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1. Liga Battle of the Bands: Hall of Fame

+A -A
#951 erstellt: 12. Apr 2012, 10:31

Sentenced 46
Slipknot 04 KILL
Gojira 16
Voivod 46
Cannibal Corpse 24
Amon Amarth 24 SAVE

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#952 erstellt: 12. Apr 2012, 10:36

blitzschlag666 schrieb:
naja, hab den Godzilla ja reingebracht. obendrein mag ich die sehr. da kann ich die ja von den Banausen hier nicht killen lassen. Die werden den gleichen Weg gehen wie SYL.

Ich hoffe Deine Glaskugel behält recht.
Hatte schon das Schlimmste befürchtet.


Sentenced 46
Slipknot 04
Gojira 18 SAVE
Voivod 46
Cannibal Corpse 22 KILL
Amon Amarth 24

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von Klangdeich am 12. Apr 2012, 10:39 bearbeitet]
#953 erstellt: 12. Apr 2012, 10:54

KallisGrillimbiss schrieb:
Gojira 16 SAVE (im Gegensatz zu allen anderen Bands in der HoS versteh ich bei Gojira auch wirklich nicht, was man - von Geschmacksfragen abgesehen - gegen die haben kann. Selbst bei SYL konnte ichs noch eher nachvollziehen. Aber muss ich ja auch nicht verstehen)

Nach einer kleinen Hörprobe habe ich mein Draufhacken auf die Jungens eingestellt. Allerdings finde ich den Gesang nicht gerade prickelnd.
Hat sich gelöscht
#954 erstellt: 12. Apr 2012, 11:09

hifi666 schrieb:

KallisGrillimbiss schrieb:
Gojira 16 SAVE (im Gegensatz zu allen anderen Bands in der HoS versteh ich bei Gojira auch wirklich nicht, was man - von Geschmacksfragen abgesehen - gegen die haben kann. Selbst bei SYL konnte ichs noch eher nachvollziehen. Aber muss ich ja auch nicht verstehen)

Nach einer kleinen Hörprobe habe ich mein Draufhacken auf die Jungens eingestellt. Allerdings finde ich den Gesang nicht gerade prickelnd.

Das freut mich! Der Gesang ist nicht unbedingt ihre größte Stärke, das stimmt schon.
Ist häufiger hier
#955 erstellt: 12. Apr 2012, 11:42

Sentenced 46
Slipknot 02 KILL
Gojira 18
Voivod 46
Cannibal Corpse 24 SAVE
Amon Amarth 24

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#956 erstellt: 12. Apr 2012, 11:47

Sentenced 46
Slipknot 00 KILL => HoS
Gojira 18
Voivod 46
Cannibal Corpse 24
Amon Amarth 26 SAVE
Megadeth 30 <= Neu

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#957 erstellt: 12. Apr 2012, 11:52

Sentenced 46
Gojira 16 KILL
Voivod 46
Cannibal Corpse 24
Amon Amarth 26
Megadeth 32 Save (Mein erstes Bandshirt vor 25 Jahren)

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#958 erstellt: 12. Apr 2012, 11:55

Sentenced 46
Gojira 16
Voivod 46
Cannibal Corpse 22 KILL is my Business...
Amon Amarth 26
Megadeth 34 SAVE (...and Business is good!)

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
Ist häufiger hier
#959 erstellt: 12. Apr 2012, 14:30

Sentenced 46
Gojira 16
Voivod 46
Cannibal Corpse 24 SAVE
Amon Amarth 26
Megadeth 32 KILL 2 gute Alben damals und dann tonnenweise Popscheiß => Metallica-Effekt

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#960 erstellt: 12. Apr 2012, 15:07

Sentenced 46
Gojira 16
Voivod 44 KILL
Cannibal Corpse 24
Amon Amarth 28 SAVE
Megadeth 32
(@Wellenbrecher: Die drei letzten Alben United Abominations, Endgame, Thirteen waren wieder um einiges besser, also malträtier Megadeth nicht zu unrecht. Dein Vergleich zu Metallica ist alles andere als angebracht.)

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von Warf384# am 12. Apr 2012, 15:07 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#961 erstellt: 12. Apr 2012, 18:48
Die Endgame habe ich tatsächlich auch.
Dafür hat Metallica zu Anfang mehr gute Alben gemacht! ;-)
Aber inhaltlich hinkt bei genauerem Hinsehen natürlich jeder Vergleich - ich nehme das hier auch mal als Bühne für gewagte Verallgemeinerungen und nicht ganz faire Vorurteile.

Wie kämst du sonst auch dazu Voivod zu killen?

