Klipsch RF II's happy with them but...

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 06:02
Hi All,

Picked up Klipsch from Arj's place on saturday and got them in kicking in place on sunday evening. very upfront with Sonodyne and attacking sound in my small listening room.......very neat condition and it's hard to beleive they are used. In fact many of my friends were led to beleive they were new , But now I gotto get a good stereo amp and good CDP..to hell with HT set up.I want a good stereo set up. Any suggestions for a good amp + CDP to be got from US.
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#2 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 06:13
Congrats on your new purchase.

Arj was happy with his Sudgen A21a with Klipsch, you can try some thing like that. You 'll not go wrong with even Puccini. The best is valve amps, next best would be SS power + valve Pre. It all depends on your budget too. Go for low power very high resolution amps.

#3 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 06:13
if you can , try and get a used sugden, the same one which arj used.....secondly tube amps would do brilliantly with your speakers so thats another option.

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#4 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 06:15
my suggestion would be to convince arjun to sell u his sugden . wow. its a super amp. or get a new one from the US. 25 watts but will beat my NAD hands down.
as for the CDP loook for Marantz 7300 or 6000 ose or Ki model. nad c542 is also a good option. the others are more learned in this.
other options for the amp would be the prima luna 2 for around 1200$.
how about a linn classik CDP or the Rega planet(around 650$, i think).
if u want we can try my Nad with ur Klipsch some time. let me know where u stay and if u are up for it we'll do it. just to get some perception on the Nad 320BEE(i want to see how it drives some better speakers than the diamond8.4) not to mention the fact that i'm dying to hear my first klipsch audition.

Cheers and have fun listening.

p.s: they were in mint condition u say. that's surprising cause the i saw Prithvi cleaning up Arjun's sugden . just kidding.

[Beitrag von benkenobi am 29. Mrz 2005, 06:16 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 06:41
Amps: Get the Rega Brio or the Marantz PM7200 amps.

CDPs : best value for money these days are the Rega PLanet or the Arcam CD73...the rega is laid back while the arcam detailed.

I think the Arcam + rega Brio should sound very good with the klipsch.

the cambridge audio setup should also be pretty good as would the all NAD setup.
#6 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 10:19
i liked the marantz and class a/ab operation at 550$ is a good buy.But does marantz CD5400 at 300$ worth the money. Arj ewhat model of CDp are you using??.How's denon amp and cdp when paired with Klipsch.
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#7 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 10:21
better to go for the cd6000ose or ki model than the 5400.
#8 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 10:24
I would rate the Rega Brio above the Marantz.

personally do not have a good opinion about denon amps.the marantc 6000 series is better..so are the rotel/NAD cdps..but the Arcam 73 is way above them in terms of detail

hence if u are pairing with a Brio go with Arcam. with the Marantz, makes sense to choose the marantz cdp
#9 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 10:35
hey just looked at NAd pre S100 with power c272 and c542 CDP.
Any guesses about the price of the combo.

P.S. I like loud and on the face music, but not too bright.
#10 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 10:39
if you do have a budget of upto 1500 USD then you can get the
Linn Classik
Arcam Solo

both are a CDP +Tuner + Preamp + Amp all rolled in one with a very good sound. almost as good as separates for that price.
#11 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 10:41
would suggest you go for an integerated amp for the time being...more components means more Interconnects hence more variables
#12 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 11:08

As my plan is to get components over a period of year I'm hunting for them individually and alternatively looking back at my budget. So how do you rate NAD 320 bee with nad cdp (the model you own)
#13 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 11:29
I was very happy with that untill i heard the sugden.
#14 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 11:50
In case you plan to sell sugden what price woukld you expect.
Or you sell your cdp as well with XDP's.what price would you like to sell em at.....
#15 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 12:02
I am definitely not selling the sugden as i rather like it and if i sell it would need to buy it all over again

may rethink on the CDP as I am not sure to go the DAC route or another CDP. if i plan on another CDP..ill sell the NAD since it has close to 200 USD worth of modding not sure if Ill get a good enough price.
#16 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 12:05
Well the modding plus all other stuff and factors considered and keeping the second hand prices in mind as well..what might you sell it at..

P.S. Whats the actual cost of your cdp
#17 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 12:07
BTW Cd you played for demo at your place was good.nice music.....can you name it please and where did you pick it up...
#18 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 12:19
The CD was called Asian Drums by Kyoshi Yoshida . I had picked it up form one of my trips in the US a couple of years back. not sure if it is available here.

Frankly have not though of selling the CDP.. hence cannot put a price ! I have modded it to be a very good transport so if i do go the DAC way would want to continue to use it rather than buy a new one...
Ist häufiger hier
#19 erstellt: 29. Mrz 2005, 15:04
Hey Arj,

What exactly is modding and what does it to?


#20 erstellt: 30. Mrz 2005, 05:02

Heartiest congratulations on your new purchase. May the Klipschs make wonderful music to your ears.

But, one very important question.

How were you able to get them past the Lady of the House?

I mean, did she welcome them in with open arms, or, you sneaked them in under the pretext that they were latest rage in objets d'art, or, you were forced to make vital and strategic concessions elsewhere….
#21 erstellt: 30. Mrz 2005, 05:13
The most surprising thing here is arj can act as a proof she not only accompanied me to pick em up, but ran down stairs , caught a rick to get to shop from arj's place to get tape for packing and also helped me lug em upto second floor( no lift in our apartment coz it's just 2 floors) She is actually happy.
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#22 erstellt: 30. Mrz 2005, 05:20
u my friend is the luckiest man this week on the forum.
extremely difficlut for me to find a lady friend who is similarly inclined on audio. they like music but know nothing of audio hi-fi.true stereo.
congrats and i'm sure most of the guys will be hoping for a similar reaction from their wives when they bring their systems home or can match ur level of entusiasm. no offence meant guys.
i know cause i saw the look of 'well he went and flused that money down the drain' that my mom gave when she saw us hauling the wharfedale into the house.
#23 erstellt: 30. Mrz 2005, 05:21
...and you are one lucky guy...

