The ultimate snake oil guy

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#1 erstellt: 07. Jun 2007, 14:31

[Beitrag von square_wave am 07. Jun 2007, 14:33 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 07. Jun 2007, 17:17
Good Heavens, this is really amazing-is there no length to which people will not go to rip off/be ripped off?
#3 erstellt: 08. Jun 2007, 06:55
Hi Kamal Sq.wave,
I too have checked out Peter Belt the Great. Has anyone ever tried out anything. What if it it works. Who cares about the the principles. I was once told by an eminent physicist that that the first transtlantic cables were laid with a very mistaken physics understanding of it all. It worked. I believe Peter Belt is no more, but like Lord Kelvin his work might survive him.
Has no one on the forum tried something out, may be the cream or the electret. My heart bleeds for Belt...really. I am sure there is more to audio than science.
#4 erstellt: 08. Jun 2007, 07:15
Hi Purnendu,
With all due respect, let me quote Hugh Dean of Aksa (aspen amplifiers)

“While the electrical aspects of amplification are now well understood, the sound/brain interface and just how music is processed, pivotal to a fully objective understanding of why things sound as they do, is not yet fully understood. Some inkling of this lies with distortion spectrum, and even memory distortion etc.............. “

I can understand the fact that there are some technical aspects of sound reproduction that are not well understood and people use their ear to tune the finer aspects of audio. I can understand tweaks like isolation, mods, Good electricity, spk cables, interconnects, vibration control, room treatment etc…

But things like creams, friendly relaxing energy patterns, Morphic Message Foils and Quantum Rainbow Foil with Quantum Cream, Red X Pen…etc..are just too much
#5 erstellt: 08. Jun 2007, 07:20
Hugh Dean is probably right, I just I lke having an idiot around. Peter Belt is one of the topmost for sure.
Still...I will just try it out when I am very rich...
#6 erstellt: 26. Jun 2007, 14:43
Here's another guy.
This is the teleportation tweak done by a long distance phone call
#7 erstellt: 26. Jun 2007, 14:55

square_wave schrieb:
Here's another guy.
This is the teleportation tweak done by a long distance phone call :hail

Unbelievable...reminded me of phone sex ads
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#8 erstellt: 29. Jun 2007, 00:20
I tried the Peter Belt rainbow foil once. The lit. with the foil explained that since cavemen, human instinct has always been on the lookout for danger (sabre tooth tiger attack etc) - guys I am not making this up ok - and this very instict prevents us from relaxing to enjoy music & other sensory inputs . So application of small pieces of the rainbow foil (a sticky silver tape thingy that shone like a rainbow when lifted to light) to CD's is supposed to give out this relaxing energy that will make everything sound great. I had 2 cd's of the same REM album, so I attached foil to 1 and left the other untreated. Then I performed a random test (a sort of pseudo double blind test) wherein I asked my wife to switch cd's (her reward was that she could spend the next day shopping)and tried to figure out which one was the treated CD. Guess what - I guessed wrong 80% of the time - meaning at-least to me that my instict for a sabre tooth tiger attack, was still on high alert.
I do not mean any disrespect to the late Mr. Belt, but I am just relating an experience.
Ist häufiger hier
#9 erstellt: 29. Jun 2007, 04:38

sidvee schrieb:
I tried the Peter Belt rainbow foil once. The lit. with the foil explained that since cavemen, human instinct has always been on the lookout for danger (sabre tooth tiger attack etc) - guys I am not making this up ok - and this very instict prevents us from relaxing to enjoy music & other sensory inputs . So application of small pieces of the rainbow foil (a sticky silver tape thingy that shone like a rainbow when lifted to light) to CD's is supposed to give out this relaxing energy that will make everything sound great. I had 2 cd's of the same REM album, so I attached foil to 1 and left the other untreated. Then I performed a random test (a sort of pseudo double blind test) wherein I asked my wife to switch cd's (her reward was that she could spend the next day shopping)and tried to figure out which one was the treated CD. Guess what - I guessed wrong 80% of the time - meaning at-least to me that my instict for a sabre tooth tiger attack, was still on high alert.
I do not mean any disrespect to the late Mr. Belt, but I am just relating an experience.