[Beitrag von WellenBrecher am 12. Apr 2012, 18:51 bearbeitet]
#962 erstellt: 12. Apr 2012, 19:05

Sentenced 44 KILL
Gojira 16
Voivod 44
Cannibal Corpse 24
Amon Amarth 30 SAVE
Megadeth 32

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#963 erstellt: 12. Apr 2012, 19:50

Sentenced 44
Gojira 16
Voivod 46 SAVE
Cannibal Corpse 24
Amon Amarth 28 KILL
Megadeth 32

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#964 erstellt: 12. Apr 2012, 19:58

Wie kämst du sonst auch dazu Voivod zu killen?

Irgendwoher muss ich die Punkte ja nehmen, und Voidvod hatte neben Sentenced halt die meisten Punkte.
#965 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 04:22

Sentenced 46 Save
Gojira 16
Voivod 46
Cannibal Corpse 24
Amon Amarth 26 Kill
Megadeth 32

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
Ist häufiger hier
#966 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 04:43

Sentenced 44 KILL
Gojira 16
Voivod 48 SAVE
Cannibal Corpse 24
Amon Amarth 26
Megadeth 32

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#967 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 04:45

Sentenced 44
Gojira 14 KILL
Voivod 50 SAVE
Cannibal Corpse 24
Amon Amarth 26
Megadeth 32

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#968 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 04:49

Sentenced 44
Gojira 14
Voivod 50
Cannibal Corpse 24
Amon Amarth 28 SAVE
Megadeth 30 KILL

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#969 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 05:15

Sentenced 44
Gojira 14
Voivod 52 SAVE
Cannibal Corpse 24
Amon Amarth 26 KILL
Megadeth 30

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#970 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 05:25

Sentenced 42 KILL
Gojira 14
Voivod 52
Cannibal Corpse 24
Amon Amarth 28 SAVE
Megadeth 30

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
Hat sich gelöscht
#971 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 05:32

moin auch

Sentenced 42
Gojira 16 SAVE
Voivod 52
Cannibal Corpse 22 KILL
Amon Amarth 28
Megadeth 30

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#972 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 05:50

Sentenced 42
Gojira 16
Voivod 54 SAVE
Cannibal Corpse 22
Amon Amarth 28
Megadeth 28 KILL

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#973 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 05:57

Sentenced 44 SAVE
Gojira 16
Voivod 54
Cannibal Corpse 22
Amon Amarth 26 KILL
Megadeth 28

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#974 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 06:07

Sentenced 42 KILL
Gojira 16
Voivod 54
Cannibal Corpse 22
Amon Amarth 28 SAVE
Megadeth 28

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#975 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 06:17

Sentenced 44 SAVE
Gojira 16
Voivod 54
Cannibal Corpse 22
Amon Amarth 26 KILL
Megadeth 28

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
Hat sich gelöscht
#976 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 06:38

Sentenced 44
Gojira 18 SAVE
Voivod 54
Cannibal Corpse 20 KILL
Amon Amarth 26
Megadeth 28

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#977 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 06:40

Sentenced 46 SAVE
Gojira 18
Voivod 54
Cannibal Corpse 20
Amon Amarth 24 KILL
Megadeth 28

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#978 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 07:08

Sentenced 46
Gojira 18
Voivod 56 SAVE
Cannibal Corpse 20
Amon Amarth 22 KILL
Megadeth 28

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#979 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 07:19

Sentenced 48 Save
Gojira 18
Voivod 56
Cannibal Corpse 18 Kill
Amon Amarth 22
Megadeth 28

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von slayer666 am 13. Apr 2012, 07:19 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#980 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 07:51

Sentenced 46 KILL
Gojira 18
Voivod 56
Cannibal Corpse 20 SAVE
Amon Amarth 22
Megadeth 28

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#981 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 08:16

Sentenced 46
Gojira 18
Voivod 56
Cannibal Corpse 18 KILL
Amon Amarth 22
Megadeth 30 SAVE

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#982 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 08:24

Sentenced 46
Gojira 16 KILL
Voivod 56
Cannibal Corpse 18
Amon Amarth 22
Megadeth 32 SAVE

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#983 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 08:24

Sentenced 46
Gojira 16
Voivod 54 KILL
Cannibal Corpse 18
Amon Amarth 24 SAVE
Megadeth 32

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

#Korrektur übernommen!

