Dualdisc - Voll kompatibel oder doch nicht?

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#1 erstellt: 05. Nov 2004, 02:46
Eigentlich soll die Dualdisc ja eine Kombination aus DVD und CD sein, die sich in jedem CD- und DVD-Player abspielen lässt. Im CD-Player hört man die Musik, im DVD-Player sieht man das Video, mit Surround-Klang. Falls auf der DVD-Seite auch DVD-Audio Sound ist kann man mit einem DVD-A-Player hochauflösenen PCM-Klang in Surround hören.

Also für jeden etwas und zu allen bestehenden Geräten kompatibel.

Sogar der SACD-Erfinder Sony bietet jetzt Dualdiscs an, allerdings ohne DVD-A-Sound (man will dem SACD-Konkurenzformat ja nicht helfen). Doch so ganz kompatibel zu bestehenden CD- und DVD-Playern scheinen die Scheiben doch nicht zu sein. Diesen Rundbrief hat Sony an die US-Händler geschickt:

November 2, 2004

Dear Valued Sony Authorized Dealer,

As you are no doubt aware, the music industry is on the verge of launching a new two sided media product called DualDisc similar in size to a DVD and CD. This DualDisc mates DVD recorded material on one side with digital audio material on the other side. However, the audio side of this new media does not meet the technical specifications to be called an "Audio Compact Disc".

The DVD video content on the DVD side of the DualDisc should play on, and be compatible with, Sony DVD players and DVD drives. However, Sony DVD players and drives do not support DVD Audio and these devices will not play the DVD Audio formatted content offered on the DVD side of a DualDisc but should play all other audio content offered on the DVD side. In addition, since the audio side of the DualDisc does not comply with Audio Compact Disc specifications, it may not be read by Sony DVD and CD players and drives.

In an effort to inform consumers, Sony Electronics will be placing stickers on some of our products in the future alerting consumers to these potential compatibility issues. We will also advise consumers about this issue by our placement of inserts into our products as well as placing information (FAQs) on the sonystyle.com website. We trust that you will communicate this information to your employees so that they may properly educate consumers on this issue in order to minimize the risk of returns relating to compatibility between hardware products and DualDiscs.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please feel free to contact me.

Very truly yours,

Stan Glasgow

#2 erstellt: 05. Nov 2004, 12:38

However, the audio side of this new media does not meet the technical specifications to be called an "Audio Compact Disc".

ja aber das ist doch bei jeder kopiergeschützten CD auch so
#3 erstellt: 05. Nov 2004, 13:16
Ich habe inzwischen endlich ein Gerät gefunden (ein Ghetto-Blaster), der die CD-Schicht einer SACD nicht abspielt, normale CDs aber schon
Also kommen doch nicht alle Geräte mit dem Helligkeitsverlust durch die halbdurchlässige SACD-Schicht klar.
#4 erstellt: 12. Nov 2004, 18:33
Jetzt mahnt Pioneer sogar zur Vorsicht. Dualdiscs seinen noch nicht getestet worden.

Dieses Format muss ja ein absoluter Schnellschuss gewesen sein, dass die Labels nicht mal Testexemplare an die grossen Hardwarehersteller verschickt haben.

Dear Customer:

Pioneer has become aware that some pre-recorded hybrid discs -- which are referred to as "DualDisc" -- have been released in the market to consumers by some music companies and record labels. These hybrid discs appear to be a bonded combination of DVD on one side of the disc and non-DVD (which may incorrectly be referred to as a CD side) on the other side. Pioneer understands that, although these discs may refer to a CD side, the "non-DVD" side is not compliant with the Compact Disc Digital Audio specification and does not bear the CD logo.

Pioneer recommends that consumers not use "DualDisc" products with any Pioneer products, including CD players, DVD players and recorders, and computer drives until Pioneer has an opportunity to test them. At this point in time, Pioneer does not know whether Pioneer products can safely handle these new hybrid discs, or whether these discs may damage your Pioneer products.

Pioneer will update this notice based on further investigation


[Beitrag von Miles am 12. Nov 2004, 18:34 bearbeitet]
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