ich so weiß ob die Japaner bald mit dem einen oder anderen Box-Set nachziehen oder nicht. Von daher macht das Vorstellen (ohne persönliche Wertungen) durchaus für mich Sinn.

PS: Für das dämlich entschuldige ich mich. Ich möchte mich im Forum konstruktiv mit Musik beschäftigen.

[Beitrag von Ozone am 21. Okt 2015, 19:12 bearbeitet]
#361 erstellt: 21. Okt 2015, 19:01

Ozone (Beitrag #360) schrieb:
Nun aber bitte wieder zurück zu den Beiträgen die ich hier lieber lesen möchte. Ich finde die Posts informativ da ich so weiß ob die Japaner bald mit dem einen oder anderen Box-Set nachziehen oder nicht. Von daher macht das Vorstellen (ohne persönliche Wertungen) durchaus für mich Sinn.

Neues Remaster von David Bowie: Five Years (1969 - 1973) (HDTracks 24-192)
David Bowie 5Set

℗ 2015 Parlophone Records Ltd, a Warner Music Group Company
© 2015 Jones/Tintoretto Entertainment Co, LLC

The musical chameleon's 6 studio albums from 1969-1973. In just a short amount of time you can see Bowie turn and surprise at each album. The accompanying book features technical notes about each album from the producers Tony Visconti and Ken Scott, an original press review for each album and a short foreword by an artist of note.

Includes the legendary albums:

David Bowie (aka Space Oddity)
The Man Who Sold The World
Hunky Dory
The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars
Aladdin Sane

Ja, hab's mir gekauft, aber da ja kein Interesse besteht wie es klingt, verzichte ich auf meine persönlichen Klangvergleiche mit meinen 1st Press Japan, 1st Press West German, Ryko 20AU Gold CD's usw. usw.

#362 erstellt: 21. Okt 2015, 19:10

chriss71 (Beitrag #361) schrieb:
Ja, hab's mir gekauft, aber da ja kein Interesse besteht wie es klingt, verzichte ich auf meine persönlichen Klangvergleiche mit meinen 1st Press Japan, 1st Press West German, Ryko 20AU Gold CD's usw. usw.

Falsch verstanden was ich meine. Natürlich sind persönliche Klangeindrücke willkommen sofern man schon etwas dazu sagen kann. Manchmal sind die Info (wie Gelini71 ab und an postet) aber so neu dass es einfach noch keine Aussagen gibt. Deswegen darauf verzichten möchte ich aber nicht. So war es meinerseits gemeint.

Die Bowie würde mich an dieser Stelle schon interessieren was Du für Erfahrungen damit hast.
#363 erstellt: 21. Okt 2015, 19:19

Ozone (Beitrag #360) schrieb:
Für das dämlich entschuldige ich mich.

Natürlich angenommen. Wäre nicht nötig gewesen, da ich weiß, wie du es gemeint hast...

#364 erstellt: 21. Okt 2015, 19:38

Ozone (Beitrag #362) schrieb:
Die Bowie würde mich an dieser Stelle schon interessieren was Du für Erfahrungen damit hast.

Die Kurzfassung:
David Bowie (aka Space Oddity): 2015 Remaster
The Man Who Sold The World: 2015 Remaster
Hunky Dory: tough call (ich finde die RCA PCD1-4623 Japan 1st Press 'ne Spur besser als die 2015 Remaster)
The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars: klipp und klar - 1st Press West German RCA
Aladdin Sane: 2015 Remaster
PinUps: 1st Press West German RCA

So, der Amerikaner würde sagen: a mixed bag...

PS: Wie immer IMHO...
#365 erstellt: 22. Okt 2015, 00:50

Ozone (Beitrag #358) schrieb:
Ich lese hier ebenfalls gern auch wenn ich mehr Fokus auf den japanischen CD Auswurf habe.

[i]== Music News ==================
Bruce Springsteen The River Ultimate Box Out on DEC 16

Bruce Springsteen brings a box set version of his masterpiece, "The River," under the title of "The Ties That Bind: The River Collection."
Its due out on December 16, 2015. There are two sets available and varies depending on additional disc format (Blu-ray or DVD), but included contents are the same.

In Deutschland und den USA bereits am 4.Dezember. Bei amazon vorbestellbar:

The Ties That Bind

Weihnachten ist gerettet!
#366 erstellt: 29. Okt 2015, 15:41
Manche Veröffentlichungspolitik muß man nicht verstehen - ein Jahr nach der regulären VÖ schiebt Bryan Ferry die Special Edition zu einem stolzen Preis hinterher

Bryan Ferry - Avonmore

Only 1500 copies of the the 'Avonmore' Special Edition will be produced, and all copies are individually numbered.

The front cover features a specially commissioned illustration of Bryan Ferry by renowned fashion illustrator and portrait artist David Downton. The 48-page book contains stunning, exclusive live photography of Bryan and his spectacular 10-piece band taken by tour photographer Matthew Becker during the 2015 Avonmore Tour, plus an introduction by journalist Richard Williams, and specially printed lyric sheets.

The deluxe boxed set also includes the original album Avonmore on both heavyweight white vinyl and CD. Bonus material then adds four exclusive Avonmore remixes on a second white heavyweight 12” vinyl plus two more CDs of remixes of album tracks including unreleased cuts from Leo Zero, Idjut Boys and Synapson. The set is completed by a DVD featuring the official videos for singles Loop De Li, Johnny & Mary and Driving Me Wild.

Bryan Ferry will be signing 100 copies of the special edition for pre-orders through All pre-orders received at the Shop before 4 December will be eligible to be randomly selected to receive a signed copy.

Bryan Ferry webstore

Edit: keine Ahnung warum ich das Bild nicht angezeigt bekomme sondern nur die Bild url....?????

[Beitrag von gelini71 am 29. Okt 2015, 15:43 bearbeitet]
#367 erstellt: 30. Okt 2015, 14:27
Da kommt was feines mit großem haben-wollen Effekt

Fleetwood Mac - Tusk

Rhino are to release Fleetwood Mac‘s 1979 album Tusk as a sizeable 8-disc super deluxe edition box set in December that will feature a wealth of unreleased material and a 5.1 surround sound mix of the record.

Tusk was the band’s 12th album (a double) and a more experimental approach was evident via Buckingham’s production techniques and arrangements, notably on the title track which memorably features the University of Southern California’s marching band.

Following up Rumours was always going to be something of a thankless task, but despite not taking the easy option and giving the public Rumours II, Tusk was still relatively successful (it’s sold over 4 million copies worldwide) and Stevie Nicks’ Sara (irritatingly edited on the first CD pressings) followed the Tusk single into the US top ten.

A two-CD reissue of Tusk was issued in 2004 which added a bonus disc of demos, outtakes and alternates. You’ll need to hang on to that because unlike the Rumours box set from early 2013, not all of that bonus material is ported over to this new box – however what is included looks very interesting indeed.

The whole of the album fits on disc one and the second CD is similar-but-different to the 2004 bonus disc with a few single versions, some outtakes but 12 previously unreleased early versions including multiple variations of Tusk and I Know I’m Not Wrong. The third disc is an alternate version of the complete album made up of session outtakes, most of which have never been released.

The final two CDs offer 22 unreleased performances from the band’s 1979 Tusk tour with selections from concerts in London, Tucson, and St. Louis. It includes live versions of album tracks as well as favourites like You Make Loving Fun, Rhiannon, Don’t Stop and Go Your Own Way.

Completing the Deluxe Edition is a 5.1 surround mix of Tusk on DVD (unlikely to be a lossless DVD-A) and vinyl copy of the across 2LPs. This set will be packaged similarly to the Rumours box and comes with a booklet with extended notes and new interviews with band members. A three-disc deluxe and 2LP will also be available separately.

Tusk is reissued on 4 December 2015.

Superdeluxe Edition
#368 erstellt: 30. Jan 2016, 13:16
Eine Wiederveröffentlichung mit deutlichem Mehrwert, aber kein Boxset...
John Cale - Music For A New Society / M:Fans
John Cale, seines Zeichens Mitgründer der legendären Velvet Undergound, hat 1982 (s)ein Meisterstück vorgelegt, das von den Kritik in höchsten Tönen gelobt, von den Fans aber links liegen gelassen wurde. Die Aufnahhme in die Liste der "Great Lost Albums" versteht sich bei einer solchen Konstellation von selbst.
Jetzt ist eine DoCD erschienen, die auf CD1 ein Remaster des Albums (plus ein paar Bonustracks) enthält und auf CD2 eine vollständige Überarbeitung, ja Neuinterpretation.

