The Blob (2011) Remake by Rob Zombie

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#1 erstellt: 28. Aug 2009, 14:35

After reviving the "Halloween" franchise, Rob Zombie will next reinvent "The Blob." Zombie will write, direct and produce a remake of the 1958 horror classic that launched the career of Steve McQueen. Production will begin next spring.
Zombie's deal to make "The Blob" his next film comes as Dimension opens "Halloween II," the Zombie-directed sequel to his 2007 hit "Halloween."
In the original "Blob," an object from space crashes into a field, containing a red blob-like substance that absorbs the humans it contacts and grows exponentially. While Zombie was a fan of the original, he's formulated a decidedly different take that he would not reveal.
"My intention is not to have a big red blobby thing -- that's the first thing I want to change," Zombie said. "That gigantic Jello-looking thing might have been scary to audiences in the 1950s, but people would laugh now."
Zombie will produce with Genre Co.'s Richard Saperstein and Brian Witten; original "Blob" producer Jack H. Harris; and Judith Parker Harris of Worldwide Entertainment Corp. and Andy Gould.
Saperstein, the former Dimension Films president who developed a relationship with Zombie while they worked on "Halloween," said that funding is in place to make an R-rated film that will cost around $30 million. The budget model is similar to that of recent fright fare like "Cloverfield" and "District 9," and they expect to firm a distribution deal before production begins. Genre Co. is in pre-production on the independently financed, Darren Bousman-directed remake "Mother's Day."
"I'd been looking to break out of the horror genre, and this really is a science fiction movie about a thing from outer space," Zombie said. "I intend to make it scary, and the great thing is I have the freedom once again to take it in any crazy direction I want to."
Zombie has begun writing. He'll follow the release of "Halloween II" with a new album and tour this fall and get the script done at that time.
Shara Kay and Jeremy Platt will be "Blob" co-producers, and David Mendez is exec producer.

#2 erstellt: 28. Aug 2009, 17:46
dabei fand ich das erste remakevon 1988 bereits als sehr unterhaltsam.
aber nur uncut versteht sich!
mal sehen ob man das so einfach überbieten kann.
#3 erstellt: 28. Aug 2009, 17:47
Den als Remake? Ok, der Film war zu seiner Zeit gut, doch wieder nen Remake? Der Film Slider kürzlich war doch schon ähnlich...
#4 erstellt: 03. Sep 2009, 11:03
hm, mit der heutigen tricktechnik könnt der richtig klasse werden. solange man es nicht zu ernst macht und ein wenig spass mit in die sache bringt.

fand den letzten BLOB film richig klasse. schau ich heute immer mal noch gerne an
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