Studio Standard by Fisher Servo Drive Turntable MT 913

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#1 erstellt: 13. Okt 2009, 14:59
Hallo Leute, und

bin heute zu Euch eingestiegen; Gruß an alle Freaks, Liebhaber und Stino - user, letzterer ich selber bin.
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Kurz zur Sache: wo finde ich Daten zum Turntable Fisher Modell: MT 913?
Beim googlen nur links für passende Nadeln/Sys. ( Sanyo ST 66 D )gefunden. Betreibt jemand von Euch so eine Maschine?
Das erstmal ganz allgemein, vorerst wäre mir mit eiem link oder Technischem Datenblatt o. ä. geholfen.

Danke und Gruß
#2 erstellt: 14. Okt 2009, 10:04

Made by Sanyo and so there must be an equivalent Sanyo-model.
Without pictures of the MT-913 not much help only you can go to and search the Sanyo picture database and see if there's anything similar.
Then you may download from Vinylengine what's available for the model, if anything and you can return here with the Sanyo-type and ask again for help.



[Beitrag von tri-comp am 14. Okt 2009, 10:07 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 14. Okt 2009, 14:56
Hi tri-comp

Thanks for Your reply,

I've got the same suggestion after finding out the system specification belonging to Sanyo. Unfortunatly I've to wait for some days because I haven't seen the machine yet. Will be delivered soon. Then I 'll prove it.
Yesterday i found an interesting database:

"The Fisher MT-913-AB is a turntable. It was manufactured from 1989 to unknown.part of 8836 system"

"The Fisher 8836-D is a solid state amplifierin the Systems category. It was manufactured from 1989 to unknown.

8836d with remote, dual cassette, programmable CD, 5-band equalizer, semi auto turntable, speakers"

"Manual request/submit: Fisher 8836-D owner's manual

This manual is not ìn our archives yet. On this page you can either send this manual in to exchange it with other people, or place a request for this manual to other visitors."

Vielen Dank für Deine Hilfe bei meiner Recherche...
See You later

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