Und was schreibt die Presse: MusikExpress / deutsch, RollingStone / englisch und und und. Sogar ZeitOnlne / deutsch widmet der Neuerscheinung unter "Die Alben der Woche" einen Artikel und verlinkt auf einen Song, damit man sich ein Bild davon machen, wie sich das "alte" Material in der "neuen" Fassung anhört.

#369 erstellt: 15. Feb 2016, 15:46
Jethro Tull - Aqualung

The 40th Anniversary edition of Aqualung available at a budget price in the 2CD/2DVD 'book set' format of the recent JT reissues.

CD 1 contains the album mixed and mastered by Steven Wilson (the original 40th anniversary edition was not mastered by Steven and had critics). CD 2 features additional 1970 and 1971 recordings (also mixed and mastered by SW).

The DVDs include SW 5.1 surround mixes, hi-res stereo mixes, the 1974 quad mix and flat transfers of both Aqualung and the Life Is A Long Song EP (two of the EP's tracks haven't been available in this form previously).

Includes comprehensive 80 page booklet.

Pre-order for April 22nd release.

CD 1 - Aqualung (mixed and mastered by Steven Wilson):

1. Aqualung
2. Cross-Eyed Mary
3. Cheap Day Return
4. Mother Goose
5. Wond'ring Aloud
6. Up To Me
7. My God
8. Hymn 43
9. Slipstream
10. Locomotive Breath
11. Wind-Up

CD 2

1. Lick Your Fingers Clean
2. Just Trying To Be
3. My God (early version)
4. Wond'ring Aloud (13th December 1970)
5. Wind-Up (early version)
6. Slipstream (Take 2)
7. Up The 'Pool (early version)
8. Wond’ring Aloud, Again
9. Life Is A Long Song
10. Up The 'Pool

The original Life Is A Long Song EP

11. Life Is A Long Song
12. Up The 'Pool
13. Dr Bogenbroom
14. From Later
15. Nursie

16. Reprise Radio Advert

DVD 1 (Audio)

Aqualung remixed in 5.1 surround and presented in DTS 96/24 and AC3 Dolby Digital and 96/24 LPCM stereo, including associated 1970 & 1971 Recordings. Seven tracks remixed in 5.1 surround and presented in DTS 96/24 and AC3 Dolby Digital, and all ten remixed in 96/24 LPCM stereo.

DVD 2 (Audio & Video)

A flat transfer from the original stereo master of the album in 96/24 LPCM stereo.
The original 1974 quad mix as 4.1 presented in DTS 96/24 and AC3 Dolby Digital surround
A flat transfer from the original stereo master of the EP ‘Life Is A Long Song’ in 96/24 LPCM stereo
The 1971 Life Is A Long Song promotional film with new remixed stereo soundtrack.


Ian Anderson: Vocals, acoustic guitar, flute
Martin Barre: electric guitar, descant recorder
John Evan: piano, organ, mellotron
Jeffrey Hammond (as "Jeffrey Hammond-Hammond"): bass guitar, alto recorder and odd voices (and backing vocals on "Mother Goose")
Clive Bunker: drums and percussion

David Palmer: Orchestral arrangements and conduction

Glenn Cornick: bass guitar (played with the band at rehearsals for the album in June 1970, some of which may also have been recording sessions, although he is not credited on the album).

Ian Anderson and Terry Ellis - Producers
John Burns: Recording Engineer
Burton Silverman: Album artwork

Burning Shed
#370 erstellt: 16. Feb 2016, 16:04
Steve Hackett - Spectral Mornings

A deluxe edition of Steve Hackett's wonderful 1979 release Spectral Mornings.

Recorded with a band including Pete Hicks, Dik Cadbury, Nick Magnus, John Hackett and John Shearer, the album remains a highlight of Hackett's career.

Contains stereo and 5.1 Surround sound mixes by Steven Wilson, along with three bonus tracks and the original album mix remastered.

Pre-order for 27th May release.

CD 1:

1. Every Day
2. The Virgin And The Gypsy
3. The Red Flower Of Tachai Blooms
4. Clocks - The Angel Of Mons
5. The Ballad Of The Decomposing
6. Lost Time In Cordoba
7. Tigermoth
8. Spectral Mornings

Bonus Tracks:

9. Every Day
10. Clocks - The Angel Of Mons
11. The Caretaker

CD 2:

1. Every Day
2. The Virgin And The Gypsy
3. The Red Flower Of Tachai Blooms
4. Clocks - The Angel Of Mons
5. The Ballad Of The Decomposing Man
6. Lost Time In Cordoba
7. Tigermoth
8. Spectral Mornings


1. Every Day
2. The Virgin And The Gypsy
3. The Red Flower Of Tachai Blooms
4. Clocks - The Angel Of Mons
5. The Ballad Of The Decomposing Man
6. Lost Time In Cordoba
7. Tigermoth
8. Spectral Mornings

Burning Shed

Steve Hackett - Defector

Steve Hackett's highest charting album, Defector (released in 1980), was a more than worthy follow-up to the majestic Spectral Mornings.

This 2016 deluxe edition contains a remaster of the original album, along with two bonus tracks, plus a disc containing the Steve Hackett band (including Nick Magnus and John Hackett) live at the Reading Festival in 1980.

The DVD which features a pseudo 5.1 Surround Sound Up-mix derived from the original stereo masters.

Pre-order for 27th May release.

CD 1:

1. The Steppes
2. Time To Get Out
3. Slogans
4. Leaving
5. Two Vamps As Guests
6. Jacuzzi
7. Hammer In The Sand
8. The Toast
9. The Show
10. Sentimental Institution

Bonus tracks:

11. Hercules Unchained (B side of single released in June 1980)
12. Sentimental Institution (recorded at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane 11th November 1979)

CD 2:

1. The Air Conditioned Nightmare
2. Every Day
3. Ace Of Wands
4. Funny Feeling
5. The Steppes
6. Overnight Sleeper
7. Slogans
8. A Tower Struck Down
9. Spectral Mornings
10. The Show
11. Clocks - The Angel Of Mons


1. The Steppes
2. Time To Get Out
3. Slogans
4. Leaving
5. Two Vamps As Guests
6. Jacuzzi
7. Hammer In The Sand
8. The Toast
9. The Show
10. Sentimental Institution

Burning Shed

Steve Hackett - Please don´t touch

A deluxe edition of Steve Hackett's eclectic 1978 release Please Don't Touch.

Recorded with session musicians and singers including Steve Walsh (Kansas), Richie Havens, Randy Crawford and Chester Thompson (Weather Report/Genesis), the album remains a fascinating anomaly in Hackett's career.

Contains stereo and 5.1 Surround sound mixes by Steven Wilson, along with three bonus tracks and the original album mix remastered.

Pre-order for 27th May release.

CD 1:

1. Narnia
2. Carry On Up The Vicarage
3. Racing In A
4. Kim
5. How Can I?
6. Hoping Love Will Last
7. Land Of A Thousand Autumns
8. Please Don’t Touch
9. The Voice Of Necam
10. Icarus Ascending

Bonus tracks:

11. Narnia (John Perry Vocal Version)
12. Seven Of Cups
13. Narnia (Alternative Version)

CD 2:

1. Narnia
2. Carry On Up The Vicarage
3. Racing In A
4. Kim
5. How Can I?
6. Hoping Love Will Last
7. Land Of A Thousand Autumns
8. Please Don't Touch
9. The Voice Of Necam
10. Icarus Ascending


1. Narnia
2. Carry On Up The Vicarage
3. Racing In A
4. Kim
5. How Can I?
6. Hoping Love Will Last
7. Land Of A Thousand Autumns
8. Please Don't Touch
9. The Voice Of Necam
10. Icarus Ascending

Burning Shed
#371 erstellt: 21. Feb 2016, 13:23
Steven Wilson kündigt auf Facebook zwei neue Jethro Tull Remixe / Neuauflagen für Ende des Jahres an

Next in the Tull remix series will be the band's 1969 breakthrough album Stand Up and Living in the Past / Driving Song single, most likely towards the end of 2016 (time permitting).

Quelle: Steven Wilson Remixes Facebook Page
#372 erstellt: 21. Feb 2016, 18:35
Danke, Marc!

