[RC1] Robocop - Steelbook

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#1 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 06:55

Further Details:
MGM Home Entertainment has sent over details on a 20th Anniversary Edition of Robocop which stars Peter Weller, Kurtwood Smith, and Ronny Cox. The two-disc special edition will be available to own from the 21st August, and should retail at around $22.98. The set will include both the theatrical and extended cuts (presented in anamorphic widescreen, along with DTS 5.1 Surround tracks), along with commentary by director Paul Verhoven, writer Ed Neumeier and executive producer Jon Davison, a Flesh And Steel: The Making Of Robocop featurette, a Shooting Robocop 1987 featurette, a Making Robocop 1987 featurette, The Boardroom: Storyboard With Commentary By Animator Phil Tippet featurette, deleted scenes, an OCP Press Conference feature, a Nun In The Street Interview, and further featurettes on the cast, special effects, and design. Completing the set will be a Villains Of Old Detroit featurette, a Special Effects: Then And Now featurette, a Robocop: Creating A Legend featurette, and trailers and TV spots.

Quelle: dvdactive.com
#2 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 11:13
Richtig klasse wäre es wenn das Teil auch bei uns kommt.
#3 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 12:20
Wenn Bild und Ton ordentlich überarbeitet wird, kann ich mir sogar vorstellen den als RC1 zu kaufen. Robocop und Terminator gehören einfach in solche Blechbüchsen
#4 erstellt: 11. Mai 2007, 13:17
Die Criterion wird meine einzige und letzte Robocop Scheibe auf DVD bleiben! Immerhin richtiges Bildformat
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