Logitech/Slimdevices Squeezebox

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#1 erstellt: 16. Feb 2008, 16:20
My brother would be going to the US for a short visit.
Would it be worthwhile to ask him to pick up the Squeezebox for me?
Anyone with thoughts on this/experience with this gizmo ?
#2 erstellt: 16. Feb 2008, 16:26
Its also sold locally, by Logitech .... at a price
#3 erstellt: 16. Feb 2008, 16:36
Kamalji, if you do have a collection of MP3s it is a nice thing to have. "Audiophile" factor may bve low but "Musicality" is very high

i am inspired to get my airport express back into service now...
#4 erstellt: 16. Feb 2008, 17:07
If buying in the U.S. then better options would be available. One that comes to mind is Slim Devices' Transporter:
Review: Stereophile

Edit: Oops...its from the same company as Squeezebox.

[Beitrag von particleman am 16. Feb 2008, 17:21 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 16. Feb 2008, 17:22

Amp_Nut schrieb:
Its also sold locally, by Logitech .... at a price :(

has not slim devices been taken over by logitech ?
#6 erstellt: 16. Feb 2008, 17:33
Also do consider this combo:
You get a specially priced bundle of 2 Squeezeboxes and a 1 Terabyte (!) storage unit.

(I did not realise that the Squeezebox had digital out and could be connected to a DAC. Guess its the best choice then)
#7 erstellt: 16. Feb 2008, 18:03
most of the wireless devices has one including my airport express ! just output it into you DAC...

apparently the SB3 has the best inbuilt dac. so if you are going to take an analogue out then this would be a better choice
#8 erstellt: 13. Mrz 2008, 17:35
Hi guys.
I just got the Squeezebox 3 a few days back from Croma for about 19399/- (2 year replacement warranty) .... had been dreamign about it for quiet a while...
I have been busy building a server for holding huge collection of music in FLAC (hate the other formats.... alac and wav were automatically deleted from my computer keeping the folder structure intact....man...be aware of this)
I wouldn't want to compare the tone of the player to other players or devices but nothing can beat the functionality and ease of the SLIM DEVICES. (1 regret though is that "Logitech" is printed on the SB3 ... but the "SLIM DEVICES" logo seemed beautiful.)
a few pictures for the you guys.
I love the sound...I was expecting the tone to be thin but it blew by its open sound and good bass...i loved it...
a few pics....
#9 erstellt: 13. Mrz 2008, 17:58
#10 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2008, 06:45
Congratules!-the third photo is a honey!
How abt a pic of your entire setup, if poss?
Would be very interested in your feedback of the sound quality of the S/B vs other sources,but do take your time, listen extensively.
#11 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2008, 06:48

...alac and wav were automatically deleted from my computer keeping the folder structure intact....man...be aware of this)

Can you please elaborate on this ? Seems alarming !

Are you using iTunes ?
#12 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2008, 08:39

herculepirate schrieb:
I love the sound...I was expecting the tone to be thin but it blew by its open sound and good bass...i loved it...
a few pics....

Congrats on the purchase !

how is the treble doing especially on the attack and decay in triangles/strings etc ? thats where i find a problem with MP3s as well. bass is usally pretty good and hence misleading
#13 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2008, 11:50
Hey Guys.
I have always liked the sharper end of the tones...I love drum work and coloring of the cymbals...my favourite in any case of music.
Here too its good...I definitely do not have any experience on any of the CDP's.
please do come over and get ur music....I can rip music using EXACT AUDIO COPY ... I am using a Ethernet crosscable for data transfer from my server to SB3 instead of wireless 802.11
Also friends I am using the cheapest roadside cables on the planet...the music will definitely get better with any addition (hope so)... so please do get ur cables too...
Will let you know more on it soon.
I will be upgrading my server to a 1.5 TB HDD space soon enough to hold my collection in flac....
The software is a breeze ...easy to set up ... the logitech guys didnt know too much about the set up...but if you are cool about IP address and stuff...u should be cool...and once set up you may never have to touch again...ever..
...the logitech sales manager was super helpful...
I more than loved it...I wonder how much greater the Transporter would be...
Hercule Pirate
#14 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2008, 12:06
Amp Nut....Elaboration follows..
please do not mention iTunes...hate the software and ALAC...
Anyway....I have a server (read...computer) which has a normal XP installed with music...
Slim Server or Squeezecenter is software that can be downloaded from the Slim Devices Website..This software needs to run in the background...thought this software various kinds of setttings can be done from displays to music libraries and internet radio settings...
I have no interest in Internet radio...have not tried it out yet...
As soon as the computer and XP and slim server/squeezecenter starts up..its looks for available SB3 or transporter....If it doesn't find the connection...ethernet connection not found is not found is displayed and you have an option to set it up again in case some changes were made...
its a breeze...
once the connection is made....SB3 displays the available music and ur choice to views...either by artists , albums or music folder or playlists or favourites...
and go on with your selection...
There is a digital volume control which is always set to 0 dB or max....
all my music is in Flac and lossy music is not on my server.
Please do let me know if you have any questions...
Hercule Pirate
#15 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2008, 13:02
Thanks for all the info, Hercule Pirate.

Any experience comparing the Squeeeze Box with the sound of:

1. A standard sound card

2. A CD Player / DVD player ?

Would love to know.

Thanks for your generous Open offer to yr house. Will PM you.
#16 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2008, 13:51
I started off with the perspective that CD players were too expensive and will be too delicate in my environments.
I then came across this website
This guy blew my mind and opened possibilities that were amazing.
I started off the research towards such a product...found that the chasis is not available in India at all and the total cost of getting the finished product on road will be around 55K and more...I am ready to help guys who want to go through this direction...I have kept off for cost reasons but will definitely go for it next year or so....
Very Much possible...
I have been using a Pioneer DVD player before this and I had heard the Cambridge 30K CD player (don't remember the model number), But I could hardly hear any diference between the 2. I also had heard the Densen CD player which was way too detailed and my ears were spent on listening to the details than the music. This SB3 was definitely much more tighter in the Bass and the stereo was much much more defined than the Pioneer DVD player... I love the sound. But then again...guys these are my ears and opinions....but right now I am lovign the music..
I am presently listening to RUSH - permanent waves (MFSL)
No experience with soundcards.
Hercule Pirate
#17 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2008, 14:06
please do visit www.youtube.com for slim devices demo's and videos
Hercule Pirate
#18 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2008, 14:39

Amp_Nut schrieb:
Thanks for all the info, Hercule Pirate.

Any experience comparing the Squeeeze Box with the sound of:

1. A standard sound card

2. A CD Player / DVD player ?

Would love to know.

Thanks for your generous Open offer to yr house. Will PM you. :)

I once did a comparison between the stock squeezebox and a marantz cd 17mk3 player at a friend’s house. The files were ripped as flacs. The cd player sounded full bodied and more musical.
Apparently the squeezebox can be modified to perform much better.
Example: Bolder cable modifications:
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