Ooooh, das Jahr scheint ja für mich teuer zu werden!
#373 erstellt: 21. Feb 2016, 19:05

Enfis (Beitrag #372) schrieb:
das Jahr scheint ja für mich teuer zu werden!

Also für mich ist Musiktechnisch jedes Jahr teuer seitdem ich Platten / CDs kaufe
#374 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2016, 15:47
Grace Jones - Warm Leatherette

The newly-remastered deluxe editions, bringing together the entire Warm Leatherette album, b-sides and rare in-era mixes and instrumental versions. The physical formats available are as follows

• two-CD deluxe edition (27 tracks)
• 4LP box set (27 tracks)
• Blu-ray audio (32 tracks)

VÖ Datum: 17.06.2016

CD 1



Bonus Tracks : LONG VERSIONS:

From WARM LEATHERETTE cassette ICT 9592 and b-side of 12” single
12WIP 6645, released September 1980.
From WARM LEATHERETTE cassette ICT 9592 and a-side of 12” single
12WIP 6629, released June 1980.
Issued as a-side of 12” single 12WIP 6591, released April 1980.
From WARM LEATHERETTE cassette ICT 9592 and a-side of 12” single 600
198 (Germany/Netherlands), released May 1980.
From WARM LEATHERETTE cassette ICT 9592 and a-side of 12” single
12WIP 6645, released September 1980.


Previously Unreleased Mix.
Issued as the b-side of 12” single 12WIP 6629, released June 1980.
Issued as the a-side of 7” single 101.819 (Germany/Netherlands), released May 1980.
Issued as the a-side of WIP 6629, released June 1980.
Issued as the b-side of WIP 6629, released June 1980.
Issued as the b-side of WIP 6645, released September 1980.
Issued as the a-side of IS 49603 (US), released October 1980.
Previously Unreleased Mix.
Previously Unreleased Mix.
Remixed by Paul “Groucho” Smykle at the Fallout Shelter.
Issued as the a-side of 12” single 12 IS 266, released February 1986
Remixed by Paul “Groucho” Smykle at the Fallout Shelter.
Issued as the a-side of 12” single 12 IS 273, released May 1986

Bonus Tracks – Blu-ray Audio only

Issued as the b-side of 12” single 12WIP 6629, released June 1980.
Issued as a b-side of 12” single 12 IS 273, released May 1986.
Remixed by Eric “ET” Thorngren.
Issued as the a-side of 7” single IS 266, released February 1986.
Remixed by Paul “Groucho” Smykle at the Fallout Shelter.
Issued as the a-side of 7” single IS 273, released May 1986.
Remixed by Francois Kevorkian at Right Track Recording, NYC, May 1985.
Previously Unreleased Mix.

CD Version

Vinyl Version

#375 erstellt: 18. Mrz 2016, 07:38
Mal was zum vorfreuen

Alan Parsons Project - Tales of Mystery and Imagination

We are delighted to announce that Universal are planning some fantastic 40th anniversary release plans for Tales of Mystery and Imagination later this year (the very first APP album)

Quelle: Offizielle Facebookseite von Eric Woolfson
#376 erstellt: 18. Mrz 2016, 14:50
Da bin ich mal gespannt was da noch anderes drauf sein wird nach dem 2007er Release mit der '87er und '76er Version.
#377 erstellt: 18. Mrz 2016, 14:53
Ich denke mal das Woolfsons Tape Archive noch einige Demos bereithält
#378 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2016, 18:20
the Beach Boys - Pet Sounds (50th Anniversary Box Set)

Capitol/UMe will issue a 50th anniversary edition of The Beach Boys‘ 1966 album Pet Sounds this June that will feature the much-delayed blu-ray audio and four CDs of content including previously unreleased live recordings.

The five-disc Collector’s Edition is presented as a hardcover book and features the remastered original album in stereo and mono as well as session outtakes, alternate mixes and said live recordings.

The blu-ray features the hi-res 5.1 surround sound mix, which has been out before of course, but additionally contains a new hi-res instrumental version of the album

There will also be a 2CD edition which pairs the remastered album in stereo and mono with highlights from the collectors edition’s additional tracks and vinyl fans are offered 180g LP editions of the album in mono and stereo with “faithfully replicated original artwork.”

The 50th anniversary editions of Pet Sounds will be released on 10 June 2016.

4CD+blu-ray audio box

CD 1

Pet Sounds (Mono)

1. Wouldn’t It Be Nice
2. You Still Believe In Me
3. That’s Not Me
4. Don’t Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)
5. I’m Waiting For The Day
6. Let’s Go Away For Awhile
7. Sloop John B
8. God Only Knows
9. I Know There’s An Answer
10. Here Today
11. I Just Wasn’t Made For These Times
12. Pet Sounds
13. Caroline No

Pet Sounds (Stereo)

14. Wouldn’t It Be Nice
15. You Still Believe In Me
16. That’s Not Me
17. Don’t Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)
18. I’m Waiting For The Day
19. Let’s Go Away For Awhile
20. Sloop John B
21. God Only Knows
22. I Know There’s An Answer
23. Here Today
24. I Just Wasn’t Made For These Times
25. Pet Sounds
26. Caroline No

Additional Material

27. Caroline No (Promotional Spot #2)
28. Don’t Talk. . . (Unused Background Vocals)
29. Hang On To Your Ego (Alternate Mix)
30. Caroline No (Promotional Spot #1)

CD 2

The Pet Sounds Sessions

1. Sloop John B (Highlights from Tracking Date)
2. Sloop John B (Stereo Backing Track)
3. Trombone Dixie (Highlights from Tracking Date)
4. Trombone Dixie (Stereo Backing Track)
5. Pet Sounds (Highlights from Tracking Date)
6. Pet Sounds (Stereo Track Without Guitar Overdub)
7. Let’s Go Away For Awhile (Highlights from Tracking Date)
8. Let’s Go Away For Awhile (Stereo Track Without String Overdub)
9. Wouldn’t It Be Nice (Highlights from Tracking Date)
10. Wouldn’t It Be Nice (Stereo Backing Track)
11. Wouldn’t It Be Nice (Stereo Track with Background Vocals)
12. You Still Believe In Me (Intro – Session)
13. You Still Believe In Me (Intro – Master Take)
14. You Still Believe In Me (Highlights from Tracking Date)
15. You Still Believe In Me (Stereo Backing Track)
16. Caroline No (Highlights from Tracking Date)
17. Caroline No (Stereo Backing Track)
18. Hang On To Your Ego (Highlights from Tracking Date)
19. Hang On To Your Ego (Stereo Backing Track)
20. I Know There’s An Answer (Vocal Session) [previously unreleased]
21. Don’t Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder) (Brian’s Instrumental Demo)
22. Don’t Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder) (Stereo Backing Track)
23. Don’t Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder) (String Overdub)
24. I Just Wasn’t Made For These Times (Highlights from Tracking Date)
25. I Just Wasn’t Made For These Times (Stereo Backing Track)
26. That’s Not Me (Highlights from Tracking Date)
27. That’s Not Me (Stereo Backing Track)

CD 3

The Pet Sounds Sessions (continued)

1. Good Vibrations (Highlights from First Tracking Date)
2. Good Vibrations (Stereo Backing Track)
3. I’m Waiting For The Day (Highlights from Tracking Date)
4. I’m Waiting For The Day (Stereo Backing Track)
5. God Only Knows (Highlights from Tracking Date)
6. God Only Knows (Stereo Backing Track)
7. Here Today (Highlights from Tracking Date)
8. Here Today (Stereo Backing Track)
Alternate Versions
9. Wouldn’t It Be Nice (Mono Alternate Mix 1)
10. You Still Believe In Me (Mono Alternate Mix)
11. I’m Waiting For The Day (Mono Alternate Mix, Mike sings lead)
12. Sloop John B (Mono Alternate Mix, Carl sings first verse)
13. God Only Knows (Mono Alternate Mix, with sax solo)
14. I Know There’s An Answer (Alternate Mix) [previously unreleased]
15. Here Today (Mono Alternate Mix, Brian sings lead)
16. I Just Wasn’t Made For These Times (Mono Alternate Mix)
17. Banana & Louie
18. Caroline No (Original Speed, Stereo Mix)
19. Dog Barking Session
20. God Only Knows (With A Cappella Tag)
21. Wouldn’t It Be Nice (Mono Alternate Mix 2)
22. Sloop John B (Mono Alternate Mix, Brian sings lead throughout)
23. God Only Knows (Mono Alternate Mix, Brian sings lead)
24. Caroline No (Original Speed, Mono Mix)

