Arcam AVR600 feeded with Dune BD Prime having difficulties with HDMI Audio

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#1 erstellt: 04. Jul 2010, 09:37

what could be the reason that a Arcam AVR600 wont play Audio over HDMI?
I tried bitstream and PCM, changed HDMI interface between DVD and PVR, configured audio input to HDMI in AVR600 menu of course, checked firmware (having 2.4), but without success.

Video over HDMI works fine, just no audio. I tried playing Blu-Ray, DVD, CD, MP3 and FLAC nothing works but video.

When configuring the audio source for the HDMI video to a SPDIF/Toslink interface it works.

The HDMI audio from the player is working. I tested it with connecting the player directly to my Panasonic TV without any problems. So it must be something in the Arcam or at least between the Arcam and the Dune.

Whats quite interesing is that this AVR600 is my second one, because I changed it against a new one, because the old one had the same problem and even some more (network interface wasnt working). I get a pre-exchange so its definitely not the same AVR.. :-)

Please help, I'am really dejected...


PS: Ihr könnt natürlich auch in deutsch antworten.. :-)

[Beitrag von paketpacker am 04. Jul 2010, 09:38 bearbeitet]
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