Sony VPL-AW10/15, 1080p24 und HDMI 1.3!

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#1 erstellt: 01. Mrz 2007, 16:08
Sony bringt im Sommer neue 720p LCD-Beamer:

Also announced were two new 1280x720 LCD front projectors. The BRAVIA VPL-AW15 will be available in June at $1,500. Like the current Cineza VPL-HS60, which it replaces, it incorporates an automatic iris. It looked excellent in a side-by-side demo with that earlier Cineza on a relatively small screen (82" diagonal, 16:9 Stewart Studiotek 130). Its 1100 Lumen rating is 300 Lumens higher than the older model, and the difference was quite obvious. It will also accept a 1080p/24 source, and offers a specified dynamic contrast ratio of 12,000:1 (Advanced 2 Iris enabled).

The second model, the BRAVIA VPL-AW10, does not yet have a price, but it will be under $1,500. It will not, however, have an auto iris. According to the Sony rep, both of these new projectors will have HDMI 1.3 inputs. (The Sony reps were, in general, unwilling to be specific about the HDMI ratings in the new gear, arguing that they want to avoid consumer confusion. This particular rep apparently didn't get the memo.)

Ineteressant wäre zu wissen, ob Sony an den LCD-Panels gearbeitet hat und wie Epson bei der D6-Generation nun auch komplett auf organische Bauteile verzichtet?

Gruß, Marcel!

[Beitrag von celle am 01. Mrz 2007, 16:10 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 01. Mrz 2007, 22:05
Hallo Marcel,

die Panels bleiben bei den Sonys die gleichen. Die Preisrange wird bei insgesamt drei Geräten bei 999 Euro bis 1699 Euro ( Unverb. Preisempfehlung des Herstellers ) liegen.

Lassen wir uns mal überraschen, obs dann wirklich drei sind.

Quelle: Sony Product Management England
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