Of Speakers and Roaches

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#1 erstellt: 21. Apr 2006, 12:44
Of late, I have noticed a few roaches in my house and been having nightmares in which they are crawling all over my speakers and partying in the reflex ports.

Is there any way to ensure that they don't bug my babies? I guess bug spray would be a bad idea or is it? what if they have already developed real estate? How can I flush them out?

#2 erstellt: 21. Apr 2006, 13:47
play some heavy metal at loud volumes ?
If it is ported it is going to make things very uncomfortable for the colony...

I usually put a couple of naphethelene balls in the port
#3 erstellt: 21. Apr 2006, 13:57
Hey, there's a solution that is very likely to work. Go to your local pharmacist/supermarket/grocer and ask for a piece of anti-cockroach "chalk" called "Laxmanrekhaa". Draw a circle (not kidding) around the area you wish to protect. I also dab some of it on my speaker wires and such to prevent ants from crawling on it. I generally go crazy with the stuff and apply it everywhere. You may have to redraw this every 20-30 days as it fades. Very effective stuff. I believe this is the same as the "Chinese Chalk" available in the US. I would suggest you stock up on 4-5 packets lest you run out of it. Keeps ants away too I believe.
#4 erstellt: 21. Apr 2006, 14:12
Hey thanx...

was thinking on the lakshmanrekha lines myself...

Heavy metal at high volumes...hmmm...Pantera, its showtime

naphethelene balls in the port...won't the rattle or affect the sound otherwise?
#5 erstellt: 21. Apr 2006, 14:18
Get two rubber bungs and seal the port when not in use.
Regards deaf.
#6 erstellt: 21. Apr 2006, 14:22
playing heavy metal won't help much..i would go with deaf on this one..
#7 erstellt: 21. Apr 2006, 14:29
guess the heavy metal one was just a cheeky suggestion...

I have the foam bungs that came with the speakers but they might eat right through that...rubber bungs...any idea where I can get them from?
#8 erstellt: 21. Apr 2006, 14:37

soulforged schrieb:
guess the heavy metal one was just a cheeky suggestion...

I have the foam bungs that came with the speakers but they might eat right through that...rubber bungs...any idea where I can get them from?

Go to a cobbler and have them made dude.Desi technique yaar.
Regards Deaf.
#9 erstellt: 21. Apr 2006, 14:52
hmmm...guess i'm overworked
#10 erstellt: 21. Apr 2006, 16:30

soulforged schrieb:
guess the heavy metal one was just a cheeky suggestion...

Thank god someone has a sense of Humour and understood it
#11 erstellt: 21. Apr 2006, 19:35
not that i don't have a sense of humor arj...
the thing is i had faced the same situation about 6 years back ..
and i had tried the same thing u said..but to no avail..
solved it by blocking the ports using cloths when not in use..
Ist häufiger hier
#12 erstellt: 22. Apr 2006, 04:36
Thanks to my "Cleanfreak" wife, my flat is free of roaches & similar species (even ants).
#13 erstellt: 22. Apr 2006, 07:03
U r lucky diskspinner...my wife works hard on that but these guys keep coming...besides I'm so finicky about anybody else handling my machines that nobody touches them...even to clean it...good and bad...

bunging up with cloth seems like a good idea ben...

[Beitrag von soulforged am 22. Apr 2006, 07:05 bearbeitet]
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#14 erstellt: 22. Apr 2006, 14:05
Looks like no one heard of professional pest control? Keeps them pests off like nothing else.....not only from speakers but from the house....earn brownie points from the wife too!

#15 erstellt: 22. Apr 2006, 14:49

soulforged schrieb:

naphethelene balls in the port...won't the rattle or affect the sound otherwise?

I did not have any problem with that.. but thats one of the reasons I now have a foam filled transmission line speaker
#16 erstellt: 24. Apr 2006, 06:28
Hi ckn,
Could you please elaborate on that Professional Pest Control thing ? Whats it called, and where can we find it.
#17 erstellt: 24. Apr 2006, 07:46
There should be a bunch of them pro pest control services in every city, you can find out from the yellow pages. The trick is to find people proficient enough to 'pest proof' sensitive equipment without damaging them...

CKN can add more...
Ist häufiger hier
#18 erstellt: 24. Apr 2006, 08:56
Try Herbal paste, which is effective for a period of two months. Roaches will run away. But u have to repeat the treatment once in two months, otherwise they will return back after vacation.
#19 erstellt: 24. Apr 2006, 09:00
Where do we get such herbal pastes ?
Ist häufiger hier
#20 erstellt: 24. Apr 2006, 12:03
Try with ur local pest controller. In Bangalore, I got it done from pesterad.

They mix some herbal powder in atta and stick the paste all around. No smell, or the trouble of cleaning like pest control chemicals.
#21 erstellt: 25. Apr 2006, 09:47
Dude! Just put a couple of Napthalin balls into the fragrance dispenser attachment of your vacuum cleaner and put em into blower and go across all edges around port, into the port and edges behind grilles where roaches just love to hatch their next batch... .Do this once a fortnight and beleive me this works..easy on hands..
Ist häufiger hier
#22 erstellt: 28. Apr 2006, 04:02
I use the naphthalene balls in the port technique. The woofers are kevlar cones. Does it provide any advantage over paper cones ( Roach resistance-wise, not the musicality part :-)
#23 erstellt: 28. Apr 2006, 10:53
We had a roach problem in our house for YEARS.... NOTHING Worked... chalk sticks, special atta ... Yuk, messy ...

Then we tried the Godrej Pest Control. .... NO ROACHES since.

