Dark City bekommt Neuauflage

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#1 erstellt: 08. Apr 2008, 20:40
Laut schnittberichte.com erfährt der Science-Fiction-Film von
Alex Proya in absehbarer Zeit eine Neuauflage auf DVD, Blu-Ray
und eventuell sogar in ausgewählten Kinos.

Der Director's Cut soll neben anderen Schnitten und einem längeren
Score eine Reihe neuer Effekte erhalten, die zum Zeitpunkt des
Drehs so noch nicht umsetzbar waren.

Für mich besonders erfreulich, da die bisher erhältliche
DVD-Veröffentlichung für ihre schlechte Bildqualität berüchtigt
ist und ich mich daher noch nicht zum Kauf durchringen konnte.
Ich hoffe auf Besserung in dieser Hinsicht.

Einen festen Termin gibt es leider noch nicht.

[Beitrag von rhythmuskaputt am 30. Apr 2008, 21:35 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 08. Apr 2008, 20:55
Es wird auch Zeit, dass dieser moderne Klassiker eine würdige Vö erhält!
#3 erstellt: 09. Apr 2008, 05:39
Dito, sehr sehr geiler Film!

Hier die Originalmeldung:

It was rumored a few months back that one of my favorite films of all time, DARK CITY, would be getting re-released with brand new special FX work added. No other details were revealed and it has been silent since then - until now. The other day I chatted with writer David Goyer, who is off in Chicago directing THE UNBORN for Rogue Pictures, who revealed a few more details on the project that any hardcore fan will appreciate. Read on for the skinny.

While on the set of his upcoming film UNBORN, writer-director David Goyer updated us on the re-release of DARK CITY, which he wrote for Alex Proyas to direct. "It's coming out fairly soon [and will] probably have limited theatrical, but Im not sure," he explains, "I have seen almost all of it and I took part in an over hour long making-of."

In addition to the special features, Goyer reveals that there's more to the re-release than just special FX upgrades. "[They re-did] the score and the cuts a little longer," he reveals, "all of the parties involved did fairly lenghtly interviews with us, they'll be incluced on there."

He's also quite sure that there will be a Blu-ray release. Join me in a lengthy scream of happiness. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Released in 1998, Alex Proyas, (The Crow) directs this futuristic thriller about a man waking up to find he is wanted for brutal murders he doesn't remember. Haunted by mysterious beings who stop time and alter reality, he seeks to unravel the riddle of his identity. William Hurt, Kiefer Sutherland and Jennifer Connelley all star, even Melissa George makes a cameo!

Quelle: bloody-disgusting.com
#4 erstellt: 27. Apr 2008, 21:51
Termin steht fest: 27. Juli 2008!
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