#24 erstellt: 30. Mrz 2005, 05:35
you said "u my friend is the luckiest man this week on the forum. extremely difficlut for me to find a lady friend who is similarly inclined on audio. they like music but know nothing of audio hi-fi.true stereo."

You will be surprised that women are taking to this hobby, all they need is a little time to catch up with things. The same was said about women car mechanics and you have so many of them working in the cart and grand prix leagues. Why, my Hyundai service centre in Mumbai has a few women working in their workshop floor...so dont underestimate them....women are set to take on guys head to head....and that my friend is a good thing !

I personally would love to meet a woman audiophile and get her perspective on things....would be really interesting.

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#25 erstellt: 30. Mrz 2005, 05:47
Manek, there is always the exception as there are always in every field. but so far atleast i have not come across a lady who neither has an inkling towards audio nor who respects my perception on the subject. they are quick to dismiss by saying u are crazy to spend 20k on speakers.
why go bring the opposite sex into this most of my fiends scroned at me when i told them i got my dad to buy me these speakers for this price and they went u should have asked them to buy u a sony ericsoon p800 or a nokia whatever for the same price instead of wasting ur money on some silly speakers. to this this i said that's not my intrest.
and even though i see 7th and 8th std students flashing their cell i will only be ghetting my cell today (have been in situations when i really flt i nneeded to have one)as i told my parents i do not want one and asked them to buy me an audio system instead. finally i succeeded last year after pestering for over 3 years.
but that's me.

[Beitrag von benkenobi am 30. Mrz 2005, 05:49 bearbeitet]
#26 erstellt: 30. Mrz 2005, 05:50
Manek wrote :

You will be surprised that women are taking to this hobby, all they need is a little time to catch up with things. The same was said about women car mechanics and you have so many of them working in the cart and grand prix leagues. Why, my Hyundai service centre in Mumbai has a few women working in their workshop floor...so dont underestimate them....women are set to take on guys head to head....and that my friend is a good thing !

manek is right

who knows she might just say RF 3's are too boring and just shout at me with her 102db efficiency voice cord to get RF 7's , but once she is completely bitten by this bug then i'm bankrupt.coz they always do things on an exhoribant scale.

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 30. Mrz 2005, 05:52 bearbeitet]
#27 erstellt: 30. Mrz 2005, 06:07
the women audiophies are cropping up in the US and Europe, still a small group but a growing group nevertheless.

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#28 erstellt: 30. Mrz 2005, 13:39
Hey Guy's,

Can somebody enlighten me on "modding" CD players and what does it achieve?

Thanks in advance..

#29 erstellt: 30. Mrz 2005, 14:22
hi roshan,

modding the cd player is modifying it to achieve something. one instance of modding could be putting in a tube stage output to get that sweet tube sound. i presume there are tons of other mods like better lenses, stabler transport sections and wotnot one could do but i'm aware of only this mod.
#30 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2005, 04:28
Modding would mean minor changes in the design OR upgrading of components to get a better or different sound output

typical ones are
1. Upgrading Capacitors
2. Upgrading Op amps
3. Changing the clock
4. Changing the output stage
5.changes in Biasing of internal cicuits
6. damping the structure/trnasport
7. changing muting resistor vaues etc etc

usually they need to be done by someone who is an audiophile itself as minute changes and degradation should be immediatly noticed and acted upon
#31 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2005, 04:58

having cdp's modded professionally have resulted in very positive results....if you go in for modifications for the first time, you could try and do the common mods first like caps and damping for the transport....see if it makes any sonic difference and then continue further. But this depends on the cdp you want to mod as well, depends on what the weak links are in your cdp....

Which CDP would you like to mod ?

ARJ had a modded CDP..isn't that right Arj ?

#32 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2005, 05:06
right Manek..but I did not have the guts to do it myself.

a friend of mine..a pretty experienced audiophile into all things DYI did it for me .He spent 2 weks on it testing and changing small components & design till he was satisfied thatn it was the best he could do.
as per him the Output section of the NAD does have some faults and some too intrinsically design based that is was not worth it to change anything

apparently it is the older marantz cd63 to 6000 which are a modders delight !
#33 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2005, 05:56
the marantz are hot for upgrades. I believe marantz cdp's respond very well to trichord clock upgrades and cap replacements. I am told(could be wrong) that their transport mechanisms are well picked out.

#34 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2005, 06:14
guys what does the 90 degree into 60 degree in the horn tweeter stand for??
#35 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2005, 06:26
thats the dipersion of sopund ie 60 degrees of dispersion vertically and 90 horizondal.
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#36 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2005, 06:32
its like the dimensions of a flared horn. just like horn antennas and wavguides. the rectangular wavguide opens up to a flared horn and the dimensions of the flare is described by the angles which determine the directivity( also radiation intensity) of the wave.
Ist häufiger hier
#37 erstellt: 31. Mrz 2005, 15:32
Thanks for the info guy's.

I'm new to this game so right now I'm going to hear the mainstream products before I get in to niches!

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