SAW II - Unrated Director´s Cut (RC1)

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#1 erstellt: 07. Aug 2006, 05:59

Lionsgate Home Entertainment has provided us with details on the unrated director's cut of Saw II, which will be available to own on the 24th of October and just in time for when the second sequel in the franchise hits theatres. Retail price for the two-disc set will be $26.98. The first disc will present the film with an anamorphic transfer at its original 1.85:1 aspect ratio, along with English Dolby Digital 5.1 EX and DTS-ES 6.1 audio tracks. Extras will include two feature-length audio commentaries, the first with creators James Wan and Leigh Wannell and a second with director Darren Lynn Bousman, production designer David Hackl, and editor Kevin Greutert. Other supplements include The Making of Saw II, he Making of the Saw Story, and Jigsaw featurettes, a tribute to Gregg Hoffman piece, the short film Zombies by director Bousman and trailers. Weve attached the artwork for the release below.


[Beitrag von SFI am 07. Aug 2006, 06:00 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 07. Aug 2006, 07:29
am 8.september kommt bei uns die limited edition von "SAW 2",müsste auch unrated sein..
#3 erstellt: 07. Aug 2006, 08:26
#4 erstellt: 07. Aug 2006, 09:09
mhm,kann ich mir nicht vorstellen,dass kinowelt den DC groß ankündigt und dannn ur die normale kinofassung drauf packt.eher unwahrscheinlich,beim 1.teil klappte das ja auch mit dem DC bei kinowelt.
#5 erstellt: 07. Aug 2006, 10:38
übrigens soll wohl anfang 2007 "SAW 1+2" zusammen im steelbook von kinowewlt erscheinen..
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