HIFI-FORUM » Fernseher & Beamer » Scaler, Linedoubler & Videoprocessing » MPC Homecinema Bildwiederholfrequenz Fragen | |
MPC Homecinema Bildwiederholfrequenz Fragen+A -A |
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Stammgast |
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erstellt: 27. Nov 2009, |
Abend ![]() Frage zum MPC Homecinema ![]() ![]() |
Ist häufiger hier |
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erstellt: 29. Nov 2009, |
Das würd mich auch interessieren! Hab da aber bisher leider noch nichts von gehört / gelesen. |
Ist häufiger hier |
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erstellt: 29. Nov 2009, |
na das währ doch mal DIE errungenschaft überhaupt ![]() |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 04. Dez 2009, |
Und vorallem eine Dokumentation o.ä. wofür die ganzen Spielereien sind wie 10bit RGB usw. der ganze Reiter dort,wo auch die Ausgabe auf 0-255 oder 16-235 gestellt werden kann.Wäre Interessant zu wissen was es bewirkt ![]() |
Ist häufiger hier |
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erstellt: 05. Dez 2009, |
ich hab es mit dem ![]() auzug aus dem TUT:
EDIT: man kann bei ati grakas zumindest verknüpfungen für verschiedene profile (profilmanager) im ccc auf dem desktop anlegen z.b. 1080p50 1080p24 auf jeden fall komfortabel, nur automatich ist das noch nicht nicht ![]() [Beitrag von George86 am 06. Dez 2009, 11:08 bearbeitet] |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 05. Dez 2009, |
eine vernünftige Framerate Umschaltung suche ich auch |
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei |
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erstellt: 09. Dez 2009, |
Output Range This setting is used for specifying the OUTPUT range of the YUV to RGB transfrom. 0 - 255 The output from the YUV transfrom is 0 to 255 in 8 bit or 0 to 1023 in 10 bit. This is the default and normally the best option for computer monitors and most TVs. 16 - 235 The output from the YUV transfrom is 16 to 235 in 8 bit or 64 to 940 in 10 bit. This is the best option for some TV:s that expect the input signal at 16 to 235 levels. Presentation D3D Fullscreen Mode This causes the player to create a fullscreen D3D device. This can be useful to remove tearing in cases when neither normal nor alternative vsync is able to do so. This is also the only mode where it's possible to use a 10 bit output for the display device. D3D Fullscreen GUI Support This option enables support for the right click menus and setting on the monitor that is in fullscreen mode. The draback enabling this is that the backbuffer of the D3D device must be lockable, which can cause compatibility issues and possibly tearing even when in D3D fullscreen mode. 10 bit RGB This enables 10 bit processing in the whole pipeline after the YUV transform. Backbuffer, temporary buffers and video frames are always in 10 bit. To enable 10 bit for the display buffer D3D fullscreen mode and Vista or later is required. Video drivers have been known to be buggy with the 10 bit pipeline. For example: Deinterlacing crashes the player and 16-235 levels isn't availeble on ATI drivers. Disable desktop composition Used to disable desktop composition in Vista or later while the player is running. This can solve some stuttering issues, and will decrease the video latency by one frame. Enable Frame Time Correction Enable only when you experiency stuttering video because of a buggy decoder or splitter. For example VC-1 content in m2ts container currently needs this. VSync VSync Can be used to disable VSync. This is not recommended normally as disabling VSync will remove many stuttering and threading fixes. Should only used for debugging purposes. Accurate VSync Can be used to disable accurate VSync. If accurate VSync is disabled CPU usage is slightly decreased, especially when alternative VSync is also disabled. Alternative VSync Enabling alternative VSync will bypass the default VSync built into D3D. This can often get rid of tearing issues and is the preferred mode of VSync if your hardware/drivers are compatible with it. Decrease vsync offset Used to move the VSync position upwards. Only available with alternative VSync enabled and desktop composition disabled. Use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+UP Increase vsync offset Used to move the VSync position downwards. Only available with alternative VSync enabled and desktop composition disabled. Use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+UP GPU Control Flush GPU before VSync Flushing the GPU before VSync will decrease the probability of tearing as it forces the GPU to render the frame as soon as possible so the frame will be ready to be presented at the VSync. Flush GPU after Present Flushing the GPU after VSync will decrease the probability of tearing as it forces the driver to actualize the Present as soon as possible. Wait for flushes This will cause the renderer to spin, waiting for the GPU flushes. This can be useful if the driver for some reason will ignore single flushes and will also enable the GPU time statistic. Reset Reset to default renderer settings Resets all above settings to the default. Reset to optimal renderer settings Sets the settings to the recommended optimal settings: Alternative VSync = On Accurate VSync = On VSync = On Disable Desktop Composition = On Flush GPU Before VSync = On Flush GPU After Present = On Flush GPU Wait = Off |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 10. Dez 2009, |
Warum benutzt Ihr nicht einfach das Mediaportal, da funktioniert das standardmäßig. Besser als dieses komische MPC ist es allemal. |
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei |
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erstellt: 11. Dez 2009, |
vielleicht weil manche leute nur nen einfachen mediaplayer wollen und kein komisches mediaportal |
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