Thomson DTH 8560E.

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#1 erstellt: 18. Jan 2006, 18:40
Hallo, Grüße zu allen, bin ich im Forum neu.

Ich habe für 1 Woche 8560E gehabt.
Ich habe gelesen, wie man zum Ausgang hdmi mit dem Schlüsselzoomobjektiv, vom Menü, aber mit ändert, zum keines Bildschirmes nicht zu sehen, der 576p, 720p oder 1080i warum ist?
Menü sagt zu mir: Nichtkompatibele Version.

Sie wollte wie das Erreichen sie wissen oder, daß videos kompatibel sind.
Sie entschuldigen mein Deutsches für automatischen Übersetzer.

Danke sehr viel und einen Gruß.

In english:
Hello, greetings to all, I am new in the forum.
I have been having for 1 week 8560E.
I have read how to change to the exit hdmi with the key Zoom lens, from menu, but with himself not to see no video that is 576p, 720p or 1080i Why?
Menu says to me: Noncompatible version.
It wanted to know like obtaining it or that videos are compatible.
You excuse my German for automatic translator. Thank you very much and a greeting.

#2 erstellt: 19. Jan 2006, 09:12
You have to turn the little Dipswitch in back of the Thomson into the position p - 'progressive' (available is 1h -2h -p)
In addition to that on screen-menu, video out have to switch on components. I hope it works so.......

[Beitrag von michael67 am 19. Jan 2006, 09:13 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 19. Jan 2006, 10:38
Hello, thanks to answer. If, I have changed the switch of the back part of dvd, thus I have obtained image by exit HDMI. I have it in "p", I create. (To the right absolutely). I do not understand this: In addition to that on screen-menu, video out have to switch on components. Anyway, although the switch this badly positioned, the archives would have to let reproduce them, although he did not leave image, I do not know. I need more aid, please. A greeting and thank you very much.
#4 erstellt: 19. Jan 2006, 12:30
Your TV/LCD/Plasma must prepared for HDMI-Input. My Plasma e.g. must set for the Input at "HDMI active" instead of Scart.
#5 erstellt: 19. Jan 2006, 13:20
Yes, I have a Samsung LCD 32M51B and i can see dvd´s trought the dmi ouput of my thomson.

DMI output rules correctly.

i think that the problem is with the format of the videos of internet.

Thank you
#6 erstellt: 19. Jan 2006, 14:49
hm I did not understand you. You can see DVD with HDMI in 1080i or 720p? super! it still works with your LCD.

A film burned on a cd or dvd as iso-formatted (No DVD-Menue - only MPG-Files or avi-Files on a dvd/cd) runs only when it is a divx-movie. mpeg or mpg-files coded in Mpeg1 or Mpeg2 will not Play. Sorry - it is a thomson....
#7 erstellt: 19. Jan 2006, 16:15
Hello, my english is horrible, excusme.

I can change the resolution of exit and TV says that this to 1920@1080i 50hz to me.

But I have not seen any video, dvd, trailer... nothing, to that or smaller resolution I must look for videos, films, trailers that are to 720p or 1080i that they serve/compatible for this Thomson.

What kind of videos are compatible with 8560E and they are high resolution??

If, it is certain, it does not reproduce mpeg1 nor mpeg2: ( but if mpeg4:D (something is something).

i will try it.

Thank you very much, a greeting.

PS: You also speak spanish?
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