hello from italy

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 08. Jan 2007, 11:50
hello to every one,
i am Stivi from italy i don't speak german, only english and italian of course.
I have find a website www.tondose.de wich sell
wharfedale opus 3 loudspeaker for a very good price so i want to know if this dealer is reliable.
have you some experience with it?
thanck you for your answers.
#2 erstellt: 08. Jan 2007, 12:45

welcome to the forum.

First of all, your link above is the wrong one... here's the right one:http://www.tondose-dortmund.de/catalog/

well, this shop is a quite big one which advertises in almost all the big hifi-magazines here in Germany... I would consider
it to be a reliable dealer although I never personally purchased any equipment there
#3 erstellt: 08. Jan 2007, 13:35
some people reported that they had trouble with the seller, but that was 1-2 years ago, dunno if it got better or worse.
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