What can you recommend of loudspeakers?

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#1 erstellt: 28. Okt 2007, 23:48
Hi Guys,

I'm going to buy 2 front loudspeakers, one center and two behind loudspeakers.

I've been in some German websites, which sells loudspeakers brand Canton. I don't know if Canton is a good brand or not.

I found a set of laudspeakers from Canton


Not going to buy the subwoofer included on this one.

I don't know if you guys can recommend me, but I'm looking for 2 front loudspeakers, one center and two behind loudspeakers for a total price of 3000 Euros. Which one can you recommend?¨

I have already an Onkyo TX-SR605 reciever and going to buy a SVS subwoofer.

Sorry that it was in English, but I'm from Denmark and my German is very poor.

[Beitrag von Hunter1980 am 29. Okt 2007, 01:29 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 29. Okt 2007, 13:03
I can confirm you, that canton ist one of the best producer of loudspeakers and I think the system that you found is good. But i prefer this sytem Link

The sound is perfect, i hope I can help you!

Sorry for my bad english i'm still a pupil!

Greats, Arne
#3 erstellt: 29. Okt 2007, 13:20
3000 bucks is a good point to start from

You might want to look around for a "real" dealer where you can actually hear what you are going to buy. Otherwise you will end up with sth. that doesn´t suit your ears.

Regardless of your preferences in shopping, look out for some of the larger models of Canton or Elac, no big risk of buying the wrong speakers with these brands. Wharfedale is also a prefered brand by a lot of users here, but i´ve never heard any.

You should buy large speakers for the front (if possible, also a large center) making sure you will always have good stereo sound. The rears can be smaller, especially if you´r going to get a SVS-Sub (excellent choice, regardless of the specific model!).

Maybe you can tell us how you´re going to use your System: Preferably for (Surround-)Music or Movies? Will you use SACD/DVD-A?
#4 erstellt: 29. Okt 2007, 14:45
#5 erstellt: 29. Okt 2007, 14:53
Teufel maybe a good deal if it comes to movies - usage for HiFidelity Music is commonly not advised!

You may want to check out Heco and of course B&W.
#6 erstellt: 29. Okt 2007, 15:02
hey,i think it's good for hifi too
oh my english! last for 26 years
#7 erstellt: 29. Okt 2007, 15:09
Good for HiFi? One word: THX

End of discussion
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#8 erstellt: 29. Okt 2007, 19:17
And if you are from Denmark, you should consider one of your local manufacturers... Dynaudio or Jamo, for example

No kidding, Canton is a good brand, but I recommend to look for speakers of a "larger" series, like the Ergo or Karat...
#9 erstellt: 30. Okt 2007, 02:26
I got a message from the moderator that this subject is inappropiate, I didn't knew that sorry.

Anyway, I see lots of you recommend loudspeakers from Canton, but are there other brands that you can recommend? Does anyone know some German stores that sells cheap loudspeakers from Canton or from monito Audio?

The reason that I shop in Germany is that it's cheaper to buy more quality in Germany than it is in Denmark.

[Beitrag von Hunter1980 am 30. Okt 2007, 02:30 bearbeitet]
#10 erstellt: 30. Okt 2007, 18:04
Hunter1980 schrieb:
I got a message from the moderator that this subject is inappropiate, I didn't knew that sorry.

you only got the wrong section (Stereo/Lautsprecher), and one of the mod's pushed your thread into the right one (Surround&Heimkino/Kaufberatung=Surround&Homecinema/buyer advice).
Never mind, you are not the only one . Sorry accepted (by me!)

Hunter1980 schrieb:
Anyway, I see lots of you recommend loudspeakers from Canton, but are there other brands that you can recommend? Does anyone know some German stores that sells cheap loudspeakers from Canton or from monito Audio?

The reason that I shop in Germany is that it's cheaper to buy more quality in Germany than it is in Denmark.

It may be helpful, if you tell us more:
How big is your listening room?
Do you prefer HomeCinema and somtimes hear some stereo music or the other way round?
What type of film (example?) or musik do you prefer?

Be carefully if anybody tell you 'this brand is the best' he will never be true! She may belive that really, but what sounds fine for one girl maybe not worth a second 'look' for another guy.

For my own i prefer Quadral/Aurum, but a set of Aurum770+Base170+Rear370 will be up above your limit (listing price about 4000, or 4500 if you take the Aurum970 as front speakers). And perhaps you don't like the sound!!!

Even if the VAT is higher in Denmark, have a look at some lokal store. Sit down and listen to what they are able to 'show' you. Do this at least with three different stores...

3000 € is a lot of money (for me, not out of range but more than petty cash), and i would try to get the best for me if i spend that sum.

If you found somthing that sounds fine to you post it here! Then some more guys (girls are real seldom in this freak show) are able to get you tips because they have an imagine of what you are looking for.

And then use the net... google&co will show you more dealers than you can imagine, and you may also try geizhals&co to find the cheapest one all over the EU.

so long, thomas
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#11 erstellt: 30. Okt 2007, 18:47

HiFi-Fabrik has good prices for Canton speakers and many kinds of Canton speakers (GLE, Ergo, Karat,.....).
Hirsch-Ille is another dealer with fairly cheap prices for good equipment.

Here are Monitor-Audio dealers. But there are none who are very cheap or expensive because Monitor-Audio speakers in Germany have nearly the same price for every single type of speaker.
Maybe there are some dealers in Schleswig-Holstein (I hope not too far away ) where you can first listen some loudspeakers before buying your favourite speakers.

Finally have a look at Nubert loudspeakers, klick. Quality like other good brands (Monitor-Audio, Canton, B&W,....).
Like Teufel Nubert has no dealers. Loudspeakers will be sent from the speaker factoy to the user.
Here are many configurations of Nubert-Surround-Sets (klick on the left site of the website - nuBox Sets, nuWave Sets,....).

Good luck
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