Is Burn-In psychological

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#1 erstellt: 20. Mrz 2005, 18:11

Some speakers recommend 50 hrs of burn-in. After that, possibly you get more accustomed to the sound and complain less. This may be more psycological than real.

Any thoughts.

- Debu
#2 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 07:00
No debu its not psycological! Some companies like LINN take 700 hours to burn in, Generally after 100-200 hours any electronic products starts sounding great.

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#3 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 07:51
its definitely not phsychological and i can testify to that. the quality of both my speakers and lately now the Nad320bee have really improved and by leaps and bounds might i add.don't know about burn in of cables though many people swear by it. am in process of testing out Prithvi's jumper cables. will let u know later today of my findings(have been testing them for over two weeks now).
BTW Prithvi, the rca connectors are Mx make. it is an indian company right. also they are so big and the cable is so stiff that while removing them i almost am afraid that the jacks on the Nad are going to break off. maybe u should ask Mr.Murthy to rethink his choice of RCA and also if possible increase the length of the jumpers.
just my 2 cents.
#4 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 07:55
Man anything new needs some burn ups whether a car , or new genset or a just laid concrete ceiling or may be a new wife so it's more physical than physo

[Beitrag von TROJAN_HORSE am 21. Mrz 2005, 07:56 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 10:10
The length of the jumpers are perfect and are calculated. Too long will not do, Always shorter the signal length the better. Also they are not " my jumpers" they are made by Murthy and are called FINESSE. (that's his brand).

The RCA jack are the best available and you should take care how to put and remove them.


#6 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 10:12
Hi! TH,
ur right, anything needs burn-in (in cars its called running-in)


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#7 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 10:22

Prithvi schrieb:
The length of the jumpers are perfect and are calculated. Too long will not do, Always shorter the signal length the better. Also they are not " my jumpers" they are made by Murthy and are called FINESSE. (that's his brand).

The RCA jack are the best available and you should take care how to put and remove them.



the thing is it sits very well and tightly on the jacks. but it tends to strech the jacks on my Nad away from one another(or so it seems). also the soldering is not uniform( i may be nitpicking but just wanted to frankly give my views). i heard that this affects the sound(something about the amount of dielectric used in ICs and the amount of tin present in the soldering lead). is it true?
Finesse.... yes, i'll remember it.

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#8 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 14:09
Burn-in of cables indeed.. does anybody realize the signal has already come through a zillion miles of aluminium(!!) wiring inside a DSP or ASIC chip before it ever hit the power amp? Or that the output impedance of the semiconductor in those power transistors is higher than any of the speaker cables? Any self respecting audiophile should commit suicide if he realizes what sorts of metals, diffusions and implanted silicon the signal passes through before it even comes to the "OFC" cables! Different cables have a negligible effect on sound so long as they all have the same low resistance - leave alone burn-in improvement.

Cant say much for the jumper's physical quality though when Mx RCAs are used with imperfect soldering.
#9 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 12:01
about the burn in stuff...Paul Barton of PSB fame has written an article which says burn in of speakers is all in the head of the audiophile. He talks measurements and says that new and burned-in speakers measure just about the same.

Spoken to a few elctronics gurus and most of them say that components take about a short while to get to stable operating mode, more so in case of tranformers but nothing like what audiophiles talk about. So it must be true but not as much as we read or want to believe.

But there is a difference in the sound. Anyone read any white papers on this subject ?

#10 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 12:08
lots of theories on it ..
Regarding Cables I dont really have golden ears so have not been able to make the difference in Cables. but folks with very expensive and resolving systems say there is.
theory that sounded most plausible is t the dielectrics of the cable insulation stabilises only over a period of time..

with electronics it is said to be as the capacitors etc get fully worn in..not sure of that too as a warm up was enough for my components. it think i could feel a difference withn 3-4 hours..but after that my ol tin ears could feel no difference.

with speakers there is a breakin due to the moving parts..and i agree to that

[Beitrag von Arj am 22. Mrz 2005, 12:21 bearbeitet]
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#11 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 12:19
some good food for thought in this article here -

I can understand speaker burn-in as it involves moving parts that just might settle-in after some stress (for better or for worse?) and then too, it might cause maybe a small change and only if very poorly designed in the first place. But I cannot imagine speaker cable material burn-in affecting performance, unless it is made of bullshit... literally.. bullshit changes a lot in conductive/insulative property over time as it dries

[Beitrag von ravi am 22. Mrz 2005, 12:23 bearbeitet]
#12 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 12:22
Roger russels article is a very quoted one..but then he is not proved to be right as well .. so the dialogue continues..
#13 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2005, 09:50
Hey ravi,

where did you land from I was looking for a partner like you.Me too ravi here see my old posts.
Glad to meet you. very glad very very glad
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#14 erstellt: 24. Mrz 2005, 09:06
hey trojan_horse, did see some of your old posts... and thanks for the welcome, I hope I can be everybody's partner
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