speakers made in China

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#1 erstellt: 22. Mai 2006, 00:15
Many speakers are now manufactured in China (eg: Wharfedale). So the cost is much affordable.

But is the quality compromised??? Does the Wharfedale Diamonds you buy from Europe differ in quality from the Wharfedale Diamonds bought in India?
#2 erstellt: 22. Mai 2006, 02:21
China is a High Volume manufacturing base.

If the product sold in India is made in China, the same product sold in Timbuctoo will also be made in China.

Products made in China do Not automatically refect poor workmanship, any longer.

This is a myth that High cost manufacturing countries would like to perpetuate, to justify their high costs.

Did you know that All Ipods are also made in China ?
#3 erstellt: 22. Mai 2006, 03:14
In fact the many chinese brands have speakers designed by themselves that can compete with any other speakers. An excellent example is JAS audio,when I heard this speaker I was shocked at the sheer musicality that this product had.In fact many high end western speakers are designed by people of Chinese origin.Sunny audio cables, Tchang Lightspeed, Silverline audio,Venture Audio Systems to name a few.Hell the Quad electroststics are made in China to cry out loud,so I do not see anything wrong with Chinese manufacturing.
Regards Deaf.
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