Denon AVR 1610

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#1 erstellt: 11. Nov 2011, 08:56
Hello all, I am buying myfirst AVR tommorow. I have speakers from an old pioneer set up. After reading many threads here and getting a couple pieces of good directional advice .I decided to buy Denon AVR 1610 as many threads suggest it. This device perfect for sound clarity , My question is about prices ,From where to get this excelent product in best prices store may be online/offline.
#2 erstellt: 11. Nov 2011, 11:34
The cheapest is maybe ~200€ for an used one!
Denon AVR 1610 silver
#3 erstellt: 12. Nov 2011, 09:25
you are buying AVR Great ..Denon AVR 1610 is good one, I am not sure about the prices they have but if you have any question, you can give a call these guys from Audio Solutions from Sydney - I do not remember the number (just google them). I always call them, nice to talk to, tell you all you need :)"
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