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#1 erstellt: 02. Nov 2004, 14:26
I hope someone can help me, It's very hard understand german, please answer in english or italian

I have bought this TV LCD from DANIKS-WORLD by ebay, but now the seller don't ship me the item probably because the price of my auction is too low for him, he want to give me back my money becouse he can't send the LCD in ITALY!
I can go directly to the shop in GERMANY, but I need to say before if there is a shop for no internet customers.
The address should be

DANIK Play&Trade Selectronica
Bismarkstr 32
Offenbach Am Main

Thanks in advance
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#2 erstellt: 02. Nov 2004, 16:39
Hat sich gelöscht
#3 erstellt: 02. Nov 2004, 16:53
So what exspecially do you need from us?

As i can see, there is at every auction from this Ebayer written "Versand nach Deutschland" - that means sending (only) in or to Germany.

You should take the money back, if he offers this...

It's the same as if i would bit on an american auction and i only can understand the word "$"....
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#4 erstellt: 02. Nov 2004, 17:26
Probably the section where I wrote is wrong, but I need some informations about this seller DANIKS-WORLD and perhaps you can help, in several discussion is mentioned this seller, but your language is very difficult to understand.
I need to know if there is a real shop where I can go personally for a delivery by hand, I have no other chance, so I decide to ask on this german forum.
#5 erstellt: 02. Nov 2004, 17:58
the service-page from danik says:

"Da wir ein Versandhandel sind und unsere Waren über speziell gesicherte Lager verschicken, in denen aus Sicherheitsgründen kein Publikumsverkehr zugelassen ist, ist eine Abholung leider nicht möglich."

all this says is "we only send our tvs to our customers. we do not have a real shop and there is no adress for customers to come to and pick up their tvs by themselves."

Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#6 erstellt: 02. Nov 2004, 18:09
Ok, I will ask my money back!

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