No wonder you failed..

You should have asked a friend to switch the CDs the next day when the sabre toothed tiger(ess) was out shopping

Just kidding - no disrespect meant to your significant other
#10 erstellt: 29. Jun 2007, 05:50

sidvee schrieb:
meaning at-least to me that my instict for a sabre tooth tiger attack, was still on high alert.

could also be that your survival instinct goes low with music as you do not perceive any danger then !
#11 erstellt: 29. Jun 2007, 06:12
The human mind is fascinating and many aspects of how it works and its effects on the five senses that we have are still unknown. One thing that further complicates things is the “physiological effect” these effects on the senses can cause. This has been proved by eminent scientists. This paves way for clever charlatans to take people for a ride in all walks of life. They are there everywhere.
It reminds me of what Bertrand Russell once said.
”Ignore fact and reason, live entirely in the world of your own fantastic and myth-producing passions; do this whole-heartedly and with conviction, and you will become one of the prophets of your age”

Let me quote one guy on AA who commented on the teleportation tweak.

“Geoff's game is to play on the polarization his BS 'products' create between people. The stronger the polarization, the more determined the followers of his cult become to empty their wallets into his overflowing coffer.
There's a huge difference between being open-minded and soft-headed. Being open-minded means having the ability to see multiple side of an issue, and the patience to consider multiple sides prior to taking a stance.
Being soft-headed is believing you're being open-minded when what you want is to relieve yourself of the burdens of science. Anyone reading this thread with an open mind would see little reason to invest in something so unlikely to work.
Merely having threads discussing Geoff's voodoo does not in and of itself generate sales for Geoff, but the polarization that often occurs within the threads does.
You don't have to fool everyone, you just have to fool enough people to make you rich “
#12 erstellt: 29. Jun 2007, 11:08
OK Folks,
For me audio is like religion, indeed it is a form of idol worship. When I am sitting in front of my system I am at Church. Peter Belt is not in my opinion a charlatan in the sense of being dishonest (his stuff may well be unworkable), its' the logic he is following that is impeccable. All religion is part truth and part self-conviction. Belt is one of those who crossed over to the other side, the truly blessed ones.
Is it too much to accept that our claims to audiophile sophistication and refinement are not commonsensical ones. One has to be an initiate to understand the esoteric truths of our religion. For me Peter Belt is an interesting phenomenon, not for his technical claims, but because he represents the anti-thesis of the measurement is everything school. All of us need some mystery that we think only we, or a select few of us, have been able to access. Lets not dismiss Belt too harshly, for there is one of him in each one of us.
Its been a very long time since I read Russel. However I no longer have the same passion for rationalism and science that I did in my youth. I do belive that through audio we explore deeper feelings and emotions than are open to us through reason. There is a poet in the audiophile as much as the scientist.

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#13 erstellt: 29. Jun 2007, 12:18
I whole heartedly agree with Purnendu on his comment about Peter Belt "its' the logic he is following that is impeccable". Reason I say this is that I find myself enjoying my system more when I am relaxed (sabre tooth tiger notwithstanding). Only difference is my method does not involve sticky tapes or creams. Mine involves lubricants - you know the kind. A good glass of scotch always makes my system much more resolving. In my stomach - not on the system, mind you - lest someone thinks that it is a new tweak
And I do notice that when I am restless with a lot of things on my mind that my system sounds less than adequate. So maybe Peter Belt was onto something after all but unfortunately his method did not work very well - with me atleast.
#14 erstellt: 29. Jun 2007, 12:30
Hi Sid,
This is exactly what I was getting to.
The “logic” is perfect.
Mind altering substances and applications will definitely enhance the sound from the system.
My favorites are “ scotch “ or “ beer “
A good scotch costs a lot of money. I guess Belt’s applications also costs quite a bit.
#15 erstellt: 29. Jun 2007, 16:49
Not Really,
Or not anymore to be precise. For me now, its the music which is the 'mind altering substance'. Music can change your mood to say the least. But yes, how much of our judgement about a kit (and of music ofcourse)is shaped by our expectations is intimately familar to all of us. Having said that however, Records are better....
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