Help me position my speakers

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 06. Jun 2006, 06:07
Hi Guys,
I have a pair of Dynaudio Audience 52, which I am in process of postioning to the best effect. Now I really need your guidance here.

My room is squarish in shape with an usable space of around 13.5" X 14"(feets). Currently my speakers are configured in this fashion:

The speakers are rear ported.
The distance between the speakers is around 7ft.
The distance between the speaker and the listener is 9ft.
Speakers are toed in at around 15-20 degree (gives me good imaging)

The distance between the speakers and the back wall is around 1.7ft (this is the distance between the rear port and the back wall).

The distance between the right speaker and the right most wall is 2ft. Whereas the left speaker doesnt have a side wall support as the left side of the room doesnt have an immediate side wall. The side wall is at around 4ft from the left speakers.

I have a heavy non-reflecting curtain at the wall opposite to the speakers (thats behind the listener) and a few furnitures around. Speakers and equipments are not yet on spikes/stands but will do soon.

Now here goes my queries:
1. Since my room is squarish (which is acoustically not good) is there something I can do to negate the bad effects of the room on the sound ?

2. Frequencies below 40hz seems to echo a bit and doesnt die out fast. At normal listening volumes its fine but if you crank up really high, this echo factor creates unpleasantness in the bass region forcing you to turn down the volume. Is there anything I can do to tame it down?

3. Is the speaker postion right, or do I need to shift it further away from the wall or vice-versa ? I dont prefer near-field listening btw.

4. How far a carpet help ? Is it worth spending 10k+ on a carpet or should I spend the same money in some other kind of room treatments?

Sorry for the long post but I thought all these details would be required for you people to give me a more accurate solution/suggestion.

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 06. Jun 2006, 06:13 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 06. Jun 2006, 08:06
Abhi, forgive me if this is too sketchy, but this seemed like a good read:
#3 erstellt: 06. Jun 2006, 08:07
You are assuming the worst for your room, which is a good beginning.

However, I would STRONGLY recommend that you download 3.2 MB of test tones from :

Cut tis as a regular CD, and play the Test Tone CD on your CD player.

These tones are with VERY SMALL frequency increments and releal a LOT about resonances in your room.

Dont worry about a SPL meter, just listen with your ears !

I fast forward each track after about 2 seconds.... that way I get an idea in a cople of minutes...

Would appreciate yr feedback, after listning to the test tones.

#4 erstellt: 06. Jun 2006, 08:47
Try the CARA Similation

I think you will get a good idea of the room nodes. especially since your speakers are already present in the selection here

I was so impressed that i actually bought the software for optimisation !

once you realise the frequencies oyu have no control on (most probabily a suckout + Peak around 40 to 60. you can play around a lot with your seating position to minimise that ou remove secondary reflections but at the same time retain coherence.

Another option is to play around with the hieght of the speakers.
bass boom to some extent can be reduced by haveing absorbers ( eg largish potted plants) in the corners or even bookshelves with books.

[Beitrag von Arj am 06. Jun 2006, 08:55 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 06. Jun 2006, 09:54
Try blocking the reflex port if you are getting a boomy bass. The speakers should have come with foam bungs.
#6 erstellt: 06. Jun 2006, 10:04

Try this, I dont know for sure if it would help but nevertheless its worth a shot.

1. Try and get your speakers away from the back wall to about 4-ft if possible or at-least 2.5+ft. (Also whats there on the back wall? TV, System Rack......??)

2. Try and sit closer to the setup ideally 7-ft as your speakers are placed 7ft apart this would improve imaging to a very large extent. (I understand that you dont enjoy nearfeild setups but do try this as it would surely sound better)

3. A carpet will certainly help if you have marble or tiles as your flooring it will kill the 1st reflection which would be much more pleasant to listen to than what it currently is.