I am suggesting this as a permanenat audio tweak ;-) no need to unplug the ports every time you settle down with a chiled ber and the music starts... and U realise U have forgotten to remove the plug...

No, I am not part of the Godrej family, dont have its shares, and no one for the past 6 generations in my family has worked for them or their pest control service..... unless you consider this plug as 'working for them '
#24 erstellt: 29. Apr 2006, 05:20
amp nut ! must say I just love your picture. Have been meaning to tell you this many moons ago.... being absolutely passionate about dogs.....I just could'nt help but notice and appreciate the sweet droopy face under the santa hat.

#25 erstellt: 30. Apr 2006, 06:55
Thanks Maneck.

Yup, I LOVE dogs, but not had one at home for loooong...

Maybe I shouldf bargain with the Missus.... and offer to give up my Fi for a doggie
#26 erstellt: 04. Mai 2006, 12:12

and offer to give up my Fi for a doggie

good atleast dogs are faithful
#27 erstellt: 04. Mai 2006, 13:40
Amp Nut
....a Dog lover not having a dog at home is like missing out on half the fun in life... You may not have to bargain with the missus, gift her one for her B'day. Does she like dogs ?

I'm crazy about my doggies, ....they are my soulmates One of them is very musical....always sits and listens to music with me, she especially enjoys soft soothing vocals like Andrea Boccelli.

#28 erstellt: 05. Mai 2006, 04:16
From roaches to dogs...say thats quite a digression...what WTF...its dogs!!!

I love dogs too...in fact used to breed labs till a while ago...but now me and wifey stay in an apartment...no space and no time to take care of them since we both are working..locking up a dog in an empty house 12 hours a day is criminal...so all I do is befriend the neighborhood pets and strays

What dogs do you have Manek?

Lets start another thread on this in the general section...
#29 erstellt: 05. Mai 2006, 05:37

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 05. Mai 2006, 05:43 bearbeitet]
#30 erstellt: 05. Mai 2006, 05:40

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 05. Mai 2006, 05:43 bearbeitet]
#31 erstellt: 05. Mai 2006, 05:41

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 05. Mai 2006, 05:44 bearbeitet]
#32 erstellt: 05. Mai 2006, 05:42
[quote]locking up a dog in an empty house 12 hours a day is criminal[/quote]

Very true I don't know when do people realise this....huh just to quote a small instance a small pup was stoned for fun by kids close to my house and it had severe swelling on the head and died the same evening...I curse myself even till date to not have called CUPA and saved it ..but just hurried to office..my 15 mins could'ce saved the torment that little cute one from sruggling for 8 hours to die.. ..I don't know why do small cute dogs have to die for stupid fun what human beings have. ...Is it cause they look up to us for affection and we ill treat them in return..

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 05. Mai 2006, 05:49 bearbeitet]
#33 erstellt: 05. Mai 2006, 06:03
sub boss...this is nothing new...I've seen it happen many many times and have rescued many many dogs....and have kicked myself many many times when they could not be saved inspite of my best efforts......most of them do die out of injury to the head(very tender and delicate part of the dog)....these kids are just not taught to respect other forms of life. Most of them who do this are street kids who also go through a lot of beating by their drunken fathers and frustrated mothers.

Soulforged...be-friending strays and feeding them from time to time is probably the best thing you could do in your situation, they just need a little kindness and they give a whole lot more love back in return. They truely all are special. Both my dogs are rescued by my wife and me, off the street, one had a broken leg(run over by a car) and the other was a new born bitten by rats and had a maggot wound 4 inches wide. One is 7, the other one is 2. Both are healthy, happy and totally totally adorable.


#34 erstellt: 05. Mai 2006, 06:20

Both my dogs are rescued by my wife and me, off the street, one had a broken leg(run over by a car) and the other was a new born bitten by rats and had a maggot wound 4 inches wide. One is 7, the other one is 2. Both are healthy, happy and totally totally adorable.

Hats off to you sir and your lady..may our tribe increase

Most of them who do this are street kids who also go through a lot of beating by their drunken fathers and frustrated mothers.

No in my situation these kids were born in rich families.. you'll find drunken fathers and frustrated wives there too..

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 05. Mai 2006, 06:24 bearbeitet]
#35 erstellt: 05. Mai 2006, 06:28
Wow....I am touched....
Me too a dog lover...
Trying to have one in my apartment but still working out the posibility.
I think we should rename this thread....Is it possible..
#36 erstellt: 05. Mai 2006, 06:35

Wow....I am touched....
Me too a dog lover...

Hey even Sachi's one..is it that all audio lovers are sooo sensitive towards things that we are all animal lovers..c'mon guyspost your views.
#37 erstellt: 05. Mai 2006, 06:38
oops I love all animals but hate roaches...

Q. What are roaches ?
A. Roaches are cockroaches with cock left out..
#38 erstellt: 05. Mai 2006, 07:00
Good one Sub Boss!

Dismembered cockroaches...thats exactly what this world needs

I have started a new topic in the Offline section. Shall we continue our discussion there?

#39 erstellt: 05. Mai 2006, 08:42
one mans bug is another mans biryani.

terribly OT but check this out here.. understadably a Thai site as they love to make a crunchy meal out of them


and of course wiki
#40 erstellt: 05. Mai 2006, 09:04

Wow....I am touched....
Me too a dog lover...
Trying to have one in my apartment but still working out the posibility.
I think we should rename this thread....Is it possible..

You don't need to buy one ..I've noticed 2 brown and 1 black small pup close to the auto shed near your house and one lean playful maybe in teens just next to the place where you turn left to your house..feed them..the black small ones onto the right are my territory and I will feed them along with that naughty brown one..
#41 erstellt: 05. Mai 2006, 09:31
He He....Boss
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