CD 4

Live Recordings [all previously unreleased]

1. Wouldn’t It Be Nice
2. Sloop John B
3. God Only Knows
Michigan State University, October 22, 1966
4. Good Vibrations
5. God Only Knows
6. Wouldn’t It Be Nice
Daughters of the American Revolution Constitution Hall, Washington DC, November 19, 1967
7. God Only Knows
Carnegie Hall, New York, November 23, 1972 (2nd Show)
8. God Only Knows
Jamaican World Music Festival, Montego Bay, Jamaica, November, 26, 1982
9. Sloop John B
Universal Studios, Universal City, California, May, 23, 1989
10. Caroline No
11. You Still Believe In Me
Paramount Theater, New York City, November 26, 1993


12. Wouldn’t It Be Nice
13. You Still Believe In Me
14. That’s Not Me
15. Don’t Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)
16. I’m Waiting For The Day
17. Sloop John B
18. God Only Knows
19. I Know There’s An Answer
20. Here Today
21. I Just Wasn’t Made For These Times
22. Caroline No

Bonus Track

23. Good Vibrations (Master Track with Partial Vocal) (previously unreleased)

Blu-ray Pure Audio Disc

Pet Sounds:
5.1 Surround Sound: 96kHz/24-bit
Mono; Stereo; Stereo Instrumental (new to hi res): 192kHz/24-bit

1. Wouldn’t It Be Nice
2. You Still Believe In Me
3. That’s Not Me
4. Don’t Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)
5. I’m Waiting For The Day
6. Let’s Go Away For Awhile
7. Sloop John B
8. God Only Knows
9. I Know There’s An Answer
10. Here Today
11. I Just Wasn’t Made For These Times
12. Pet Sounds
13. Caroline No

Additional Material in 5.1 Surround and Stereo

14. Unreleased Backgrounds (Unused Intro for “Don’t Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)”)
15. Wouldn’t It Be Nice (Session Highlights)
16. Wouldn’t It Be Nice (Alternative Mix without Lead Vocal)
17. God Only Knows (Session Highlights)
18. God Only Knows (Master Track Mix with A Cappella Tag)
19. Summer Means New Love

Superdeluxe Edition
#379 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2016, 08:07

gelini71 (Beitrag #378) schrieb:
the Beach Boys - Pet Sounds (50th Anniversary Box Set)

SHM-CD Ausgabe von CDJapan.
#380 erstellt: 01. Apr 2016, 12:55
Pünktlich zur alsbald startenden Jubiläums-Tour erscheint ein üppiges Paket für den BAP-Devotionalien-Schrank:

Niedeckens BAP: Die beliebtesten Lieder 1976 - 2016 (Limitierte Fan-Box)
Die drei CDs umfassende Deluxe-Version enthält auf der dritten CD etliche Coverversionen, die Wolfgang Niedecken und BAP im Laufe der Zeit aufgenommen haben, darunter Songs seiner Idole Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen und Bruce Springsteen sowie Duett-Versionen mit unter anderem Gentleman, Nina Hagen und Ray Davies.
Eine auf 3000 Exemplare limitierte Fan Box enthält neben den drei CDs eine 7inch-Vinylsingle, die Replica der ersten BAP-Single »Chauvi Rock / Wahnsinn«, zwei BAP-Schnapsgläser, eine BAP Köln-Fahne, BAP-Aufnäher (angelehnt am CD-Artwork), eine Postkarte mit dem allerersten BAP-Tourplakat und ein Vintage-Bandposter.

#381 erstellt: 02. Apr 2016, 11:26 super und nun beginnt der Kampf mit dem Klickfinger...............
Happy Weekend

P.S. Hab' verloren

[Beitrag von hifi_raptor am 02. Apr 2016, 11:28 bearbeitet]
#382 erstellt: 06. Apr 2016, 06:00
So - ein paar Details zur Neuveröffentlichung von "Tales of Mytery and Imagination" vom Alan Parsons Project

It's a great thrill to tell you that this summer, Universal will be releasing the album in a 40th anniversary multi-disc box set including a 4-sided vinyl set at 45rpm (amazing quality), 3 CDs - one of which is all-new bonus material and a 5.1 surround mix on Blu-ray . The surround version will be a totally new mix which I hope to complete within the next few weeks.

Quelle Facebookseite von Alan Parsons

Der Trend Alben von 40 Minuten Länge auf vier Vinylseiten zu dehnen und auf 45 RPM abzuspielen geht also in die nächste Runde, wobei ich mich frage wie man das bei dem Stück "the fall of the House of Usher" lösen will....ich hoffe doch mal stark das sie nicht das 15 Minuten Stück auseinanderreißen werden
#383 erstellt: 06. Apr 2016, 06:21

gelini71 (Beitrag #382) schrieb:
So - ein paar Details zur Neuveröffentlichung von "Tales of Mytery and Imagination" vom Alan Parsons Project

... in a 40th anniversary multi-disc box set including a 4-sided vinyl set at 45rpm (amazing quality), 3 CDs - one of which is all-new bonus material and a 5.1 surround mix on Blu-ray...


Also wieder diese um sich greifende Unart .
Der geneigte Surround-Hörer muss jede Menge (für ihn absolut überflüssigen) zusätzlichen Krempel ordern & letztendlich auch bezahlen.
So schafft man sich Feinde.

#384 erstellt: 06. Apr 2016, 06:25
Niemand muss wenn er bisher happy mit den vorhanden Ausgaben ist.
#385 erstellt: 14. Apr 2016, 14:58
Wa für die Vinylfreunde hier unter uns

Re-release von drei Moby Alben auf Vinyl

Moby bringt drei Alben wieder auf Vinyl raus:
- Everything is wrong (erstmalig seit 1995 wieder auf Vinyl erhältlich)
- Animal Rights (erstmalig seit 1996 wieder auf Vinyl erhältlich)
- Play

Bei Pledge Music kann man alle drei Alben vorbestellen, die Preise sind inklusive Versand. Wer genug Geld auf der hohen Kante hat kann diese auch zusammen im Bundle kaufen, die Version mit den Testpressings ist aber schon ausverkauft.
#386 erstellt: 04. Mai 2016, 16:48
Es war ja abzusehen - Warner will bzw wird fast alle Prince & the Revolution Alben wiederveröffentlichen - auf Vinyl, Cd und MC (kein Scherz !). Deluxe CD Versions sollen im Jahre 2017 kommen.

Wer genaueres wissen will der schaue hier


Neues auch zum Thema Yes
Steven Wilson ist nach 3 Jahren endlich mit der neuen Abmischung und Mastering von "Tales from Topographic Ocean" fertig, Veröffentlich wird das ganze noch im diesem Jahr, genauer Infos demnächst
#387 erstellt: 07. Mai 2016, 03:20
Was für die Vinylfreunde - XL Records wird alle Alben von Radiohead wieder neu auflegen

XL will release Pablo Honey, The Bends, OK Computer, Hail To The Thief, In Rainbows and The King Of Limbs on deluxe 180g vinyl (with Hail To The Thief pressed at 45rpm), and Kid A and Amnesiac will be presented on double 10″s. XL is also reissuing single ‘I Might Be Wrong’. All the records are available for pre-order now on Amazon, with the release date listed as May 20.

Quelle: FACT Magazin
#388 erstellt: 14. Mai 2016, 14:56
Neue Fleetwood Mac Box von "Mirage"

Kommt am 22.07.2016
Wie immer schick mit 3 CDs, einer DVD sowie einer Vinylplatte, so wie die anderen Boxsets von Fleetwood Mac

In 1982 Fleetwood Mac topped the U.S. Album Chart for five weeks with MIRAGE. Along with instantly recognizable smash hits like “Hold Me” and “Gypsy,” MIRAGE also features great album tracks like “Oh Diane,” a Top Ten hit in the UK, and “Straight Back,” a Top 40 hit on the Billboard Rock Chart.

This new deluxe edition of MIRAGE includes a second disc that has 19 tracks dedicated entirely to outtakes and rarities. Among the unreleased gems are early versions of several album tracks – “Empire State” and “Book Of Love” – along with outtakes for songs that didn’t make it to the album: “If You Were My Love” and “Smile At You.” There is also an unreleased cover of the Fats Domino classic “Blue Monday,” as well as the rare, extended mix for “Gypsy” that was used in the music video.

