Firmware Update 3313

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#1 erstellt: 23. Mai 2013, 20:10
Mein 3313 hat gerade eine Firmwareupdate gemeldet....

Im Denon Changelog steht noch nix. Jemand ne Idee was geändert wurde?

Gruss, Dirk
#2 erstellt: 23. Mai 2013, 21:03
Hab auch das Update seit gestern drauf, aber Änderungen konnt ich noch nicht feststellen.
Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 24. Mai 2013, 08:06
6. 5/22/2013
- When TV form is "PAL", the aspect ratio is not correct.
- When new features included Multi-Artists Radio of is used and played, the set starts the reconnection operation and fails in the connection
- The preset names of FM-Tuner can't change from Web Control
- After the update and Audyssey Pro measurement, the set cannot access the Web page
- The BBC station cannot play from the Remote app
- After login to Spotify, when the user changes the source or power cycles the unit, the unit needs to enter account info again
- Display of Remote App might become abnormal
- The PlayView button in the NetUSB browse screen by Remote App was added. The SleepTimer setting by Remote App was added.
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