National Treasure 3 (2011)

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#1 erstellt: 24. Mai 2010, 06:31

CS: When does "National Treasure 3" start shooting?
Turteltaub: I think we start shooting late fall, early winter. Hopefully that's the goal and I think it will come out Christmas 2011. That's assuming everyone is available, the script is good and I haven't thrown a tantrum.
CS: I know Nic has to start shooting the next "Ghost Rider" soon so will that conflict with your movie?
Turteltaub: I doubt it. Usually scheduling conflicts come up if you're trying to land an actor and the actor has to choose between two movies. We won't make "National Treasure" without Nic and they won't make "Ghost Rider" without Nic so everyone will find a way to make both movies. It's not like Nic is going to go, "I'll make 'Ghost Rider' instead." He'll make both. Also an actor's schedule is three to four months. Whereas a movies takes a year and a half. So it won't be an issue.
CS: Where would you like to see "National Treasure 3" go?
Turteltaub: Where "Avatar" went. $700 million dollars. I want to see 3D and space. There could be treasure on Pandora. It's possible that somewhere hiding in that tree that fell down was Thomas Jefferson's earrings or something. I don't know. That would be the worst movie ever. Horrible!

#2 erstellt: 27. Mai 2010, 07:01

CS: Where would you like to see "National Treasure 3" go?
Turteltaub: Where "Avatar" went. $700 million dollars. I want to see 3D and space. There could be treasure on Pandora. It's possible that somewhere hiding in that tree that fell down was Thomas Jefferson's earrings or something. I don't know. That would be the worst movie ever. Horrible!

Obwohl ich kein Nick Cage Fan bin, freue ich mich auf beide Filme. Ghostrider mit mehr Action diesmal bitte und wieder eine schöne Schnitzeljagd in NT3.

[Beitrag von Teerbaby am 27. Mai 2010, 07:02 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 02. Jun 2010, 22:56
Wie die wollen dieselbe Geschichte nochmal verfilmen?

Ich meine mehr Wiederholung wie in Teil2 geht ja gar nicht mehr, sogar die Filmmusik war die selbe wie in Teil1 !

Und wenn MR.Cage die Kohle nicht so dringend brauchen würde müsste ich mich hier garnicht aufregen!

PS: ich habe NT!mit begeisterung geguckt und mich über den 2ten Teil gefreut, leider wurde ich bitter entäuscht!
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