Exclusive to the Deluxe edition of MIRAGE is a third disc that has more than a dozen live performances recorded in Los Angeles during Fleetwood Mac’s 1982 U.S. tour. Along with early hits – “You Make Loving Fun” and “The Chain” – the collection includes performances of MIRAGE standouts like “Love In Store,” “Eyes Of The World” and “Gypsy.”

The DVD-Audio disc contains both the 5.1 Surround and 24/96 Stereo Audio mixes of the original album. The set also includes a vinyl copy of MIRAGE.

Disc: 1
1. Love In Store (2016 Remastered)
2. Can't Go Back (2016 Remastered)
3. That's Alright (2016 Remastered)
4. Book of Love (2016 Remastered)
5. Gypsy (2016 Remastered)
6. Only Over You (2016 Remastered)
7. Empire State (2016 Remastered)
8. Straight Back (2016 Remastered)
9. Hold Me (2016 Remastered)
10. Oh Diane (2016 Remastered)
11. Eyes of the World (2016 Remastered)
12. Wish You Were Here (2016 Remastered)

Disc: 2
1. Love In Store (Early Version)
2. Suma's Walk aka Can't Go Back (Outtake)
3. That's Alright (Alternate Take)
4. Book of Love (Early Version)
5. Gypsy (Early Version)
6. Only Over You (Alternate Version)
7. Empire State (Early Version)
8. If You Were My Love (Outtake)
9. Hold Me (Early Version)
10. Oh Diane (Early Version)
11. Smile At You (Outtake)
12. Goodbye Angel (Original Outtake)
13. Eyes of the World (Alternate Early Version)
14. Straight Back (Original Vinyl Version)
15. Wish You Were Here (Alternate Version)
16. Cool Water (2016 Remastered)
17. Gypsy (Video Version) [2016 Remastered]
18. Put a Candle In the Window (Run-Through)
19. Teen Beat (Outtake) [2016 Remastered]
20. Blue Monday (Jam)

Disc: 3
1. The Chain (Live at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA October 21-22, 1982)
2. Gypsy (Live at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA October 21-22, 1982)
3. Love In Store (Live at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA October 21-22, 1982
4. Not That Funny (Live at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA October 21-22, 1982)
5. You Make Loving Fun (Live at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA October 21-22, 1982)
6. I'm So Afraid (Live at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA October 21-22, 1982)
7. Blue Letter (Live at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA October 21-22, 1982)
8. Rhiannon (Live at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA October 21-22, 1982)
9. Tusk (Live at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA October 21-22, 1982)
10. Eyes of the World (Live at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA October 21-22, 1982)
11. Go Your Own Way (Live at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA October 21-22, 1982)
12. Sisters of the Moon (Live at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA October 21-22, 1982)
13. Songbird (Live at The Forum, Los Angeles, CA October 21-22, 1982)

Disc: 4
1. Love In Store (2016 Remastered)
2. Can't Go Back (2016 Remastered)
3. That's Alright (2016 Remastered)
4. Book of Love (2016 Remastered)
5. Gypsy (2016 Remastered)
6. Only Over You (2016 Remastered)
7. Empire State (2016 Remastered)
8. Straight Back (2016 Remastered)
9. Hold Me (2016 Remastered)
10. Oh Diane (2016 Remastered)
11. Eyes of the World (2016 Remastered)
12. Wish You Were Here (2016 Remastered)
13. Love In Store (2016 Remastered)
14. Can't Go Back (2016 Remastered)
15. That's Alright (2016 Remastered)
16. Book of Love (2016 Remastered)
17. Gypsy (2016 Remastered)
18. Only Over You (2016 Remastered)
19. Empire State (2016 Remastered)
20. Straight Back (2016 Remastered)

Disc: 5
1. Love In Store (2016 Remastered)
2. Can't Go Back (2016 Remastered)
3. That's Alright (2016 Remastered)
4. Book of Love (2016 Remastered)
5. Gypsy (2016 Remastered)
6. Only Over You (2016 Remastered)

Disc: 6
1. Empire State (2016 Remastered)
2. Straight Back (2016 Remastered)
3. Hold Me (2016 Remastered)
4. Oh Diane (2016 Remastered)
5. Eyes of the World (2016 Remastered)
6. Wish You Were Here (2016 Remastered)

Ich denke mal das lasse ich mir zu Weihnachten schenken

amazon UK

[Beitrag von gelini71 am 14. Mai 2016, 14:56 bearbeitet]
#389 erstellt: 16. Mai 2016, 16:31
Drei weitere Peter Gabriel Vinyl Neuauflagen

Peter Gabriel bringt die Drei Alben "So", "Us" und "Up" als Vinyl Neuauflage raus, alle in 180 Gramm Vinyl mit Gatefoldcover und Downloadcode. Alles neu im Half-Speed Mastering, abgespielt werden die Alben wie schon die vorherigen auf 45 RPM. Bei "So" ist die Trackliste etwas abgeändert worden, "In Your Eyes" wanderte an das Ende und "This is the Pcture" ist jetzt Teil der Vinylversion (war bis dato immer nur der CD Bonustrack gewesen).
"Us" und "Up" kommen wegen der Laufzeit als Dreifachvinyl wobei die jeweils sechste Vinylseite keine Musik enthält sondern das Logo des jeweiligen Albums.

VÖ Datum ist am 15.07.2016, die Alben sind bereits vorbestellbar

LP 1
1. Red rain
2. Sledgehammer
3. Don’t give up
4. That voice again

LP 2
1. Mercy Street
2. Big time
3. We do what we’re Told (milgram’s 37)
4. This is the picture (excellent birds)
5. In your eyes

LP 1
A1. Come Talk To Me
A2. Love to Be Loved
B1. Blood of Eden
B2. Steam

LP 2
C1. Only Us
C2. Washing Of The Water
D1. Digging in the Dirt
D2. Fourteen Black Paintings

LP 3
E1. Kiss That Frog
E2. Secret World
D: Etching of the US logo (no music)


LP 1
A1. Darkness
A2. Growing Up
B1. Sky Blue
B2. No Way Out

LP 2
C1. I Grieve
C2. The Barry Williams Show
D1. My Head Sounds Like That
D2. More Than This

LP 3
E1. Signal to Noise
E2. The Drop
D: Etching of the UP logo (no music)

Quelle: SuperDeluxeEditions
#390 erstellt: 16. Mai 2016, 18:01
Hallo !

Ich bin da noch etwas skeptisch ob das etwas wird mit Gabriel !
Hab nämlich die UP mitte Februar vorbestellt bei und sollte Ende April erscheinen,
jetzt hab ich dort mal nachgehakt und der Termin ist auf Ende Mai verschoben worden.
Bei Ama und JPC waren die Platten im März glaube auch wieder raus genommen worden.
Na, mal abwarten !

Gruß Maik
#391 erstellt: 23. Mai 2016, 13:36
Das Debüt der Ramones bekommt zum 40. Jubiläum auch seine SuperDeluxeEdition

Ramones / 40th Anniversary Deluxe

May 23, 2016 by Paul Sinclairtags: 1970s, 40th Anniversary, ramones, vinyl


Warners/Rhino will mark the recent 40th anniversary of the Ramones 1976 self-titled debut with a four-disc deluxe edition, due in July.

The “Greatest Punk Album Of All Time” (to use the words of Rolling Stone) is brief – it only runs for 29 minutes – but its impact was enormous both in terms of the early punk scene on both sides of the Atlantic and in subsequent decades for countless other artists.

This new deluxe edition features on disc one, the stereo mix and a previously unreleased mono mix of the album, newly remastered by original album producer Craig Leon, who recalls, “We had an idea to record at Abbey Road and do both a mono and stereo version of the album, which was unheard of at the time. I’m thrilled that now, 40 years later, we followed through on that original idea.”

The anniversary edition’s second disc spotlights single mixes, outtakes, and demos. Of the 18 tracks selected, eight of them have never been released, including demos for I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend, 53rd and 3rd, and Loudmouth.

The third and final CD captures the band performing two full sets live at The Roxy in West Hollywood on August 12, 1976, with the evening’s second set making its debut here. The set is completed by the unheard mono mix pressed onto a vinyl LP.