4. Another way to tame the bass below 40hz is to install pucks? sp? to block the port so it kills the excessive bass.

Hope this helps,

#7 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 06:32
Hey Satyam
Maybe he should just pay me to do it. .
Regards Deaf.
#8 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 07:27
Great suggestions guys....except the one made by deaf

Thankfully all of them are simple to implement and doesnt require complex equipments.
I have already tried the one given by raftuq. It yeilded good results. But it also had its pre-requisites. The process was mainly meant for Floortanders (where bass quantity is already in plenty and additional reinforcement is not a necessity) but since I am using Standmount speaker, Bass reinforcement from the rear and side walls is SOMEWHAT a necessity. Atleast thats what I concluded after executing the process mentioned in the website.

As I moved the speakers away from the wall, the echo reduced noticeably but so did the presentation got leaner...

I found that when I move the speaker closer to the wall, there was a bass reinforcement to the sound. Infact the entire frequncy spectrum except the highs were getting bass reinforced and that makes the presentation richer but in the process also adding to the echo. I really dont know if its good to reinforce the bass in this manner, but somehow I liked it ....except for that bit of boom . So finally I came to a position where it was a compromise between the two positions.

Regarding blocking the rear ports, I am a bit sceptical.
I really dont want to chop off frequencies to make it sound taut. This will basically mean missing the lower octaves which is no way right IMO. I just want to control the room from playing foul with the sound and not the speaker....beacuse I know that speakers are made to precission while the room is not..

Carpet seems to be a very lucrative option to improve the SQ so I will be going for it very soon.

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 07. Jun 2006, 07:31 bearbeitet]
#9 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 07:54

As I moved the speakers away from the wall, the echo reduced noticeably but so did the presentation got leaner..

Bass quantity vs quality is the usual tradeoff in speaker placement, particularly stand mounts..

The "Correct" compromise is what you find best .

Also depends on what you Listen to ... Bass resolution ( do different deep bass notes sound different, or all the same ? ) or Bass quantum.

#10 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 08:18

abhi.pani schrieb:

Thankfully all of them are simple to implement and doesnt require complex equipments.
I have already tried the one given by raftuq. It yeilded good results. But it also had its pre-requisites. The process was mainly meant for Floortanders (where bass quantity is already in plenty and additional reinforcement is not a necessity) but since I am using Standmount speaker, Bass reinforcement from the rear and side walls is SOMEWHAT a necessity. Atleast thats what I concluded after executing the process mentioned in the website.

As I moved the speakers away from the wall, the echo reduced noticeably but so did the presentation got leaner...

you should seriously try out the cara modelling link.. will give you a good idea of the perimeter to play around with
#11 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 08:24
Hi Arj,
I did visit the website. There is an initial calculation page where it calculates on the basis of my room size and furniture the echo, deviation that I would be getting from the ideal sound. But I didnt get the solution there. I mean, what is it that I should download and how to go about it ? Is there any guide in the website that I have missed ?
#12 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 08:37
Nothing to download.. it is an online Java application

Are you able to see the screen ?
All you need to do is
1. Fill in the room dimensions
2. select Stereo & Choose your speakers.

Now you can see 2 diagrams which are the last 2 which give you the top view and the front view of the Speakers and listener.

Just click on each of them
eg if you click on the speaker it will show the current distances from each wall.

Nowd move them around using the arrow keys in your keyboard to simulate your current position. the room response curve will change to simulate the change.

just remember that the speakers will aways be along the "Width" wall. if you want to simulate it being on the Long side then just change the dimentions of lenght /Width

you may need to remove the additional absorbers they have mentioned.

hope it is clearer ?
#13 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 09:51
Dear Abhi
I am telling you that my suggestion is the best. .
Ask Satyam,he will tell.Hey Satyam dinner is on me at Ayub's.
Regards Deaf
#14 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 10:48
I'll tell you what deaf, I'll pay for dinner for gyan in return from you and im sure abhi would enjoy it too

#15 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 12:04

sbfx schrieb:
I'll tell you what deaf, I'll pay for dinner for gyan in return from you and im sure abhi would enjoy it too


Hmmm,2-3 rolls at Ayub's for positioning his speakers,ok I guess.Deal.
Regards Deaf.
#16 erstellt: 07. Jun 2006, 12:47
Nice to know food is an alternate currency deaf is happy to accept Abhi, you would want to grab this opportunity ASAP.

