Help plu2 DVX 345 Pro

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#1 erstellt: 15. Jun 2004, 20:51
I´m spanish. I bought this player in germany´s ebay to seletronica.
I tried to update firmware and player doesn´t working now.
i put this firmware:
The screen said erase/write and past one minute doesn´t read.
Past 15 min I put power off and on and the player doesn´t work, it doesn´t open and does do nothing.
Seletronica said that is not problem of them, and they don´t Know where i can fix it.
What can i do???
Sorry by my english i don´t know german.

Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 24. Sep 2004, 22:15
I have this problem too !!!

Shit ...

Do any person knoe how i can do ???
Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 04. Nov 2004, 13:45
I think that you can kick your players out of the window. This is the reason why plu2 took the firmware out from the public. I'm wondering why you didn't take another firmware? I've heard about a spanish producer who made the same player and there are two firmware version because of different chipsets in the player! But this information is too late for you now. Or is your player alive now?
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