Uncharted (2022)

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#1 erstellt: 26. Jun 2009, 12:38

Columbia has found "Uncharted: Drake's Fortune."

The studio is developing the action-adventure video game for a feature film, setting Kyle Ward to pen the adaptation that would be produced by Avi Arad, Charles Roven, Ari Arad and Alex Gartner.

The story follows a descendent of explorer Sir Francis Drake, a treasure hunter named Nate Drake who believes he has learned the whereabouts of El Dorado, the fabled South American golden city, from a cursed golden statue. The search becomes competitive when a rival hunter joins the fray, then is racheted up several notches when creatures -- actually mutated descendants of Spaniards and Nazis -- begin attacking those hoping to learn the treasure's true secrets.

The game, from Sony Computer Entertainment, sold 1 million copies in the first 10 weeks of its release at the end of 2007

Ward, repped by CAA and Benderspink, is making a name for himself in the game-to-film world, having written "Kane & Lynch" for Lionsgate (Bruce Willis is attached to star) and getting hired to work on "Hitman 2" for 20th Century Fox.

The Arads, through their Arad Prods., are developing "Maximum Ride" set up at Columbia. The adaptation of the James Patterson book has Catherine Hardwicke attached to direct.

Roven and Gartner's Atlas Entertainment banner has the Nicolas Cage period horror pic "Season of the Witch" due out this year.

$50 Matthew McConaughy or Sam Worthington land the role.

Who should play Drake?

Quelle: latinoreview.com

[Beitrag von SFI am 01. Jan 2022, 08:58 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 09. Jul 2009, 17:06
Hm,klingt interessant. Das könnte der bessere Indiana Jones werden. Mir würde Worthington besser in der Titelrolle gefallen.Das spiel fand ich ziemlich klasse. Bin gespannt!
#3 erstellt: 11. Jul 2009, 16:11
Wenn di den Stil von Uncharted wirklich authentisch wiedergeben wollen, dürfte Uncharted ein ähnliches Optik-Spektakel werden wie Into the Blue...

Hoffen wir, dass bei Uncharted nicht auch der Rest in den Hintergrund rückt!
#4 erstellt: 25. Nov 2010, 07:33
Interview mit Wahlberg:

On the subject of how the "Uncharted" movie is progressing, Wahlberg confirmed that David O. Russell has started writing. "David is one of the best writer/directors I've ever worked with," said Wahlberg. "The idea that he has is just insane. So hopefully we'll be making that movie this summer."
Recently there have been rumors that O. Russell was interested in casting Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro in the film, and Wahlberg confirmed those, as well. "That's who he wants to write the parts for. I talked to Pesci about it and I know David's people have talked to [Robert De Niro]."
And now for the juicy bit: How would Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro fit into the storyline?
"I'm obviously in whatever David wants to do but the idea of it is so off the charts: De Niro being my father, Pesci being my uncle. It's not going to be the watered-down version, that's for sure."

Quelle: mtv.com
#5 erstellt: 25. Nov 2010, 09:44
Ich finde die bisherigen Casting-News super.
Mark Wahlberg ist völlig OK.
Die Verfilmung könnte genial werden, aber wir werden sehen...
#6 erstellt: 25. Nov 2010, 16:35
Wenn der Film nur annähernd wie das Spiel wird; wird der Streifen schon ein Hit
#7 erstellt: 22. Dez 2010, 18:23
Interessante News:

Zieht Russell Fillion für "Uncharted" doch in Betracht?

#8 erstellt: 11. Feb 2011, 09:54
Hat Russell "Uncharted" überhaupt gespielt?

Das Casting von Mark Wahlberg und David O. Russells Kommentare über die geplante Familiendynamik werfen nicht wenige Fragen auf, ob der Regisseur die "Uncharted"-Spiele überhaupt kennt.

#9 erstellt: 21. Feb 2011, 13:25
David O. Russell bezieht Stellung zu "Uncharted"

#12 erstellt: 30. Mai 2017, 20:19
Tom Holland spielt den jungen Nathan Drake
#13 erstellt: 31. Mai 2020, 13:26
Kinostart nun am 08.10.2021. Antonio Banderas spielt mit und Mark Wahlberg als Victor "Sully" Sullivan.
#15 erstellt: 11. Feb 2022, 19:58
Wie können die Beiträge so alt sein?
Tom Holland 2017
Interview Mark Wahlberg 2010
#16 erstellt: 11. Feb 2022, 20:46
Ich dachte mir auch gerade: 11 Jahre Vorlaufzeit.....Halleluja
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