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#1 erstellt: 24. Mrz 2005, 22:01

Jeder kennt bestimmt die guten alten Godzilla Filme. Aber wonach ich schon lange suche, sind die neueren Teile. Im TV laufen immer die selben Teile. Habe aber schon öfters von neueren Produktionen gelesen und auch Bilder gesehen. Finde aber immer nur Versionen auf Japanisch oder Englisch. Gibt es diese Filme nicht auf Deutsch bzw. wo kann man sie erstehen?


#2 erstellt: 25. Mrz 2005, 09:38

in Japan kommt ne Box raus mit allen Teilen inklusive dem neuen!

Hier gibts ein Videopreview: http://www.tokyomonsters.com/


Inhalt: Ever since his rise in 1954, Godzilla has been the biggest international movie star Japan has ever produced. Celebrating the 50th anniversary, this massive set contains all 27 installments of the series: 'Godzilla' (1954), 'Godzilla no Gyakushuu (Godzilla Raids Again)', 'King Kong tai Godzilla (King Kong vs. Godzilla)', 'Mothra tai Godzilla (Godzilla vs. Mothra)', 'Sandai Kaijuu Chikyuu Saidai no Kessen (Ghidrah, the Three-Headed Monster)', 'Kaijuu Daisensou (Godzilla vs. Monster Zero)', 'Godzilla-Ebira-Mothra: Nankai no Daikettou (Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster)', 'Kaijuutou no Kessen: Godzilla no Musuko (Son of Godzilla)', 'Kaijuu Soushingeki (Destroy All Monsters)', 'Godzilla-Minira-Gabara: All Kaijuu Daishingeki (Godzilla's Revenge)', 'Godzilla tai Hedora (Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster)', 'Chikyu Kougeki Meirei: Godzilla tai Gaigan (Godzilla vs. Gigan)', 'Godzilla tai Megaro (Godzilla vs. Megalon)', 'Godzilla tai Mechagodzilla (Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla)' (1974), 'Mechagodzilla no Gyakushuu (Revenge of Mechagodzilla)', 'Godzilla' (1984), 'Godzilla vs Biollante', 'Godzilla vs King Ghidorah', 'Godzilla vs Mothra', 'Godzilla vs Mecha-godzilla' (1993), 'Godzilla vs Space Godzilla', 'Godzilla vs Destroyah', 'Godzilla 2000 Millennium', 'Godzilla x Megaguirus: The G Extermination Command', 'Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Daikaijuu Soukougeki', 'Godzilla x Mechagodzilla', 'Godzilla x Mothra x Mechagodzilla: Tokyo SOS: Special Edition'.

Specials: Godzilla Head: Made of soft vinyl. As large as actual head of rubber suit used in the film production. There are several variations in Godzilla's design. This head is taken from 1954 original film. Sculpted by Fuyuki Shinada (who designed Godzilla in 'Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Daikaijuu Soukougeki'. / Packaging: Special rigid box which looks like Godzilla's skin. 28 single Digipak cases for 27 films plus future release of 'Godzilla Final Wars' (due to hit theatres in Japan on Dec. 4, 2004), and 1 3-disc Digipak case for extras. This DVD box and Godzilla head are housed in one large box. / Booklet (A4 size, full color): Posters, publicity materials, etc. / Disc Contents: identical to the previous separately available editions. In case the previous editions are multi-disc set, the discs contained here are the 1st disc in each set. See individual titles for the details. / Bonus 3-disc set 'Godzilla Special Archives' contains materials previously unavailable on DVD: 'Godzilla, King of the Monsters!' (1956 US version of the original 1954 version). 'SF Kaijuu Synthe Sound: Godzilla Densetsu', 'SF Symphonic Fantasy: Godzilla Fantasy'


[Beitrag von SFI am 25. Mrz 2005, 09:39 bearbeitet]
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