Yamaha RX-V4600 & DVD-S2500

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#1 erstellt: 30. Mai 2005, 11:58
Kennt jemand schon Gerüchte ob der RX-V4600 so auch nach Deutschland kommt, und wann ? Vielleicht nach der IFA ?
Überlege mir diesen in Kombination mit dem DVD-S2500 zuzulegen und damit meinen RX-V3000 mit DVD-S1200 abzulösen.
Oder ist das alles unsinn und sollte meine Kombination behalten ???
Gerade für die spätere Anschaffung eines Plasma's ist HDMI sicher eine Überlegung wert.
Dazu noch die ganzen Formate die der 2500er DVD abspielen kann, inkl. dem Video-Off Modus, wovon ich mir eine tolle Stereo Wiedergabe verspreche.
#2 erstellt: 30. Mai 2005, 12:07

hier hatten wir schonmal das Thema zum neuen 4600er Yamaha:

Hat sich gelöscht
#3 erstellt: 30. Mai 2005, 12:27
Zum Yamaha DVD S2500 gibt es im AVSForum einen Bericht. Ich zitiere den User Carbo

up is:

Panasonic PT-AE700U
Yamaha RX-Z9
Klipsch RF-7 series speakers

Yamaha S2500
Yamaha 2300MKII
Onkyo SP1000
Denon 3910
Oppo 971

Test material I used:

Star Wars Ep. II
Digital Video Essentials
And Alone in the Dark(one of the worst movies ever. But It has DTS 6.1 discreet)
LOTR trilogy
X-Files TV seasons

Fleetwood Mac Rumours DVD-audio
Queensryche DVD-audio
Metallica DVD-Audio
Billy Joel SACD
and Beck

First off let me say that the Denon 3910 loses a few points in my book because it has problems with long HDMI cable runs. I am using a 50ft HDMI cable I purchased thru monoprice that works with everything else. This is the 2nd 3910 w/ the same problem.

2nd the Yammy 2300MKII was my old player and it was used because I know it well. But it comes in last place for video. It has the softest picture of all the players, y/c delay and the worst layer change. It does shine on the audio side though and hangs with all of these players. It's not a bad player it just older and has some of the older problems.

The 2500 is a great player for its price and it stands up to all of these machines. For the amount of options it has it can't be beat. The rest of these players don't come close to offering you the same amount of features. It has HDMI, it upconverts, firewire w/ DVD-Audio and SACD, a nice graphical GUI, and tons of adjustments from the menu. At half the cost of the others(except the OPPO which is missing features).

The Menu is full of nice options like the ability to create playlists from your music cds(including DVD-audio and SACD). You can rotate Jpegs from a jpeg disc and play slide shows. It has bass management for both hirez formats and you can set level for all the speakers individually in each format. You can turn DCDI on or off, you can adjust for chroma delay and gamma on the component outputs. You can adjust for video shift and it does not have a green push. It has allot of features

On the video side I would say it is even with the Denon 3910. I could not see a difference when going back and forth between these two. I might even say it was slightly better. The FLi2310 looked the same on both and on the Yammy you get more options to adjust it, if need be. The Oppo on the hand did have a slightly different look to it and I am not sure if its better or not but at its price point its great. When compared to the Onkyo is where I noticed the biggest difference. Since they run on different chips you could tell the difference immediately. The Yamaha does a better job on video material. X-files just looked better on both the Denon and Yamaha. But on the film side I think the Onkyo out performed them both , it just looked more film like. The 3 Faroudja players looked a little grainier compared to the Onkyo. This is probably a matter of taste more then anything. It all depends what you like. I have been a big fan of the Faroudja players up until now, but I think the Onkyo kicks some serious booty.

1. Onkyo
2. Yamaha S2500
3. Denon 3910(it loses a spot for looking the same as the 2500 and not liking my cable)
4. Oppo
5. yammy 2300

On the audio side. With the analog cables, I again give the nod to Onkyo. Not even a close race. Not to say the others are bad but they just don't sound as good. The Denon is second followed by the Yammy and then a distant 4th is the Oppo.

1. Onkyo
2. Denon
3. Yamaha 2500
4. Yamaha 2300
5. Oppo

On the digital side I am not sure you should be able to here a difference but I can. Once again the Onkyo wins again but this time the Yammy is second and Denon third and it was not very close. But I am not sure how much has to do with the RX-Z9. Maybe it just doesn't like the Denon. I found that the Denon is very finicky. It doesn't like my cables and maybe it doesn't like the Z9. But that is the receiver I have and its not going anywhere. But the Denon is, I wanted to like it but it just has to many problems.

1. Onkyo
2. Yamaha 2500
3. Denon
Others not eligible

On the build/Quality side its easy to see that you are getting what you pay for. The Denon is very close 2nd, but it has problems. The Yamaha 2500 and Oppo come out last but at their prices you just can't beat them.

1. Onkyo
2. Denon
3. Yamaha 2300
4. Yamaha 2500
5. Oppo

These are all good players. The Denon has some problems at least with my set up. I believe it has a problem with my Z9 and I think Denon is not building these to run with anything other then their own receivers. Cable wise all I know is my cable works with everything else. The Oppo is a very great player at its price point. It held up to these bad boys and I would put one of these in any set up outside of my main HT. It is going to be tuff picking between the Yamaha and the Onkyo but what will probably win me over is the Onkyo's audio. It's just untouchable. If I didn't care for audio I would just keep the 2500 and save some $$. It's going to be a tuff choice.
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#4 erstellt: 30. Mai 2005, 16:07
insofern klingt das mit dem DVD-S2500 nicht wirklich schlecht... ein bißchen Gedanken mache ich mir allerdings das im nächsten Jahr wohl schon BlueRay zu erwarten ist, dann fehlt mir wieder ein Format, es sei denn ich hole mir die PS3
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