#17 erstellt: 08. Jun 2006, 10:10

Manek schrieb:
Nice to know food is an alternate currency deaf is happy to accept Abhi, you would want to grab this opportunity ASAP.


If at all I was in Mumbai....but fortunately I am not...
Jokes apart...I know a professional help can do wonders but then it gives a different satisfaction to DIY.

Hi Arj,
The CARA link did help a lot and I did find most of the info to be quite realistic. However as you said there is one peak which I am unable to tame unless I move the listener closer to the speaker. The speaker to listener distance would then be hardly 5-6fts which means near-field listening and thats what I dont prefer at all. The peak I am getting is around 43hz, which is improving the deep-bass characteristics but simulaneously adding to the reverb.
I think if I could just cut down the echo by putting some carpets etc, the same peak might become an advantage in improving the lower octaves without the reverb. Also increasing the speaker height seemed to help.

So next is carpet and a speaker-stand.
I would keep you posted.
#18 erstellt: 08. Jun 2006, 11:26
That peak would be due to the room dimensions and not easy to get rid of... by moving closer you are removing the reflections hence the benefit. but nearfiled is something even i dont find very comforting.

the best way of removing that would be via digital EQ but that is not something many folks like.. try to see if a corner Damped with say a rolled up carpet is helping ?

anyway at 43 hz it is not taht worrysome..somethng at 50-60 can be more irritating !

do you have any bass suckouts at the 70-120 Hz ?
#19 erstellt: 08. Jun 2006, 11:37
Pardon my did you arrive at the fact that you may have a peak at 43hz ?
Are you doing these measurements with a full frequency spectrum SPL meter ? Or is it a software program on a cumputer with a microphone attached ?

Ist häufiger hier
#20 erstellt: 08. Jun 2006, 15:26

I too would like to have some help from experts- Deaf, I can take you up on the food for advise in Mumbai!

I have Monitor Audio speakers RS-8. Would like somebody knowledgable to take a look and tell me if I have got the positioning right. I also think that the imaging leans a bit towards the left....

Can give dimension of room and other details here if members can offer suggestions that will improve the setting. Havent a clue about stuff like suckouts etc...

My audio gear is Cairn Monoblocks and Preamp with Accurus CDP.

#21 erstellt: 08. Jun 2006, 15:50
Hi Arj,
Bass suck outs are somewhat there in that 60-120 freq range but its not that prominent. But in any case if you have a remedy for that then do let me know.

The only major peak I am getting is at around 43-45 hz and that is clearly due to room acoustics.
I think a bass trap may help here. Moving closer to the speakers is no way a solution for me atleast.

Your question is very valid regarding my conclusion about 43hz. Actually I am referring to the link given by Arj in one of the posts in this thread:
If you fill in your room dmensions and speakers you are using along with few other details, it gives you a very near picture of the acoustics in the room and also the various peaks and dips in frequency one can expect for any particular listening position wrt the speaker position.
Its quite close to what I am actually getting in my room.
So I assume the peak its displaying is almost correct.
#22 erstellt: 08. Jun 2006, 19:37
Solution for suckouts.. I have no idea other than a equaliser !

regarding the accuracy , (Although I must say 43 is too precise) I have verified the full versoin CARA results with test tones and a SPL meter and they match pretty well enough.. maybe not enough it terms of the amplitude of the peak, but very well on the frequency domain (ie the X axis for events quite follow but the Y axis does not)

I presume that is because the room absorbtion/reflection is not that easy to simulate.

since the CARA engine is the same for the web application above I see no reason to doubt it.
#23 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 03:34
Frankly, though I have not utilised the CARA software, I personally feel that it is WAY Out to conclude that ANY room has only a single notch, at a specific frequency.

