Linus Torvalds über den ersten Linux Kernel 6.8 Release Candidate

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#1 erstellt: 26. Jan 2024, 12:57
Linus Torvalds über den ersten Linux Kernel 6.8 Release Candidate

das final release von Linux kernel 6.8 wird für den mittleren März 2024 erwartet,

Die nachhaltige und kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung des Linux-Kernels sieht Linux 6.8 als den bevorstehenden großen Release-Meilenstein. Vor einigen Tagen hat Linus Torvalds die Verfügbarkeit des ersten Release Candidate (RC) für öffentliche Tests bekannt gegeben.

Das zweiwöchige Zusammenführungsfenster für den Linux-Kernel 6.8 öffnete sich automatisch mit der Veröffentlichung von Linux 6.7 und ist jetzt geschlossen, was bedeutet, dass die erste Release Candidate (RC)-Entwicklungsversion für Early Adopters, Distributionsbetreuer und „Bleeding-Edge“ verfügbar ist Benutzer.

“So this wasn’t the most pleasant merge window, but most of the unpleasantness was entirely unrelated to the code base and almost entirely related to nasty weather,” said Linus Torvalds. “Just a few technical hiccups. And after a very big 6.7 release, 6.8 looks to actually be smaller than average, although not really all that significantly so.”


noch mehr Informationen

So this wasn't the most pleasant merge window, but most of the
unpleasantness was entirely unrelated to the code base and almost
entirely related to nasty weather. Just a few technical hiccups. And
after a very big 6.7 release, 6.8 looks to actually be smaller than
average, although not really all that significantly so.

And while maybe a bit smaller than usual (I blame the holidays),
things generally look pretty normal. The bulk is driver updates (GPU
and networking drivers are the big areas as always, but there's a bit
of everything), but we've also got a fair chunk of filesystem updates
(mainly core vfs, bcachefs, xfs and btrfs) and obviously all the usual
arch updates.

The rest is all over: docs, tooling, core kernel, mm and networking.
My mergelog below gives some kind of high-level overview.

Let the testing and calming down begin,
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