Prospect (2018)

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#1 erstellt: 18. Mrz 2018, 17:57

The space western stars Pedro Pascal (KINGSMAN: THE GOLDEN CIRCLE) and follows a teenage girl and her father as they travel to a remote alien moon hoping to strike it rich. They aren't alone on that moon however, as it quickly becomes apparent that there are others in the wilderness and that they must fight to survive. Forced to contend not only with the forest's other ruthless inhabitants, but with her own father's greed-addled judgment, the girl finds she must carve her own path to escape. Again, it's hard to make any real judgement with just sixty seconds of footage, but I'm liking most of what I see, particularly the variety of cobbled together spacesuits.


#2 erstellt: 19. Mrz 2018, 16:41
sieht interessant aus, lt der beste Sci Fi Indie Film seit "Moon".
#3 erstellt: 27. Mrz 2018, 11:56
Oh ja da freue ich mich drauf. Trailer sieht sehr interessant aus und die Story reizt. Vielleicht wird das endlich mal wieder ein vernünftiger Sci Film.
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