My room ( Not idea, for sure ) is actually like a minefield, with troughs and peaks of more than 10 dB, freq to freq.

I would Implore each one to try out as per my previous post :

However, I would STRONGLY recommend that you download 3.2 MB of test tones from :

Cut tis as a regular CD, and play the Test Tone CD on your CD player.

These tones are with VERY SMALL frequency increments and releal a LOT about resonances in your room.

Dont worry about a SPL meter, just listen with your ears !

#24 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 04:17
this is where I come from....your room is just not 4 walls. its got furniture and people and sofas and other stuff.

Those also affect the frequencies you hear. Cara would have a tough time calculating what frequencies your particular sofa absorbs and what freq's the glass panes in the room reflect. So the figure of 43hz could be just very hypothetical and so would the suckout details.

A friend and I had once done this the hard way many years ago. Got an SPL meter, played test tones in increments of 10hz with a test tone generator. Manually plotted the frequency/spl at the listening position on graph paper and kind of got some ballpark results about how the room sounds at the listening position. Those days we had the time, energy and I just would not bother

#25 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 04:44
Hi Amp_nut,
I am yet do this experiment that you hae suggested. I will do it this weekend and let you know.

Equalizer seems to be a distant solution to me at present. I am yet to find a good equalizer which I can rely upon to fiddle with the setup's original SQ. But I am seriously thinking of Bass traps currently. I heard a few people talking that Bass traps can be made for as low as 1500 bucks...
#26 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 04:51
Hi Manek,
You are almost right about your observation. But co-incidentally my room doesnt have an exposed glass pane and cara does take into account the number of sofas, chairs, area of curtains, carpet, bookshelves and few more things. They collect this data from you before giving you the approx graph.
Still you are right that they cannot exactly make out whats the material of the sofa like or for that matter the curtain quality etc etc...that makes things inaccurate to some extent.
Just because I found some of their data to be quite close to what I actually hear with my naked ears so I tend to believe them more.

But yes, the SPL meter experiment is one other thing that I have seen many of you doing and may be that would be one thing that I have to consider. BTW where do we get the SPL meters ?
#27 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 05:12
Hi Abhi,

I have an SPL meter.

Believe me, our ears too do a Great job.

You will be SHOCKED when you hear the CD that I have recommended . ( Please, other CDs with their larger spaced tones, are practically USELESS IMHO ofcourse )
#28 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 05:17
Cool buddy. I will try it out this weekend.
#29 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 05:19
SPL meters can be bought. My friend had borrowed it from somewhere. What do they cost nowadays I wonder ?

Give the test tone cd Ampnut recommends a shot....should give you a picture.

#30 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 06:20
Actally you can model different materials in CARA as well and also put in a sofa with multiple materials and it does quite a detailed analysis. in fact I had to run the program overnight to morel my room since it does a theoretical calculation of upto 4-5 refelections based on the reflective/Absorbtive coefficients of each material.

If you are technically inclined youll love it else just give it a miss and go purely the By the ears way. I personally prefer a dual approach.

Obviously it is not going to be 100% but even if it gives you a 75% idea of the booms/peaks and positioning it gives you a better start to start using ones ears..

as I said I was able to verify the results with an SPL meter and they were quite accurate on with regard to the frequencies although the actual value of thse peaks were not very real world.

(Since the Radio Shack SPL meter has a known error you need to add/subtract standard error values to give you a better real world figure)
eg table havin measured value, corrected value and 1/6th octave frequencies which I used to test is http://www.hometheat...s/excelsplchart1.jpg

you can also use the following if you have a decent soundcard to gnenerate tones

[Beitrag von Arj am 09. Jun 2006, 06:25 bearbeitet]
#31 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 07:51
Hi Arj,

Yes, the Radio Shack meter has in-aquaracies, and there are sites that provide mods to bring the accuracy upto almost +/- 1 dB.

