Documentary film, from A.C.A. crazy Audiophiles

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#1 erstellt: 11. Dez 2006, 18:54
Hi all,

We are very humbled indeed to announce the release of a documentary film about our Club and its members' "extreme" audio views, which has been filmed on March 2006 and has already received an enthusiastic welcome.

Sorry, if some of you may have seen it already, as discussions are in progress in many Audio Forums around the world.

What we would propose though, is a visit to the [url][/url] ("who-when-why" page), which is highly informative and recommended! It contains pictures and film scenes, links to the protagonists' audio systems and 2 direct links (just in case one of them gets out of bandwidth...) to the documentary film itself!

PS: The documentary is a 20 min .mov file, requiring the latest version of "QuickTime" and a speed Internet connection, if possible...

[Beitrag von skaloumbakas am 11. Dez 2006, 18:55 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 11. Dez 2006, 23:22
Hi Christos,

I recently saw this documentary. Really interesting, indeed. And also is your website. You and your friends are real fanatics. Crazy music loving greeks
I loved to see the members of the audiophile club explaining their equipment ("...fifty percent is electricity...)
Enjoy your stereo and best regards to Athens.


P.S. Link to the movie clickable:
P.P.S. The other documentaries by Ken Barnes are rather interesting too!
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