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3 Hours with the Polk Audio RTI-12

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#51 erstellt: 03. Aug 2005, 10:29

powersupply schrieb:
since you were the former owner of klipsch, you may 've better idea than me since I never owned them, just it happened me to listen to them with couple of ele. I may be wrong but my observation was it was well for rock, disco & techno type of music & for HT applns-due to its high dymanic range & dispersion pattern.

It playes Western classical also very well. it has a relatively weak midrange (Can be spitty with the wrong electronics) If you choose warm low power amps you will enjoy them.

I think the Reference Bookshelves, paricularly the RB 25 (Not sure) had the best midrange. hence should do very well for you.

But due to its sensitivity, the partnering amp is very important.
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#52 erstellt: 03. Aug 2005, 10:53
thanks for the suggestions Mr.Arj

#53 erstellt: 03. Aug 2005, 11:07
powersupply wrote :

I may be wrong but my observation was it was well for rock, disco & techno type of music & for HT applns-due to its high dymanic range & dispersion pattern.

Thats true it's very good for these kinda music and thats what I listen to me non-audiophilic if you want ...It's very involving when I heard vocals of jagjit singh.

Arj wrote :

IMHO This combi in a largish room with lots of furniture might sound good..but in a small room with reflective surfaces might be bright..but if you like bright then its good for you !

hey my room isn't too big or there aren't much furniture around..but many heard it and felt it wasn't bright as people have perceived it to be...I'm not trying to defend , but some music is really torture.... esp bright recordings will show up on your face..very revealing.With Rotel it sounds just right.better than NAD..coz NAD just was way too bright...I mean most CD's sound good on this combo..anyways Arj how's your Sugden??? in bangalore...securely locked in your flat...
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#54 erstellt: 03. Aug 2005, 11:41
if I'm not wrong, it excells in vocals, strings & wind instuments also, they are very revealing.

Mr.Sub, Me too don't want to be called audiophile, just a music lover, like rock mainly. I like to mention that, it's not that klipsch are not that good for small rooms. B'cos I've listened to both BS & Floors at very lower level with all details present & ofcourse at very loud levels w/o any distortion. It's all just taste & likings.

#55 erstellt: 03. Aug 2005, 11:45
Dear power house I have Rf3 FS and in quite a small room placed 8 feet apart and sitting around 10 feet from em..I would tell you it's perfect for extended listening with good seperation and imaging and a real rock concert when higher volume levels are summoned...
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#56 erstellt: 04. Aug 2005, 19:45
Thanks Arj for the feedback. guys how is the MArantz stereo amps with the Klipsch? RF10

- vikram
#57 erstellt: 05. Aug 2005, 05:08
harmon marantz goes good with Klipsch and complement each other.
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#58 erstellt: 05. Aug 2005, 06:12

You can try with PM7200, it may go well with Klipsch. I understand first 25 watts are in Class A. Once I listened with PM7000 + RF5, some how I didn't like, whole presentation was lean. Though Klipsch are of high sensitivity, my observation is it needs good & quality drive to sound at its best. You 've some demos & take opinions of Sr members here too & decide.
#59 erstellt: 05. Aug 2005, 06:26
Dear Harmon generally high sensitive speakers need fraction of power as compared to lower sensitive ones...but it really needs an amp with guts to sound good..Amp should have enough grunt to wake the LF drivers.
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#60 erstellt: 05. Aug 2005, 06:58
you are right SUB, if you want to feel the Bass physically like kick drums hitting on your chest, you need amps with enough grunt.
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