However, when you runb the Test CD I have recommended, you will realise that all rooms are off by maybe 10 dB at SEVERAL Freqs.

Frankly, even with my practical ignorance on room equalisation, and a scan of that test CD, I personally feel that concluding, from software, that there is a Single Irregularity at a Specific freq, in a domestic room, without e4xtensive room EQ, is ..... Fantacy ...

Please do not take this ill, or as a personal comment...

I would love to have yr feedback, after you have dowloaded and played back the CD. ( Just a 3.2 MB download )


#32 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 08:47

Please do not take this ill, or as a personal comment...

Hi Amp_Nut

none taken.. in the end thse is a forum for sharing views and nothing like disagreement to fuel furhter research !

I had posted the results of my CARA test long time back
this is a Snapshot at 50 Hz but in reality the software plays a movie across all frequencies. I just noted the bumps an the falls at the listening position and then took out the following readings from my SPL meter..

Of course i did oit only till 160 Hz since i was more interested in improving my Bass response with a sub integrated

I had taken the test tracks from another Behringer forum but will try it with your test tracks as well.. unfortunately am travelling a lot these days hence unable to get a long enough session to actually sit down and measure.

But will get to it

And I really apologise for spelling mistakes but I use a french Keyboard at work, a German one while travelling and a standard US one at home.. all those keys make for a confused issue on key placement

BTW the following are corrections to be added to the RS meter that I got from some other forums

FREQ & Correction dB to be added

[Beitrag von Arj am 09. Jun 2006, 08:58 bearbeitet]
#33 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 09:06
Adding on. i agree with Amp_Nut on another count. ie on going 100 % by it The purpose of the software is not to give a real world feel . but to help understand where potential problems occur

to me the value of CARA was not in the readings but overnight it was able to give me an optimal placement area (Including height) for my speakers + sub including all furniture/window/door etc which I was able to feed in. so finding a good sounding placement was achieved by just playing around a bit "By the ear"

The online version of cara is just to give an understanding of it.. it definitely is no "Final word" !! for that you literally have to get down to hands and knees and get the hands dirty !
#34 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 09:36
But one more thing thats troubling me is, I dont have enough space to play around. A room size of 13.5" x 13.2" is all I have and I have discovered that I should be atleast 8.5-9" away from the speaker to avoid near-field experience. Another 1ft has to be left behind the listener as the Sofa extends behind the listener. So I have 3-3.2ft to play around with the speaker-rear wall distance.
Again since I am sitting at a distance of 8.5-9ft so the gap between the speakers should be somewhere around 7ft (atleast) so as to get the imaging. So I have around 3ft left to play around with each speaker to sidewall distance. With all those constraints in mind I am getting more and more convinced that I have to cut down the reflections heavily instead of breaking my head to solve everything by positioning alone.
The test tones that amp-nut has provided can always help me guage if I am on the right track or not.
I also have the shefield labs Drum Test XRCD, dont you think that should help ?
#35 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 10:05
I do have that as well.. but to be honest I rarelyt
play it even for checking Bass !

Some tracks which I like are
1. Sade : Love Deluxe
2. Eagles Hotel California (Hell freeze over)
3. Black eyed Peas : Lets get retarded
4. Most Ray brown tracks if you like Jazz (My favourite is Bye Bye Blackbird)
5. Manek had once recommended "Beyond the sea" from finding
Nemo which I have added
6. recently found out a track called "Poem of Chinese drims" from Burmester test track III which Sivat had once recommended in a post. found that a very gruelling tesst of Bass as well as timing.

cannot recollect many other songs..need to look into my list
#36 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 10:11
Where can we get a Burmester Test CD ?
#37 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 10:22

Arj schrieb:
Most Ray brown tracks if you like Jazz (My favourite is Bye Bye Blackbird)

Diana Krall's "All Or Nothing At All" has some good double bass plucking similar to Ray Brown's Bye Bye Blackbird.
In fact, her Love Scenes album is full of it. Bass, Piano, some drum brushing and her voice.
#38 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 10:32
Yes you are right on that..Another is a cd called Sister Drum by dadawa. all in chinese but with amazing music and some good bass..

