Grundig SXV6000 dead left channel

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#1 erstellt: 13. Sep 2014, 19:24
Good day, I have Grundig SXV6000. For several months laid in the bookshelf. Now when I turn it ON, the left channel is dead. I tried every input and the result is the same. Even sound from built-in tone generator goes only from right channel, left is dead... I dont know yet where could be the problem...

Few months ago I had problems with this left channel, but from a certain level of dB. Anything bellow 0dB, -2dB works both channel, everything above 0dB, +2dB... works only right channel... - that problem was solved by replacing tantal capacitors C103 and C106. But in this case they are all OK... The problem must originate elsewhere...

Thank you in advance
#2 erstellt: 14. Sep 2014, 02:36
Hello Lubomir,

remote diagnosis is difficult. Can only guess. Could be the output stage transistors of the left channel.

Faulty part has to be located by measurements.

Best Regards,
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