This set comes packaged in a 12″ x 12″ hardcover book which features production notes about the recording of the album by producer Craig Leon, an essay looking back on the Ramones’ early days by journalist Mitchell Cohen, along with additional pictures taken by Roberta Bayley, who took the iconic album cover photo. With a nod to the year of release, this Ramones deluxe is a ‘limited edition’ of 19,760 individually numbered copies.

Ramones: 40th Anniversary Deluxe Edition will be released on 29 July 2016.

Disc One: Original Album
Stereo Version
1. “Blitzkrieg Bop”
2. “Beat On The Brat”
3. “Judy Is A Punk”
4. “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend”
5. “Chain Saw”
6. “Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue”
7. “I Don’t Wanna Go Down To The Basement”
8. “Loudmouth”
9. “Havana Affair”
10. “Listen To My Heart”
11. “53rd & 3rd”
12. “Let’s Dance”
13. “I Don’t Wanna Walk Around With You”
14. “Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World”

40th Anniversary Mono Mix
15. “Blitzkrieg Bop”*
16. “Beat On The Brat”*
17. “Judy Is A Punk”*
18. “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend”*
19. “Chain Saw”*
20. “Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue”*
21. “I Don’t Wanna Go Down To The Basement”*
22. “Loudmouth”*
23. “Havana Affair”*
24. “Listen To My Heart”*
25. “53rd & 3rd”*
26. “Let’s Dance”*
27. “I Don’t Wanna Walk Around With You”*
28. “Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World”*

Disc Two: Single Mixes, Outtakes, and Demos
1. “Blitzkrieg Bop” (Original Stereo Single Version)
2. “Blitzkrieg Bop” (Original Mono Single Version)
3. “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend” (Original Stereo Single Version)
4. “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend” (Original Mono Single Version)
5. “Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World” (Original Uncensored Vocals)*
6. “I Don’t Care” (Demo)
7. “53rd & 3rd” (Demo)*
8. “Loudmouth” (Demo)*
9. “Chain Saw” (Demo)*
10. “You Never Should Have Opened That Door” (Demo)
11. “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend” (Demo)*
12. “I Can’t Be” (Demo)
13. “Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World” (Demo)*
14. “I Don’t Wanna Walk Around With You” (Demo)*
15. “Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue” (Demo)
16. “I Don’t Wanna Be Learned/I Don’t Wanna Be Tamed” (Demo)
17. “You’re Gonna Kill That Girl” (Demo)*
18. “What’s Your Name” (Demo)

Disc Three: Live at The Roxy (8/12/76)
Set One
1. “Loudmouth”
2. “Beat On The Brat”
3. “Blitzkrieg Bop”
4. “I Remember You”
5. “Glad To See You Go”
6. “Chain Saw”
7. “53rd & 3rd”
8. “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend”
9. “Havana Affair”
10. “Listen To My Heart”
11. “California Sun”
12. “Judy Is A Punk”
13. “I Don’t Wanna Walk Around With You”
14. “Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World”
15. “Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue”
16. “Let’s Dance”
Set Two
17. “Loudmouth”*
18. “Beat On The Brat”*
19. “Blitzkrieg Bop”*
20. “I Remember You”*
21. “Glad To See You Go”*
22. “Chain Saw”*
23. “53rd & 3rd”*
24. “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend”*
25. “Havana Affair”*
26. “Listen To My Heart”*
27. “California Sun”*
28. “Judy Is A Punk”*
29. “I Don’t Wanna Walk Around With You”*
30. “Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World”*
31. “Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue”*
32. “Let’s Dance”*

40th Anniversary Mono Mix
LP Track Listing
1. “Blitzkrieg Bop”*
2. “Beat On The Brat”*
3. “Judy Is A Punk”*
4. “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend”*
5. “Chain Saw”*
6. “Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue”*
7. “I Don’t Wanna Go Down To The Basement”*
8. “Loudmouth”*
9. “Havana Affair”*
10. “Listen To My Heart”*
11. “53rd & 3rd”*
12. “Let’s Dance”*
13. “I Don’t Wanna Walk Around With You”*
14. “Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World”*

* Previously Unreleased

Super Deluxe Edition
#392 erstellt: 26. Mai 2016, 17:02
Neuigkeiten zum Thema King Crimson

DGM have confirmed the next releases in its celebrated King Crimson 40th anniversary CD/DVD-A series for an October release. 'Beat' (1982) and 'Three of a Perfect Pair' (1984) have been remixed in stereo and 5.1 surround sound by SW with Robert Fripp.

Confirmation of full track listing / contents and a pre-sale announcement will follow in the next two weeks. Please note that all material on both titles will also be a part of a forthcoming King Crimson boxed set - "On and Off The Road 1981-1984", also due for release in October 2016.

SW Remix on Facebook
#393 erstellt: 26. Mai 2016, 18:46
Danke für die Info, Marc
#394 erstellt: 30. Mai 2016, 10:12
Simple Minds - New Gold Dream (Super Deluxe Edtion)

VÖ Datum: 29.07.2016

"Originally released in 1982, ‘New Gold Dream (81-82-83-84)’ was Simple Minds’ fifth studio album and their crossover – the one that took them from revered cult status to a chart band with hit singles. Featuring the singles ‘Promised You A Miracle’, ‘Glittering Prize’ and ‘Someone, Somewhere (In Summertime)’, it turned the band into a major force in pop music, spending a full year on the UK album chart.
This stunning new deluxe box set consists of six discs including an Abbey Road remaster of the original album and a swathe of remixes, 12” versions, radio edits and an entire disc of previously unreleased John Peel and Kid Jensen radio sessions, recorded in 1982. The set is completed by a DVD, featuring the 2005 5:1 Mix of the album by Charlie Burchill and Ronald Prent as well as promo videos and, being made available commercially for the first time, Top Of The Pops performances of ‘Promised You A Miracle’ and ‘Glittering Prize.’ It also includes a 36-page booklet with extensive sleeve notes by journalist and broadcaster, Billy Sloan including new interviews with Jim Kerr and Charlie Burchill, as well as photos of the band during the period. "

amazon uk

Der "Haben-wollen" Effekt ist bei mir sehr sehr groß
#395 erstellt: 17. Jun 2016, 19:13
the Alan Parsons Project - Tales of Mystery and Imagination

Es wurde eine Pledge Kampanie gestartet wo man die teuere Box sowie einige nette historische Sachen für teueres Geld kaufen kann.
Pledge Music

VÖ Datum ist der 02. Dezember 2016
#396 erstellt: 20. Jul 2016, 11:20
Led Zeppelin - The Complete BBC Sessions: Super Deluxe Edition


• Remastered album. 2 CDs, each in a replica sleeve
• Unreleased audio on CD in a separate card sleeve
• Remastered album on 180-gram vinyl
• Unreleased audio on 180-gram vinyl
• High-def audio download card of all content at 96kHz/24 bit
• 48-page book filled with photos of the band, the recording locations, BBC memorabilia, and session information
• High-quality print of the original album cover, the first 30,000 of which will be individually numbered.

BBC Sessions was originally released in 1997 and has been certified double platinum by the RIAA. THE COMPLETE BBC SESSIONS builds on that collection with a third disc that boasts eight unreleased performances, plus “White Summer,” a recording that first surfaced in 1990 on the Led Zeppelin Boxed Set. In addition, the set includes extensive session-by-session liner notes written by Dave Lewis. For the first time ever, it provides accurate details and notes about all of the band’s BBC sessions.

Musical highlights on this new collection include the debut of a long-lost radio session that has achieved near-mythic status among fans. Originally broadcast in April 1969, the session included three songs: “I Can’t Quit You Baby,” “You Shook Me,” and the only recorded performance of “Sunshine Woman.”

Also included are two unreleased versions of both “Communication Breakdown” and “What Is And What Should Never Be.” Separated by two years, the performances vividly demonstrate the young band’s rapid evolution over a short period of time.

As with the previous reissues the audio has been newly remastered under supervision from Jimmy Page.

