Kennt jemand diesen Subwoofer bzw. die Daten?

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 11. Dez 2010, 22:15
Hallo, ich habe mal von einem Kumpel aus den USA einen Subwoofer bekommen... Ich habe leider keine Ahnung, um was für einen es sich handelt bzw. welche Daten er hat, weil ich diese nirgends im Internet finden kann...

Auf dem Dustcap steht: Directed (ist wohl der Hersteller) Pro Plus

Auf dem Chassis auf einem Aufkleber steht: Directed Audio und model 2154 sowie c2001 Directed Electronics, Inc.

Es ist ein 15" Subwoofer Chassis mit einer 4 Ohm Schwingspule...

Danke schonmal im vorraus,

lg Karl
#2 erstellt: 11. Dez 2010, 22:30
Die Firma ist ja net ganz unbekannt und hat auch eine eigene Homepage.
Dort könntest zB eine Anfrage machen?
#3 erstellt: 11. Dez 2010, 22:52
Hab ich schon vor ca. 2 Monaten... Hab bis jetzt leider noch keine Antwort gekriegt...

Kennst du die Firma? Kanns du mir ein bisschen was darüber sagen?

lg Karl
#4 erstellt: 11. Dez 2010, 23:05

Kennst du die Firma

Nein - leider weder Verwandt noch Verschwägert
#5 erstellt: 11. Dez 2010, 23:12

Naja hab eher gemeint ob sie gute Sachen herstellen...

Hab gehört dass sie irgendwie mit Orion was zu tun hat? Weil Orion soll ja sehr gut sein...
#6 erstellt: 11. Dez 2010, 23:20
Das muss man nicht hören, da kann man einfach nachschauen:



"Car Audio"

Naja hab eher gemeint ob sie gute Sachen herstellen...

Das stellen die nicht her.

Directed Electronics was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1982 by Darrell Issa (now a U.S. Congressman representing California's 49th District) and his wife Kathy, as a maker of vehicle security products. In 1986, Directed Electronics moved to Southern California, where the business began to expand rapidly. Automobile theft was rising dramatically, especially in major metropolitan areas, and Directed's commitment to research and development led to advances in integrated circuit-controlled security systems that propelled the company to the forefront of the field. The Viper® and Python® brands were introduced, and sales more than doubled between 1989 and 1990, leading to Directed's inclusion in the Inc. 500 the following year.

During the 1990s, Directed's sales grew substantially as the company won dozens of awards, developed the first PC-programmable security systems, achieved quarter-mile range from keychain remote controls and entered the burgeoning car audio business. In the year 2000, Directed purchased the Clifford® and Avital® brands and became the unrivalled leader in consumer branded vehicle security and remote start, which continues to this day.

At the end of 2000, Darrell and Kathy Issa sold controlling interest in the company to Trivest, Inc., a private equity firm based in Miami, Florida, and stepped down from day-to-day operation of the company. In January 2001, Jim Minarik, formerly President and CEO of Clarion Corporation of America, took the helm as President and CEO of Directed Electronics. Later that year, the company acquired the well-known Orion® Car Audio brand.

In 2004, Directed acquired Definitive Technology®. The company went public in 2005 and in 2006, acquired Polk Audio®. At about the same time, the company also made a series of strategic acquisitions in Canada, including Astroflex®, Autostart®, Directed Canada and XPRESSKIT®. Reacting to these changes, Directed adopted a holding company structure in 2008, renaming the parent company DEI Holdings, Inc. Jim Minarik continues as President and CEO of DEI Holdings, and Kevin Duffy as President of Directed Electronics, taking over the day to day responsibilities of running Directed Electronics business units in Southern California and Quebec.
#7 erstellt: 11. Dez 2010, 23:28
Ok, danke.

Naja ich bin mit dem Sub eigentlich ganz zufrieden, er spielt in einem ca. 85l Bassreflexgehäuse und hat Tiefgang ohne Ende... vom Klang her ist er auch ganz Ok.
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