[Beitrag von Warf384# am 13. Apr 2012, 12:05 bearbeitet]
#984 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 08:30

Sentenced 46
Gojira 18
Voivod 56 SAVE
Cannibal Corpse 18
Amon Amarth 22 KILL
Megadeth 30

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#985 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 08:34

Sentenced 46
Gojira 16
Voivod 54 KILL
Cannibal Corpse 18
Amon Amarth 24 SAVE
Megadeth 32

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von Warf384# am 13. Apr 2012, 12:05 bearbeitet]
#986 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 08:35
Warf hat Los Antonis Post übergangen, ich korrigiere mal

Sentenced 46
Gojira 16
Voivod 56
Cannibal Corpse 18
Amon Amarth 22
Megadeth 32

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO[/quote]

[Beitrag von Ragmac am 13. Apr 2012, 08:40 bearbeitet]
#987 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 09:08
Sentenced 46
Gojira 14 KILL
Voivod 56
Cannibal Corpse 18
Amon Amarth 24 SAVE
Megadeth 32

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO[/quote]
#988 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 09:37

Sentenced 46
Gojira 14
Voivod 56
Cannibal Corpse 16 KILL
Amon Amarth 24
Megadeth 34 SAVE

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#989 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 09:38

Sentenced 46
Gojira 12 KILL
Voivod 58 SAVE
Cannibal Corpse 16
Amon Amarth 24
Megadeth 34

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von losAntonis am 13. Apr 2012, 09:38 bearbeitet]
#990 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 09:53

Sentenced 46
Gojira 12
Voivod 56 KILL ;P
Cannibal Corpse 16
Amon Amarth 26 SAVE
Megadeth 34

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von Heijohpeih am 13. Apr 2012, 09:54 bearbeitet]
Hat sich gelöscht
#991 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 09:58

Sentenced 46
Gojira 14 SAVE
Voivod 54 KILL
Cannibal Corpse 16
Amon Amarth 26
Megadeth 34

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#992 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 10:17

Sentenced 48 Save
Gojira 14
Voivod 54
Cannibal Corpse 14 Kill
Amon Amarth 26
Megadeth 34

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#993 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 11:57

Sentenced 48
Gojira 14
Voivod 54
Cannibal Corpse 12 KILL
Amon Amarth 26
Megadeth 36 SAVE

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#994 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 12:03

Sentenced 48
Gojira 14
Voivod 52 KILL
Cannibal Corpse 12
Amon Amarth 28 SAVE
Megadeth 36

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

[Beitrag von Warf384# am 13. Apr 2012, 12:03 bearbeitet]
#995 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 17:04
Timmitus #1

Sentenced 48
Gojira 14
Voivod 54 SAVE
Cannibal Corpse 12
Amon Amarth 26 KILL
Megadeth 36

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#996 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 19:50

Sentenced 48
Gojira 14
Voivod 56 SAVE
Cannibal Corpse 10 Kill
Amon Amarth 26
Megadeth 36

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#997 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 20:25

Sentenced 48
Gojira 14
Voivod 58 SAVE
Cannibal Corpse 10
Amon Amarth 26
Megadeth 34 KILL

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#998 erstellt: 13. Apr 2012, 22:23

Sentenced 48
Gojira 14
Voivod 60 SAVE -> HoF
Cannibal Corpse 10
Amon Amarth 24 KILL
Megadeth 34

Cathedral 30 NEU

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#999 erstellt: 14. Apr 2012, 04:42

Sentenced 46 KILL
Gojira 14
Cathedral 30
Cannibal Corpse 10
Amon Amarth 26 SAVE
Megadeth 34

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
#1000 erstellt: 14. Apr 2012, 05:52

Sentenced 44 KILL
Gojira 14
Cathedral 30
Cannibal Corpse 10
Amon Amarth 28 SAVE
Megadeth 34

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO

Btw #1000. des Threads

Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies
#1001 erstellt: 14. Apr 2012, 10:07

Sentenced 44
Gojira 14
Cathedral 30
Cannibal Corpse 10
Amon Amarth 26 KILL
Megadeth 36 SAVE

~ Hall of Fame ~
Accept - Asphyx - At the Gates - Bolt Thrower - Carcass - Death - Emperor - Enslaved (Nor) - God Dethroned - Hail of Bullets - Ignite - Iron Maiden - Meshuggah - Nevermore - Raised Fist - Savatage - Skyclad - Slayer - Sodom - Strapping Young Lad - Type O Negative - Voivod

~ Hall of Shame ~
Anathema - Avenged Sevenfold - Before The Dawn - Children of Bodom - Deadlock - Dimmu Borgir - Disarmonia Mundi - Dream Theater - Hammerfall - In Flames - Limp Bizkit - Manowar - Metallica - Mötley Crüe - Primal Fear - Slipknot - Sonic Syndicate - Symphony X - Therion - Winger - WIZO
Gehe zu Seite: |vorherige| Erste . 10 . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . 30 . 40 . 50 . 60 .. Letzte |nächste|
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