XR55, please recommend speakers to got with it.

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 29. Mai 2006, 05:29
Hello everyone,
I recently purchased a panasonic xr55 from US,
Please recommend good bookshelves spekaers to go with it.
What about Wharfedales 9.1,
Is it a good combination.
Also can u tell where in delhi can i get good step down transformer.
#2 erstellt: 29. Mai 2006, 08:45
sidhu, from a power rating perspective it can drive most speakers hence, if you are looking at an HT , fitting into your budget as well as meeting your sonic expectations is the key.

I do not think they will have a problem driving the Wharfies, but the best way is to try .. take them with you to the dealers and ask him to drive the setup with that !

I am personally not familiar with this first hand but have heard about it in other forums. mâybe reading reviews on the net (taken with a pinch of salt) should give you and idea of what to expect.. ?
#3 erstellt: 29. Mai 2006, 10:26
thanks for the suggestion, can u tell me where to get good step down transformer(220 to 110) in delhi.
Regarding speakers, some persons in other forums tell that this receiver is little bit harsh on high frequnecies, some persons denied it.
Thats why i was asking, is this receiver a good for wharfedales, even if harsh factor is true.
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