Side 1
1. You Shook Me (23/3/69 Top Gear)
2. I Can’t Quit You Baby (23/3/69 Top Gear)
3. Communication Breakdown (22/6/69 Pop Sundae)
4. Dazed And Confused (23/3/69 Top Gear)

Side 2
1. The Girl I Love She Got Long Black Wavy Hair (22/6/69 Pop Sundae)
2. What Is And What Should Never Be (29/6/69 Top Gear)
3. Communication Breakdown (29/6/69 Top Gear)
4. Travelling Riverside Blues (29/6/69 Top Gear)

Side 3
1. Whole Lotta Love (29/6/69 Top Gear)
2. Somethin’ Else (22/6/69 Pop Sundae)
3. Communication Breakdown (10/8/69 Playhouse Theatre)
4. I Can’t Quit You Baby (10/8/69 Playhouse Theatre)

Side 4
1. You Shook Me (10/8/69 Playhouse Theatre)
2. How Many More Times (10/8/69 Playhouse Theatre)

Side 5
1. Immigrant Song (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
2. Heartbreaker (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
3. Since I’ve Been Loving You (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
4. Black Dog (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)

Side 6
1. Dazed And Confused (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)

Side 7
1. Stairway To Heaven (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
2. Going To California (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
3. That’s The Way (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)

Side 8
1. Whole Lotta Love (Medley) [1/4/71 Paris Theatre]
2. Thank You (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)

Side 9
1. Communication Breakdown (23/3/69 Top Gear)
2. What Is And What Should Never Be (22/6/69 Pop Sundae)
3. Dazed And Confused (10/8/69 Playhouse Theatre)
4. White Summer (10/8/69 Playhouse Theatre)

Side 10
1. What Is And What Should Never Be (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
2. Communication Breakdown (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
3. I Can’t Quit You Baby (14/4/69 Rhythm & Blues Session)
4. You Shook Me (14/4/69 Rhythm & Blues Session)
5. Sunshine Woman (14/4/69 Rhythm & Blues Session)

Disc 1
1. You Shook Me (23/3/69 Top Gear)
2. I Can’t Quit You Baby (23/3/69 Top Gear)
3. Communication Breakdown (22/6/69 Pop Sundae)
4. Dazed And Confused (23/3/69 Top Gear)
5. The Girl I Love She Got Long Black Wavy Hair (22/6/69 Pop Sundae)
6. What Is And What Should Never Be (29/6/69 Top Gear)
7. Communication Breakdown (29/6/69 Top Gear)
8. Travelling Riverside Blues (29/6/69 Top Gear)
9. Whole Lotta Love (29/6/69 Top Gear)
10. Somethin’ Else (22/6/69 Pop Sundae)
11. Communication Breakdown (10/8/69 Playhouse Theatre)
12. I Can’t Quit You Baby (10/8/69 Playhouse Theatre)
13. You Shook Me (10/8/69 Playhouse Theatre)
14. How Many More Times (10/8/69 Playhouse Theatre)

Disc 2
1. Immigrant Song (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
2. Heartbreaker (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
3. Since I’ve Been Loving You (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
4. Black Dog (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
5. Dazed And Confused (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
6. Stairway To Heaven (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
7. Going To California (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
8. That’s The Way (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)
9. Whole Lotta Love (Medley: Boogie Chillun/Fixin To Die/That’s Alright Mama/A Mess of Blues) [1/4/71 Paris Theatre]
10. Thank You (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)

Disc 3
1. Communication Breakdown (23/3/69 Top Gear)*
2. What Is And What Should Never Be (22/6/69 Pop Sundae)*
3. Dazed And Confused (10/8/69 Playhouse Theatre)*
4. White Summer (10/8/69 Playhouse Theatre)
5. What Is And What Should Never Be (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)*
6. Communication Breakdown (1/4/71 Paris Theatre)*
7. I Can’t Quit You Baby (14/4/69 Rhythm & Blues Session)*
8. You Shook Me (14/4/69 Rhythm & Blues Session)*
9. Sunshine Woman (14/4/69 Rhythm & Blues Session)*

*Previously unreleased.
Quelle: Recordstore UK

Gibt es auch als 3-fach CD Box und als 5-fach Vinyl Box
#397 erstellt: 22. Jul 2016, 03:39
Yes - Tale from Topografic Ocean

Laut der Facebook Seite von Steven Wilson die letzte Ausgabe in der Yes "Remixed & Remaster" Reihe weil von den noch fehlenden Alben die Original Multitrack Masterbänder nicht auffindbar sind.

Kommt in Zwei Versionen - einmal als Doppel CD mit 2 DVDs sowie als 3 CD Box mit 2 Blue-Rays

3 CD + 2 Blu-Ray Version

The ultimate way to enjoy Yes's most controversial album!

The towering Tales From Topographic Oceans is the fifth in a series of remixed and expanded Yes albums.

Presented in a 2 x mini vinyl replica gatefold card sleeves in a slipcase with booklet featuring new sleeve notes by Sid Smith along with rare photos and archive material, the album has been mixed for 5.1 Surround Sound from the original studio masters and is fully approved by Yes.

The 3 CDs feature a 2016 mix of the album by Steven Wilson plus an alternative extended Dance of the Dawn (mixed from multi-track by SW) and 5 single edits. The CDs also include a complete alt. album with High The Memory (unreleased studio run-through) and Ritual (live in Zurich, April 1974) - fully restored audio from original sources.

The booklet includes elements of new interviews with Jon Anderson, Steve Howe and Alan White.

The blu-ray (Region 0, NTSC) features:

- 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio Surround (24bit/96khz) mixed from the original multi-channel recordings.

- the new stereo album mix in DTS-HD Master Audio (24bit/96khz).

- the original album mix in a DTS-HD Master Audio flat transfers from the original master tape source. (24bit/192khz). We believe this is the earliest master of the original mix to be issued in the digital era. (This master was also used for the original stereo on the CDs).

- full alt. album featuring: sides 1 and 3 from the 2003 Rhino CD, previously unreleased studio run-through of Side 2 and previously unreleased live version of Side 4.

- exclusive needle-drop of an original UK vinyl pressing transferred in 24bit/96khz audio and US branded promo pressing.

- exclusive instrumental versions of all new mixes in DTS-HD Master Audio stereo (24bit/96khz).

- 2016 stereo and 5.1 remix of Dance of the Dawn plus 5 single edits (stereo only) all mixed from multi-track by Steven Wilson.

Original artwork expanded, restored and approved by Roger Dean.

"I worked on and off for about 3 years on this new mix in my quest to do it justice. I hope it will satisfy the people who agree with me that it may just be Yes's pre-eminent masterpiece." Steven Wilson

Pre-order for 26th September release.

CDs 1 - 3:

1. The Revealing Science Of God - Dance Of The Dawn
2. The Remembering - High The Memory
3. The Ancient - Giants Under The Sun
4. Ritual - Nous Sommes Du Soleil

2016 full album mix, plus an extended Dance of the Dawn and 5 single edits, all mixed by Steven Wilson.

Full alt. album featuring side two (studio) & side 4 (live) of original album prev. unreleased.


Album mixed in 5.1 Lossless Surround plus extra track mixed from original multi-track sources.

2016 and original (flat transfer) album mixes in hi-res stereo

Alt album, single edits plus exclusive audio extras

2 CD + 2 DVD Version

The towering Tales From Topographic Oceans is the fifth in a series of remixed and expanded Yes albums featuring 5.1 and stereo mixes by Steven Wilson. Amongst the CD bonus tracks are five single edits and an alternative Dance Of The Dawn.

Presented as a 2 x double digipak format - 2cd and 2 dvda - in a slipcase with a booklet featuring new sleeve notes by Sid Smith, along with rare photos and archive material, the album has been mixed for 5.1 Surround Sound from the original studio masters and is fully approved by Yes.

The booklet includes elements of new interviews with Jon Anderson, Steve Howe and Alan White.

The 2 DVD-As (Region 0, NTSC) feature:

- a 5.1 DTS Mix and High Resolution Stereo mixes.
- DVD-A players can, additionally, access a 5.1 Lossless audio mix (24bit 96khz).
- 2016 SW album mix in Hi-Res stereo
- the original album mix in a hi-res flat transfer from the original stereo master tape source.

Help with adjusting your player settings (if necessary) can be found here:

Original artwork expanded, restored and approved by Roger Dean.

"I worked on and off for about 3 years on this new mix in my quest to do it justice. I hope it will satisfy the people who agree with me that it may just be Yes's pre-eminent masterpiece." Steven Wilson

Pre-order for 26th September release.

More information to be announced.

CDs 1, 2:

1. The Revealing Science Of God - Dance Of The Dawn
2. The Remembering - High The Memory
3. The Ancient - Giants Under The Sun
4. Ritual - Nous Sommes Du Soleil

2016 full album mix, plus an extended Dance of the Dawn and 5 single edits, all mixed by Steven Wilson.

