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#1 erstellt: 23. Aug 2004, 20:07

I am a french buyer for a DVD JVC DR-MH30 (recorder dvd and DD)
To the (Munich) i had make a bank transfer for a Payment in advance the tuesday of the last week, i will send 3 mails and today nothing!....

Do you know this Online shop? and i hope that is a real shop?

Can you tell me.



[Beitrag von zip75 am 23. Aug 2004, 20:07 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 24. Aug 2004, 11:17
i don't know this shop, but did you receive a confirmation email or anything else?
Because you can check the status of your order here
you got to put in your customer-number and your order-number.
Maybe the DVD-Recorder isn't available at this moment.
I can help you do this, because i think you are not able to read the result.
#3 erstellt: 24. Aug 2004, 19:19
Good news , today i have received a mail : the recorder Jvc is ship today

Wait and see!.....

#4 erstellt: 26. Aug 2004, 09:14
That's good to hear!
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