I got the Burmester of Audiogon during a visit to the US.. not sure of it in India
#39 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 10:38
Actually Hip Hop is a very good test of low down bass.. if that is upto your alley in music
I dont mind a hop or two out in MTV here
#40 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 10:51
When using that Bass Test Tone CD, I have so strongly recommended, dont sit thru each FULL Track. That will take 20 minutes or more of test tones ! UGH !

Jump to the next track every 3 seconds or so.

You will hear DISTINCT and sometimes HUGE volume difference between adjacent test tones just 10 Hz apart, in the region upto 200 Hz.

This does not show up on a rapid sweep tone test.
#41 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 10:56

BTW the following are corrections to be added to the RS meter that I got from some other forums

Hi Arj, there are actually 3 generations of the RS meter. They can be identified based on their serial number.

Each generation has a different correction required.
#42 erstellt: 09. Jun 2006, 11:49
ok.. thats news to me.. since the person who gave this to me actually asked for my serial number:) i thought he was just checking on my authenticity at that time !
#43 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 10:27
Hi Amp_nut,
I downloaded the test tunes and tried it....I was amazed.
Its so accurate in pointing the problematic frequencies, it was unbelievable.

CARA was right in the sense that the test tunes that I used (recommended by amp_nut) had tunes from 10hz to almost 250hz and that too at a gap of 1hz....and as I deduced from CARA's curve, there was a huge peak in the areas of 43-45hz and then it smoothened down. Then again I found a peak at 63-66hz and 78-80hz....most of the other frequencies were sounding quite ideal. I tried upto 150hz and as I have pointed out these were the frequencies which I need to tame down. Most irritatingly high peak was at 45hz.

Now some acoustic related books say that Curtains and Carpet can only absorb frequencies upto 200hz and not below that. They specifically recommend bass traps and acostics panelling to tame frequencies below thats a problem.
Anyway....if there are any other home-made treatments you guys know then please let me know.
#44 erstellt: 13. Jun 2006, 12:57
A rolled up carpet makes a pretty effective bass trap in the corner. other options are Potted plants, Cardboard boxes full of books. Open Bookstands etc etc..
#45 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 02:23
Hi Abhi,

Glad to know that the test tones proved helpful.

Hats off to CARA also, for acurately predicting your 45 Hz room resonance, using only a virtual world.

Cheers !
#46 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 04:15
Ya CARA did a gret job...I showed the CARA website to one of my friends and told her how it works....he was totally amazed...he couldnt believe that things have gone so far in audio..

BTW I got an excellent tweak last night.
Actually my Dynaudio speakers are placed on my old monitor sized sonodyne speakers..the two cabinets dont touch directly, instead they are seperated by 1.5 inch rigid Ply.
The height of the tweeter was almost 3/4th foot below my ear level.
I was thinking of spiking up my speakers lately but then I just placed my speakers on a rubber mat. I placed one mat between the sonodyne speakers and the floor and another mat between the dynas and the ply (on which it was kept previously).....and WOILA!!!!....such a cool improvement in sound...the bass tightened and echo/boom has reduced heavily...the same tracks which I used to avoid because of reverberrations sounds sooooooo good now. I dont know whether its the isolation given by the mat or because of the increase in height I got by adding these mats (aroumd 3 inches) or may be both...but it has done a lot of good...

I wonder how many such home made tweaks would be there that are yet to be explored..

[Beitrag von abhi.pani am 14. Jun 2006, 06:17 bearbeitet]
#47 erstellt: 14. Jun 2006, 04:48
I need to increase my sp0eaker height by 3 to 6 inches.

Can you tell me where you bought these 3 inch matts ? From a Car accesories shop ?
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