DVD-As 1 and 2:

2016 album mix in MLP Lossless stereo and 5.1 Surround sound - mixed by Steven Wilson.

Original album mix, flat transfer from source master tape.

All material presented in 24bit/96khz resolution.

Quelle: Burning Shed / Burning Shed
#398 erstellt: 23. Jul 2016, 23:03
The Beatles: Live At The Hollywood Bowl £9.99 (Euro 32.11 CD gibt's 09-Sept,, LP 18-Nov

Ich habe die alte LP, und eine bootleg CD, aber anscheinend gibt es wieder einmal neue Baender, und neue Bemuehungen das ganze hoehrenswerter zu machen (weniger Gekreische?)

+4 extra Tracks:

You Can't Do That (August 23rd, 1964)
I Want To Hold Your Hand (August 23rd, 1964)
Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby (August 30th, 1965)
Baby's In Black (August 30th, 1965)

[Beitrag von laminin am 23. Jul 2016, 23:22 bearbeitet]
#399 erstellt: 28. Jul 2016, 19:19
Mal wieder was für Pink Floyd Fans die etwas Geld zuviel haben

Pink Floyd - the Early Years (27 CD Box)

An extraordinary 27 disc box set chronicling the early years of the mighty Pink Floyd containing 11 plus hours audio (130 plus tracks) and 14 plus hours audio-visual material including:

* 7 individual book style volumes

* 20 plus songs previously unreleased, 7 plus hours of previously unreleased live audio performances, 5 plus hours of rare concert footage, along with 5 7" singles in replica sleeves, collectable memorabilia, feature films and new sound mixes

* BBC Radio Sessions, remixes, outtakes, and alternative versions over 11 hours of audio (made up of 130 plus tracks), as well as live TV performance in over 14 hours of audio visual

* Previously unreleased tracks include 1967's Vegetable Man and In The Beechwoods, which have been mixed for the first time specially for this release

* 2 historic Quad mixes (1 unreleased) and new 5.1 mixes of the Meddle and Obscured By Clouds albums

* Pink Floyd's early vinyl singles - the first 5 UK releases, (1967-68) remastered from original tapes, original sleeves / heavyweight vinyl / paper labels replicated

Pre-order for November 11th release.

Preis liegt so bei rund 450 Euro
Mehr Infos gibt es bei Burning Shed inklusive genauer Auflistung was da so alles Musikalisch drin ist

Und für den kleinen Geldbeutel kommt dann das hier

Pink Floyd - Cre/ation (Double CD Box)

A double cd compilation of material taken from the extraordinary 27 disc Early Years box set.

2016 remixes, BBC Sessions, live rarities and more.

Pre-order for 11th November release.

CD 1:

1. Arnold Layne (2016 Remastered Version)
2. See Emily Play (2016 Remastered Version)
3. Matilda Mother (2010 Remix) (2016 Remastered Version)
4. Jugband Blues (2010 Remix)
5. Paintbox (2016 Remastered Version)
6. Flaming (BBC Session, 25 September 1967)
7. In The Beechwoods (2010 Mix)
8. Point Me At The Sky (2016 Remastered Version)
9. Careful With That Axe, Eugene (Single Version) (2016 Remastered Version)
10. Embryo (From Picnic)
11. Ummagumma Radio Ad (Capitol US)
12. Grantchester Meadows (BBC Session, 12 May 1969)
13. Cymbaline (BBC Session, 12 May 1969)
14. Interstellar Overdrive (Live At The Paradiso, Amsterdam, 9 August 1969)
15. Green Is The Colour (BBC Session, 12 May 1969)
16. Careful With That Axe, Eugene (BBC Session, 12 May 1969)

CD 2:

1. On The Highway (Zabriskie Point Remix)
2. Auto Scene Version 2 (Zabriskie Point Remix)
3. The Riot Scene (Zabriskie Point Remix)
4. Looking At Map (Zabriskie Point Remix)
5. Take Off (Zabriskie Point Remix)
6. Embryo (BBC Radio Session, 16 July 1970)
7. Atom Heart Mother (Live In Montreux, 21 November 1970)
8. Nothing Part 14
9. Childhood's End (2016 Remix)
10. Free Four (2016 Remix)
11. Stay (2016 Remix)

--->Burning Shed
#400 erstellt: 01. Aug 2016, 13:34
David Bowie - Who can I be now ?

The follow up to the awarding winning and critically acclaimed Five Years (1969 - 1973), this twelve CD box features all of the material officially released by Bowie during the 'American' phase of his career from 1974 to 1976.


The box set includes DIAMOND DOGS, DAVID LIVE (in original and 2005 mixes), YOUNG AMERICANS and STATION TO STATION (in original and 2010 mixes), as well as THE GOUSTER, LIVE NASSAU COLISEUM 76 and a new compilation RE:CALL 2, which collects single versions and non-album b-sides.

Exclusive to the box set is THE GOUSTER. Previously unreleased as a complete album, it was recorded at Sigma Sound, Philadelphia in 1974 and produced by Tony Visconti. The album was mixed and mastered before David decamped to New York to work with John Lennon and Harry Maslin on what became the YOUNG AMERICANS album. THE GOUSTER contains three previously unreleased mixes of Right, Can You Hear Me and Somebody Up There Likes Me.

For the 2016 release, Tony Visconti has overseen the mastering from the original tapes and photos taken by Eric Stephen Jacobs have been put together for the sleeve based around one of David’s original concepts for the album.

Also exclusive to the box set will be the remastered DAVID LIVE (original mix), the 2010 Harry Maslin mix of STATION TO STATION (previously only available on an audio only DVD in 5.1 and stereo as part of the STATION TO STATION Deluxe box set in 2010) and RE:CALL 2.

RE:CALL 2 features the original single mix of Rebel Rebel, which has only featured on a 40th anniversary picture disc in 2014 since its original release on single in 1974, and a previously unreleased on CD Australian single edit of Diamond Dogs, the only place in the world that this edit was issued. Also appearing on CD for the first time is the single edit of the live version of Rock 'n' Roll With Me, which was issued to radio stations in the U.S. to help promote the DAVID LIVE album.

RE:CALL 2 features artwork with 1975 in-studio images from the STATION TO STATION sessions by David's friend and backing vocalist Geoff MacCormack (aka Warren Peace).

The alternative cover for the 2010 mix of STATION TO STATION by Harry Maslin, features the originally intended colour sleeve for the album that never got further than a few colour proofs and was replaced by the more familiar black and white image.

The box set's accompanying 128 page book features rarely seen and previously unpublished photos by photographers including Eric Stephen Jacobs, Tom Kelley, Geoff MacCormack, Terry O'Neill, Steve Schapiro, and many others as well as historical press reviews and technical notes about the albums from producers Tony Visconti and Harry Maslin.

Also includes mini-vinyl versions of the original albums and gold coloured CDs.

* 128 Page hardback book
* CDs in mini-vinyl versions of the original album sleeves
* Diamond Dogs (remastered) (1 CD)
* David Live (2005 mix) (remastered) (2 CD)
* The Gouster (previously unreleased as an album) (1 CD)
* Young Americans (remastered) (1 CD)
* Station To Station (remastered) (1 CD)
* Station To Station (Harry Maslin 2010 mix) (1 CD)
* Live Nassau Coliseum '76 (2 CD)
* Re:Call 2 (Single versions and non album B-sides) (remastered) (1 CD)

VÖ Datum: 23.09.2016

Quelle: Burning Shed

Kommt auch als 13 Vinyl LP Box dann aber doppelt so teuer
#401 erstellt: 15. Aug 2016, 19:49
The Rolling Stones Ultimate MONO Box w/ 7-inch Mini LP

Rolling Stones

SHM-CD box set release from The Rolling Stones includes the 14 original albums (mono tracks) released by the band in the 60's plus a bonus disc with 24 rare tracks.

Japanese edition exclusively features the high-fidelity SHM-CD format, 7-inch cardboard sleeve artworks, and obis faithfully replicating the obis with the first pressing Japanese LPs. Features mono tracks, alternate mix tracks, and cover artworks approved by ABKCO Records. All the original album tracks are remastered in 2016, using the original mono tapes. The bonus disc includes "As Tears GOes By (Italian version)." Comes with a 48-page booklet, including lyrics and descriptions.
Quelle: CDJapan

Erscheint am 30.Sept.2016
Gehe zu Seite: |vorherige| Erste . 4 5 6 7 8 9 Letzte |nächste|
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