News Cowon D2 & Rockbox & Sound & .m3u

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#1 erstellt: 20. Jun 2008, 00:07
Bei Rockbox shotofadds Developer tut sich was:

I just played the first ever .m3u playlist on a D2... so yeah you can get excited if you like!

On my way to work this morning I was able to use Rockbox instead of the Cowon firmware to listen to music for the first time! I had an album playing for about 40 minutes with no show-stopping problems.

This is really good news as it also proves the NAND driver isn't that broken if it's able to play a whole album without problems.

There are a few issues to work out: the headphone volume control isn't working, and there's some distortion, maybe due to setting the mixer volume incorrectly. Those should be simple fixes, though. The EQ (software 5-band and hw bass/treble) seem to work fine, but at the moment they mostly just add to the distortion.

With no EQ it's currently running at a 30.2% boost ratio (~90MHz) on LAME 192k MP3 files, which sounds rather high, but we can work on that.

As a bonus, getting the sound buffering mechanism working also means that the Gameboy and MpegPlayer plugins now partially work:

- The Gameboy emulator is very slow and needs some work on the keymappings. But it works, and has sound.

- MpegPlayer seems to run at a reasonable speed but it's hard to tell because the output is rotated and repeating across the display. The lcd_yuv_blit() function clearly needs some work.


[Beitrag von Pinin am 20. Jun 2008, 00:10 bearbeitet]
Hat sich gelöscht
#2 erstellt: 20. Jun 2008, 09:09
Naja, hört sich ja schon vielversprechend an. Wird aber wohl noch ein paar Wochen dauern, bis RB wirklich nutzbar ist.
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